When do you think selling of cars will be implemented?

  • Thread starter m76


The fact that they list it as the very last item on their agenda doesn't make me confident. It should be priority one.

The pessimist in me says they listed it so low so they can quietly forget about it while fulfilling some of the other promises.
I really hope they do not weasel out of this one.

I'm torn, because on one hand I want to wait for it so I can play a fully featured game. But on the other hand if it's 6 months from now, I'm not going to wait that long.
TBF I don't know. It's outside of the list of things they say they'll do by the end of April, so that pushes it out to May at the earliest...
I don't know honestly as I see this going a couple of different ways.

I think the simple thing would be to just sell the cars for 50% of their original price as in other GT versions but that seems like far too logical of a thing for PD to do.

Something tells me they will try to overcomplicate things and "balance" the game by having different sales ratios/prices for different cars. Then they will use the pretense of needing to "balance the system" to take 8 months to do this.

So basically they could just allow to sell the cars for like 50%-60% of the price and push it out next patch or they could create an entire used sales catalogue and take 8 months to "balance" it. I have a feeling that I know which one PD will do...
To be honest 'when' is only part of the question. As @ebadevil states we don't know how it'll work. Will they add prize cars? Will we be able to sell gifts? Will money spent on the car increase the value? Will we only be able to sell duplicates?

It's because of these unknowns that frankly I'm not holding my breath for this feature. I'm expecting to be underwhelmed and I hope they manage to at least meet my meagre expectations.
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To be honest 'when' is only part of the question. As @ebadevil states we don't know how it'll work. Will they add prize cars? Will we be able to sell gifts? Will money spent on the car increase the value? Will we only be able to sell duplicates?

It's because of these unknowns that frankly I'm not holding my breath for this feature. I'm expecting to be underwhelmed and I hope they manage to at least meet my meagre expectations.
Seeing that prize cars are 99% of our garages not allowing to sell those would be a big nothing burger in terms of fixing the game economy, and would further ruin PD's reputation. I hope they do not dare do that. Beyond that even if upgrades don't count and we are only able to sell cars at 25% of their original price, it would still be a feature worth waiting for. I'd happily sell 4 of my cars that I don't want to drive to be able to get one I actually do care for.
I am looking forward to the feature but am also not expecting to see it anytime soon.

I hope they give you more than 50-60% of the value of your car for selling it. IMO, used cars should sell for the same price (or slightly less) than what they are sold for in the UCD. The prices are already in the game.

There is certainly an argument for Brand Central’s cars to take a bigger hit to value, but perhaps not if the car is also found in the UCD at a certain price.

They have committed to the real-world values, so I hope they can hold to that when it comes to the cars “owned” by players.
I am looking forward to the feature but am also not expecting to see it anytime soon.

I hope they give you more than 50-60% of the value of your car for selling it. IMO, used cars should sell for the same price (or slightly less) than what they are sold for in the UCD. The prices are already in the game.

There is certainly an argument for Brand Central’s cars to take a bigger hit to value, but perhaps not if the car is also found in the UCD at a certain price.

They have committed to the real-world values, so I hope they can hold to that when it comes to the cars “owned” by players.
They should hold to it if they want us to believe the reasons for real car prices.

If on the other hand they just have us sell a McLaren F1 at 50% or even 25% like the old games then....
Seeing that prize cars are 99% of our garages not allowing to sell those would be a big nothing burger in terms of fixing the game economy, and would further ruin PD's reputation. I hope they do not dare do that. Beyond that even if upgrades don't count and we are only able to sell cars at 25% of their original price, it would still be a feature worth waiting for. I'd happily sell 4 of my cars that I don't want to drive to be able to get one I actually do care for.
For me the most important is selling reward cars but there are none. If you add up all the value of all the cars you don't want and then decide to sell them for 25% to get a one-off payment are you really doing anything to fix the economy? It's a cash injection of less than half a top end legendary car.
I am looking forward to the feature but am also not expecting to see it anytime soon.
As soon as I finish the game it will loose relevance.

Great now I can sell cars and buy new ones, to race in what events exactly after the endgame? The one or two weekly live service races they promise? Not worth my time to boot up the system for that.

For me the most important is selling reward cars but there are none. If you add up all the value of all the cars you don't want and then decide to sell them for 25% to get a one-off payment are you really doing anything to fix the economy? It's a cash injection of less than half a top end legendary car.
Honestly I never cared about the unicorns even in previous GT games, to me they might as well didn't exist. The only way to fix that is by bringing down their prices at least by a magnitude. I'm talking about fixing the normal used car and brand central economy, so I can switch out the lame prize cars to cars I want.
Honestly I never cared about the unicorns even in previous GT games, to me they might as well didn't exist. The only way to fix that is by bringing down their prices at least by a magnitude. I'm talking about fixing the normal used car and brand central economy, so I can switch out the lame prize cars to cars I want.
Well, I respect your opinion. I too don't care about those cars. How far are you in the Menus? I completed after 5 nights and so I'd be really surprised if this feature will be released before someone who has and plays the game today is done with the menu.

I also don't entirely understand the concern about racing the cars you want, the pay during the 'campaign' was generous enough for me to never drop below 100k.
One week before the new GT launches.

