Where's Osama?

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I still don't get this. In the beginning, American troops were sent to Afghanistan to find and capture Osama Bin Laden. After a few months, all of a sudden, all the attention was sent to Iraq, is everybody forgetting the main picture? The reason United States of America went to war? I haven't heard a single word about Osama Bin Laden for ages.

This may be a controversial thread, I don't know how but anyways.

What do you think?
Well a lot of people including myself think he died in a cave due to one of those MOAB devices.
He is also a diabetic and would have to surface somewhere to pick up his insulin. You can bet the FBI/CIA etc are monitoring insulin supplies as that would be an easy way to spot him. The lack of any recent pics or vids of him also indicates his demise.
His deputy was seen recently in a video spouting cr*p, and it was strange Osama was not in that video too, as they were always together.
The GBU-43/B MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast, not Mother Of All Bombs) has never been used in combat, so I don't know where you got Osama being killed by one.


Osama is most likely on the run between the Pakistan and Afghanistan borders and has little or no control over Al-Qaeda. The US airstrikes in Afghanistan probably wounded him badly enough that he cannot show his face on video in fear of showing weakness.
Viper Zero
The GBU-43/B MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast, not Mother Of All Bombs) has never been used in combat, so I don't know where you got Osama being killed by one.

Sorry dude, I thought they did drop them on the mountain ranges in Afganistan. They certainly dropped a **** load of bombs from B52's on the suspected cave complexes.

btw I love the name for the B52 BUFF, Big Ugly Fat.... :lol:

Wounded and on the run makes sense, he was a dying man anyway with the diabetes.

Edit..nice link, that is one big muther bomb!
The B-52 does not carry the GBU-43. The B-52 carrys standard and smart air-to-ground weapons.
Viper Zero
I'll say it again. The GBU-43/B MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast, not Mother Of All Bombs) has never been used in combat.

I heard you first time :)

Anyway it was my mistake, the MOAD is an airburst weapon, it releases a gas that it then ignites creating a huge fireball of ridiculous temperature...very nasty, but not much good at penetrating solid rock...I believe the B52's dropped "bunker busters", I'm sure you can tell me what they are really called ;)
Osama is dead. The US just doesn't want to turn him into a martyr just yet. At least that's my theory. Either that or he crossed the Afghan-Chinese border. China is a very big place to hide, and who the hell would be looking for him in China?
Viper Zero
No, the B-52 doesn't carry that either. Only the F-15E Strike Eagle and the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber carries the GBU-28 Bunker Buster.

Ok you know your munitions :) It must have been standard MK82/83/84 dumb iron bombs, because I've seen the footage of the B52's absolutley peppering the mountains.

Anyway lets hope Osama was really ****ed up in the attack. Thing is though he's like a hydra, cut off one head and two appear. Killing (or capturing) Osama is not the answer, educating an ignorant hate filled organisation is.
He'll be down at his local market, getting his jollies over camels.

I wouldn't have a clue. The only place I'd like to see him, is in front of a firing squad. 1 bullit per victim.
George Bush has ADD. He probably forgot.
Actually, the world press has ADD, and they've moved on to more interesting subjects. That doesn't mean we don't have thousands of people looking for him...
Actually, the world press has ADD, and they've moved on to more interesting subjects. That doesn't mean we don't have thousands of people looking for him...

exactly. 👍

Well, I don't know about the Diabetes, but i know he needed a Dialysis(sp?) machine for bad kidneys. I doubt they make those very mountain portable. Yeah, he is either dead, or dying. probably caused by his illness, and lack of proper treatment, rather than 5.56 NATO or fireball. although i'd prefer the latter.
exactly. 👍

Well, I don't know about the Diabetes, but i know he needed a Dialysis(sp?) machine for bad kidneys.

The diabetes is the most likely cause of the kidney disease. And it was believed that he needed daily renal dialysis. And if he didn't have access to a dialysis machine he would have only lived for a week at the most.

Also after a quick search I found this.

On July 1, 2002, Time Magazine "reported that physicians who analyzed photos of bin Laden determined that he probably suffers from secondary osteoporosis, which is often related to diabetes and kidney trouble."

He was in a pretty bad shape!
Al Qaida doesn't need Osama Bin Laden to function, so it really doesn't matter where he is. This is what makes a terrorist group such a frightening enemy for the US; it can survive without a leader.
I hate al quaid ! I hope somebody find them and kill them! :mad:
Osama bin ladin should die too. I hate those people!
So do I, but I was only saying that al quaida is quite dangerous because it doesn't matter whether bin laden is alive or dead. I just had an idea! From now on I will not be capitalizing the names of any evil people. So from now on it's osama bin laden and saddam hussein. It's a start.
I think he is dead. As you have allsaid he was looking pretty bad in the last video release. In a a way it is better he died of natural causes rather than to a bomb as this would make him a martyr.

But does anyone think that Al Queda might have faked his illness? Just a thought I had while typing this.
My suspicion is that he's hiding in Saudi Arabia. Saudi is a major contributor to terrorism, including the Taliban and the Mujehadin, and the former Al Queda. (Which, by the way, was never a "terrorist orginazation", but instead a group that trained terrorists, and promoted the terrorist cause) Saudi is also the place of Osama's birth. However, they are a professed ally to the US in the "war on terror", which would make Saudi an unlikely place to look, and therefore a very good place to hide, coupled with the connections and support structure Osama has there.
I still feel that Osama is at large and is planning something big.

He has PD's only copy of GT4 and all of the back up....thats why we've been it with so many delays.....seriously, we find Osama, we get out gT4 👍
I mean what they're probably saying is having the capture of osama closer to the elction in the favor of bush for the voters. :) Probably isnt true hehe.
He has PD's only copy of GT4 and all of the back up....thats why we've been it with so many delays.....seriously, we find Osama, we get out gT4 👍

Hmm, that could be an explanation for the whereabouts of Half Life 2, as well!

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