Line breaks! Must have line breaks!
That was tough to read, Pako. Tell you what though - don't bother with the e-mail. Just pick up a copy of Embryology at your local library. That's written by professionals for professionals, not by professionals for laymen.
As usual, the summary by someone who doesn't understand the issue is inaccurate. I've not "first" then "now" anything, or said children should drive cars.
For clarification on the heart issue. Someone in a state of fibrillation has their heart beating on its own. They will die unless treated. The treatment is an electrical shock to stop the heart and allow it to reset and receive stimulus from the brain via the vagus nerve. Heart cells will contract and relax on their own at their own rate in a petri dish. This does not make for a good situation as far as staying alive is concerned.
For clarification on the gender issue. You determined that, since we can perform genetic tests on 5-week blastulars and find out the gender, they shouldn't be aborted. I pointed out that we can determine the "gender" of sperm - directly contrary to your claim "you can't do that with a egg or sperm" (sic) - yet you don't find sperm-termination distasteful.
For clarification on the car issue. You stated that since a foetus WILL become a child (which it might not) it should have all of the rights of a child. I pointed out that if one were to follow this logic to its conclusion, since a child WILL become an adult (which it might not) it should have all of the rights of an adult - of which I chose driving as an example, though I could easily have chosen the right to marry, have sex, smoke, have a beer, join the army or vote.
For clarification on the viability issue. I did not "ignore" anything. I directly responded to it. Did you not notice? A viable organism is one which has its own brain-regulated heartbeat and can breathe on its own. A foetus which does not have a brain cannot be a viable organism. A person on full life support WAS a viable organism, though is no longer, and retains those rights as such since they are not yet medically dead. However, we are allowed, by law, to turn off the life support if they are medically unlikely to recover their own independance. How this helps your argument escapes me, since it seems perfectly consistant that you can abort a non-viable foetus AND allow a non-viable human to die - but consistancy hasn't been a strong point thus far in your logic.
And no, not "inevitably kill". I said no such thing. I DID give two examples of acceptable exceptions, and a third with which I would be uncomfortable but would understand.