No, honestly i don't see the feature coming very soon. Espescially because it's on the bottom of the list. And as more people mentioned above. Are we allowed to sell gift cars? Can we only sell bought cars? Or only duplicate cars? Time will tell.
I've been thinking about this, and I thought they could do something really creative with this like have offers come in from UCD, Brand Central and the legendary dealership for your car, and depending on the car age mods etc, you would get offers accordingly. Wishful thinking from my end I know 😄
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If they go the GTS route and only allow us to sell cars we actually bought, that will defeat the purpose entirely.
We need to be able to do championships and win the same car as often as we want (Capri Rally anyone?), so grinding becomes fun.
I hope that there'll be the ability to sell duplicate gift cars, too, like being able to sell it for 15% of its original price or something.
Do you imagine a community UCD?
You could sell a car, with tunning parts, at the price you think it's fair, and other player can buy it.
This would be awesome
As stated in an other thread, if player can fix the price, it will be a mess and an open door for black market
I also don't entirely understand the concern about racing the cars you want, the pay during the 'campaign' was generous enough for me to never drop below 100k.
I forced myself to race the prize cars, because I always feared to spend too much money. I very much wanted to buy a 8C to race the EU FR part, but I didn't buy it, and instead raced the M3 the previous menu gave as a prize. I didn't buy a lot of cars I wanted when they came up on the used car list, because I feared that will leave me no money for cars that might come up later that I'd want more. It is a terrible experience currently. Damned if you do damned if you don't. But if I had the knowledge that I can just sell of a few cars when I need the money I'd be a lot more care free about spending it. Going down to 100k is awfully risky in the game currently as even upgrades cost a fortune.
As stated in an other thread, if player can fix the price, it will be a mess and an open door for black market
They also signed a deal with hagerty to set legendary prices, I don’t see them allowing players to have an auction house or dealership to go around that. The UCD is also intended to drip feed every older car and not allow you to just be able to buy whatever you want.
I am looking forward to the feature but am also not expecting to see it anytime soon.

I hope they give you more than 50-60% of the value of your car for selling it. IMO, used cars should sell for the same price (or slightly less) than what they are sold for in the UCD. The prices are already in the game.

There is certainly an argument for Brand Central’s cars to take a bigger hit to value, but perhaps not if the car is also found in the UCD at a certain price.

They have committed to the real-world values, so I hope they can hold to that when it comes to the cars “owned” by players.
If they want to make it realistic they could let you sell the car instantly for, say, 75% of the market value (if you want to get rid of a car quickly you typically have to sell it cheaper) or give you the option to let it sit at the dealership for a week before you get the credits (then 90-110% of the market value).
I forced myself to race the prize cars, because I always feared to spend too much money. I very much wanted to buy a 8C to race the EU FR part, but I didn't buy it, and instead raced the M3 the previous menu gave as a prize. I didn't buy a lot of cars I wanted when they came up on the used car list, because I feared that will leave me no money for cars that might come up later that I'd want more. It is a terrible experience currently. Damned if you do damned if you don't. But if I had the knowledge that I can just sell of a few cars when I need the money I'd be a lot more care free about spending it. Going down to 100k is awfully risky in the game currently as even upgrades cost a fortune.
I'm probably just coming across as argumentative here but the 8c is 350k. Selling cars likely wouldn't solve that issue.

Basically, I agree the feature needs to come but I don't think it will have a drastic impact on the menu progress or even on the 'late game' unless they make a whole bunch of other changes too. And if they do that they'll almost certainly compensate elsewhere.
As stated in an other thread, if player can fix the price, it will be a mess and an open door for black market
Black market with a imaginary coin?
And if a player put the price too high, he will not sell the car, nobody will pay more than the car in brand central
I'm probably just coming across as argumentative here but the 8c is 350k. Selling cars likely wouldn't solve that issue.
Yes, it absolutely would, I have 55 cars, out of which I drove maybe 5 in the menu books so far, the rest is just clutter.
Yes, it absolutely would, I have 55 cars, out of which I drove maybe 5 in the menu books so far, the rest is just clutter.
Fair enough, I guess it depends on the % and other unknowns as stated above.

Unrelated: If we can sell cars we could in principle cripple our accounts. We could cold turkey ourselves out of this game.

We'd have to borrow a car to be able to start making it all back again. I think I know what I'm doing in 3 years time!
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Unrelated: If we can sell cars we could in principle cripple our accounts. We could cold turkey ourselves out of this game.

We'd have to borrow a car to be able to start making it all back again. I think I know what I'm doing in 3 years time!

Lol what do you mean? You don't sell the cars you actually use, just the ones you don't...

I have 91 cars in the garage, I would probably end up selling around 80 of them. That's a nice chunk of cash.

Sorry if you were trying to be funny, went straight over my head.
Lol what do you mean? You don't sell the cars you actually use, just the ones you don't...

I have 91 cars in the garage, I would probably end up selling around 80 of them. That's a nice chunk of cash.

Sorry if you were trying to be funny, went straight over my head.
Not trying to be funny just pointing out a hypothetical. You can sell all but a go kart then wash that (or replace the engine if you are less of a sadist) until you are skint and then sell it. At this point you can't afford a new car. You could only get one from the manufacturers and use that to start from the ground up again.
Not trying to be funny just pointing out a hypothetical. You can sell all but a go kart then wash that (or replace the engine if you are less of a sadist) until you are skint and then sell it. At this point you can't afford a new car. You could only get one from the manufacturers and use that to start from the ground up again.

Or, you could delete your save data instead of being weird about it. 😂