Where do you get your nickname from?

  • Thread starter LoudMusic
United States
Where do you get your nickname from?

I used to use Klepto42 when I started chatting on Yahoo and Undernet four years ago. Klepto was from my brief stint as a self-induced kleptomaniac, and 42 because it's the world's greatest number.

Then I decided that "klepto" wasn't such a good idea anymore and looked for a new name. Someone (might have been me) mistyped "I like loudmusic" as a responce to a question about music in one of the chat rooms I was in, which happened to be an mp3 trading room. I counted the letters, maximum of 9 for Undernet, and quickly changed my name. That made me drop the 42, which I haven't really used in years anyway. And the new name just stuck. I've used it everywhere I've gone since then. I used to play my music extreamly loud too. I've toned it down a lot, and started listening to better quality music, instead of just things that sound good loud (: There are only a few other people that I've seen using LoudMusic as their nick, but I've never gotten to talk to them. I offered the guy that owns loudmusic.org about $500 for the domain ... but he probably thought he could get more out of me if he held out. WRONG! I wasn't even going to give him that much (:

Oh - the backwards smilie. I've never really liked "chat lingo". The "lol", "brb", "asl", etc etc. That included all the stupid smile crap too, so I never payed attention. Well I was talking some girl in California and felt compelled to "smile". So I keyed a smilie the way it looked good to me. She informed me that it was backwards, and I said, "No, actually it's mine." And I've used it ever since. Tons of people have told me I do them "wrong", even people here. Whatever you want to think. Edison, Leonardo, and Einstine were "wrong" about a lot of stuff too (:

Well, about 5 years ago, I was trying to find an anonymous style hotmail address that:
a) I liked, and
b) wasn't taken
and as everyone knows, that is a real problem if you don't want johnsmith85167 as your address.

I ran through heaps of names, and happened to try this one and it worked.

The name comes from the Paranoia role playing games - the character is, needless to say, a rip off of Batman.
my username is purely based on my way of playing driving games ;) 3 gran turismo games with full completion and all golds , persistance was a big part of this and thus my missus dubbed me mr persistance , but i think you's allready guessed that , anyway interesting thread :D some funny usernames out there :P cant wait to see the origins behind them ;) :cool:
Mine is a combination of my youngest daughter's first and middle names Tatiana Renee
I use it most everywhere, with the exception of my online journal.. hehe. :)
Originally posted by TATINEE
Mine is a combination of my youngest daughter's first and middle names Tatiana Renee
I use it most everywhere, with the exception of my online journal.. hehe. :)

hey so , you could have anare as a disguise then ;) but then again it sounds like a medical problem in the back passage , so maybe not ! eh ?? :( :eek: :D lol :P
Originally posted by mr persistance

hey so , you could have anare as a disguise then ;) but then again it sounds like a medical problem in the back passage , so maybe not ! eh ?? :( :eek: :D lol :P

:lol: :lol: Only you would think of something like that. I could think of some kind of combination of my other daughter's name, but that would require using my brain. It's only used on rare occasions.
Originally posted by TATINEE

:lol: :lol: Only you would think of something like that. I could think of some kind of combination of my other daughter's name, but that would require using my brain. It's only used on rare occasions.

:D :cool:
I was just telling Mr. P. about this... cause he finally broke and asked about the 069 behind my name... This thread allows me to go into a bit more detail...

Ok, Magic first. Magic is a very common name as many of you know, but there are a few reasons I choses this name. First of all, I signed up with Magic069 back in 93 on AOL, it was my very first screen name, and have been using it ever since... Most likly if you see a Magic069 regestiered anywhere else, such as here, it is most likly me. The Magic comes from mainly two things. Back around then, the Magic were new to Orlando, and my dad and I went to almost every game. I think he only paid for one game. My dad was a Construction Supervisor/Inpestor, it was important to keep him happy. ;) Second reason i chose Magic. In 1996, I was selected to be a member in a drum and bugle corps named Magic of Orlando... Wonder what i am talking about, check out these links: Drum Corps International Magic of Orlando So thats were Magic comes from...

ok, the 069.... inside joke from high school... let me explain. Me and my best friends were really into bond. I think I have seen almost every damn movie there is. Bond is 007... and 007 is his agent number, but it also represents the license he has, the license to kill... well, being the players we were... our agent number was 069.... you figure out what license we had. :smilewink <sigh> those were the days.

So there you have it.... a long explanation behind the name Magic069.... Almost feel like I just did a behind the music. :lol:
When I first got on the web, 1996, I used Iguana21sp for my AOL name, and other places. It's my mountain bike: Giant Iguana 21 Speed

Then GT2 came out at the end of 99. I changed my sn to GT2Player and used it anywhere I went. It means that I play GT2, but I was getting dirty mail(the player part)and I wanted a new name.

