ill just add my maybe a bit more then 3 cents. i had a kid long time ago, would be around 9 now if i havent decide with my girlfriend that we cant have a kid just finishing our high schools and we opted for abortion.
after that our relationship, once so strong that people were telling us they could 'almost see i, went down the drain. we couldnt really be together anymore. she was extremly hurt, extremely. and was blaming me for all that. it didnt matter. we finished 3 months after the abortion. we tried to revive it few times at different stages of our lives nbut in never worked more than 2 or 3 days. we were kinda meeting only for sex really. dont know why either.
ands me? i think about how could my son or daughter look and behave right now, 9 years old. my friends say that im like a woman, moaning that i want children. and i am not too happy about abortion we decided to do. i miss the kid i never had.
still, i think that abortion is necessary sometimes. if i had this kid, we would be both struggling in poland to live, with kid in last year of high school its not like you are ready to be a parent. and our children would live in poor family [young lost 2 almost teenagers] with instant money worries etc.
abortion is ok, but are the people deciding to do that ready? i thought i was, but i miss the kid i never had. so i didnt handle it to well.