Honestly, if you don't fall into the "upgrade frenzied triples motion sim tactile feedback blah blah blah" path, it's pretty easy to have a dedicated setup (minus your PC/console) for $500-$700 these days. You can use a $100 wheel, a $300 rig and a $200 TV and have a heck of a lot of fun... It's the UPGRADES that get insane. It starts innocently enough... Oh, my video card supports triples? Cool. Upgrade. Y'know, my triples really outclass my wheel. Upgrade. Y'know, my wheel really overpowers my wheelstand. Upgrade. Y'know, I'd really like better sound, and while I'm at it, I'll throw a buttkicker on there, and if one is good, four is better! Upgrade. Y'know, a little motion seat would be cool... I'm at a point where I'm pretty happy with MY little rig and STILL I'm constantly talking myself out of upgrading it!