Last year, GT3 was coming, so GT2Player was getting old. I wanted something that would stand for me, and MazKid was it. I now use it everywhere, and even re registered to all my boards and stuff.
MazKid simply means, I like Mazdas, I am still a kid. And also my dad's SN is MAZ4ME, so it makes sense.
Well, my User name is a funny story...
My Parents started off calling me that when I was very little, and then my teachers in school had caught on. Now even the IRS uses it, so I guess I'm stuck. :(

(Normally I use Last Son, Kal-El, or something along those lines, but when I joined GTPlanet, there was a guy named Holger Running around giving bad info. And I started thinking about how much it annoyed me that some people hide behind the anonymous nature of the internet for thier own ends. I was so annoyed I signed up with my own name in an attempt to show that even without anonymity the internet is a safe place to roam.) :P
Well I bet you can't guess where my username comes from! I used to go by the name DarksidE, and still do in multiplayer games like Quake III, but I figured that it was easier to use your real name than come up with an alias which sounds cool now, but which by the time you're well known, you think it's really crappy.

I should change it to Giels, because these days that's what seems to come out when I try and type my name!

Is not being able to type your own name the new form of illiteracy? ;)
Well I got mine simply from a car that I like. I really like the way Dodge Viper Concept Cars look so I just decided to make a screen name out of what I liked. I guess you all could have figured this out. I know I know...it's dull. :( I want a new name bad. There are to many Vipers here. :(
ZeroCool is from the movie hackers and 85 was the year i was born. My first signature said "ZeroCool CrashOverride Mess with the Best Die like the Rest" I was such a loser.
Well I've been using my nickname/alias now for more than 20 years!! I started using it only the very early Arcade games like galaxian, defender, pacman etc.. when you got on the highscore board you could only input a maximum of 3 characters. That's where it started and I've been using it ever since. GVX is a combo of my initials and X for ??? ;)
A random adjective with a random noun following it. I thought it was cool since they both kind of start off with the same sound. Been using this name for about five years or so. Most every other place I'm registered as ScarySquirrel also, so if you see it, it's probably me. But a few other places that name was taken, so I was ScarySkwerl.

I was (and still am) a loser.
Originally posted by ScarySquirrel
A random adjective with a random noun following it. I thought it was cool since they both kind of start off with the same sound. Been using this name for about five years or so. Most every other place I'm registered as ScarySquirrel also, so if you see it, it's probably me. But a few other places that name was taken, so I was ScarySkwerl.

I was (and still am) a loser.

Hey, I think it's cool. There's a band in Little Rock that named themselves the same way, "AshtrayBabyhead". Kind of a Greenday knock off, but they're still pretty cool.

Its a long story, so Ill make it short.
I bought a new 83 Honda and had for 15 years and accrued 285,000 total miles on the most reliable car Id owned. Id done a lot of mods to it, before modding was even popular and had the most fun with the car in driving it.
My room mate borrowed it and totaled the Honda and I missed it very much, I no longer had a fun car to drive.
I vowed that Id have a car tag to commemorate the Honda in some manner and decided the name Misnblu. The Honda was blue and I was missing it, hence missingblue.
There you have it. ;)
Happy Hollidays
Originally posted by misnblu
Its a long story, so Ill make it short.
I bought a new 83 Honda and had for 15 years and accrued 285,000 total miles on the most reliable car Id owned. Id done a lot of mods to it, before modding was even popular and had the most fun with the car in driving it.
My room mate borrowed it and totaled the Honda and I missed it very much, I no longer had a fun car to drive.
I vowed that Id have a car tag to commemorate the Honda in some manner and decided the name Misnblu. The Honda was blue and I was missing it, hence missingblue.
There you have it. ;)
Happy Hollidays

Hey that's cool. Your nick was one of the ones I was curious about. Thanks for posting (:

Sorry to hear about blue ):

Originally posted by misnblu
Its a long story, so Ill make it short.
I bought a new 83 Honda and had for 15 years and accrued 285,000 total miles on the most reliable car Id owned. Id done a lot of mods to it, before modding was even popular and had the most fun with the car in driving it.
My room mate borrowed it and totaled the Honda and I missed it very much, I no longer had a fun car to drive.
I vowed that Id have a car tag to commemorate the Honda in some manner and decided the name Misnblu. The Honda was blue and I was missing it, hence missingblue.
There you have it. ;)
Happy Hollidays

*sniff* That's beautiful, man! :)

I got my screen name from a song by Massive Attack. 77 is my birth year.
I just wanted to give myself a a silly self-deprecating name when I joined the Gran Turismo 2 community at MSN. Sensibly, I kept it for here. Easy recognition.
I've noticed a lot of people have creative user names and just wanted to know what you name comes from. Is it a pet's name? Your kids' names? You made it just off the top of your head?

I'll answer these questions as soon as this thread gets 10 replies. :P


Post it up! :)
Originally posted by GCstyle
I've noticed a lot of people have creative user names and just wanted to know what you name comes from. Is it a pet's name? Your kids' names? You made it just off the top of your head?

I'll answer these questions as soon as this thread gets 10 replies. :P


Post it up! :)

Technopagan name generator.
Erm.. Well when I was born my mom and dad thought it might be a good idea to name me Brian. The P surprisingly is the first letter of my surname. :eek:
well in sim city 2000 i used to enter my name as mayorbill, mayor for being the mayor of the city, bill is my first name, and when i went to get a hotmail account mayorbill-mayorbill10 were taken so i chose mayorbill11. i also use mayorbill1987 where ever mayorbill11 is taken, since i was born in 1987.