Where's Osama?

  • Thread starter sUn
He has PD's only copy of GT4 and all of the back up....thats why we've been it with so many delays.....seriously, we find Osama, we get out gT4 đź‘Ť

Just give me some cash and a plane ticket. I'll have every copy of GT4 before lunch.
he has a kidney diease and is on dialysis. he is awaiting a kidney transplant.

at least that's what I've heard.
For some reason, bush claimed that it was Saddam who attacked on 9/11.

Saddam Hussien was by all definitions a terrorist, and we are (as you may have heard) fighting a war on terrorism. Therefore, Saddam was a very legitimate target.

The main reason we are fighting this war on terror is to prevent another terrorist attack from happening, and last I checked, the USA has not been attacked by terrorists since 9/11. So far, this war on terror is a success, and President Bush should have no regrets about the decisions he has made.
That's about it, only the USA, and Canada and a few countries haven't been hit, but what about those other countries that have been it, we've all seen the news haven't we? The terrorists bombings are still going on, for example less than a week ago, there was that Rebel attack in the school in Russia, if this war is on terrorism, is it only for America's freedom?
USA takes terrorism very seriously, that is why our defences against it have been so effective.

Also, the US is concentrating their efforts on terrorist breeding grounds, and cannot prevent terrorism in every country. In the case of the Russian hostage crisis, their motive was not anti-American related, in fact many believe they took the school hostage in order to demand money. This instance is not the type of terrorism that the US is directly trying to prevent
Saddam Hussien was by all definitions a terrorist, and we are (as you may have heard) fighting a war on terrorism. Therefore, Saddam was a very legitimate target.

The main reason we are fighting this war on terror is to prevent another terrorist attack from happening, and last I checked, the USA has not been attacked by terrorists since 9/11. So far, this war on terror is a success, and President Bush should have no regrets about the decisions he has made.

What about the bombings in Madrid, Bali night club , Australian embassy Jakarta, the two aeroplanes crashing in Russia, the Belsan school siege ? Seems to me that terrorism is worse than ever.
USA takes terrorism very seriously, that is why our defences against it have been so effective.

Also, the US is concentrating their efforts on terrorist breeding grounds, and cannot prevent terrorism in every country. In the case of the Russian hostage crisis, their motive was not anti-American related, in fact many believe they took the school hostage in order to demand money. This instance is not the type of terrorism that the US is directly trying to prevent

look at where chechnya is. right on the black sea. many geologists believe that there is alot of oil there.look at their monetary status now. dirt poor. compare them to the saudi oil barons, and then you see where they could be going if they got independence from russia. they want independence, which then leads to them being in control of the oil they drill. (which equals a shizzload of money)
look at where chechnya is. right on the black sea. many geologists believe that there is alot of oil there.look at their monetary status now. dirt poor. compare them to the saudi oil barons, and then you see where they could be going if they got independence from russia. they want independence, which then leads to them being in control of the oil they drill. (which equals a shizzload of money)

Isn't Chechnya also largely Islamic? I read that the group that took the school were funded by Al Queda.
How would you suggest the US responds to this type of terrorism?

and how do you think the US can prevent this type of terrorism?
Preemptive strikes against the terrorists and those who support them before they can launch their attacks.
Viper Zero
Use your brain or don't bother posting.

You're right, I simply stated that Bush moved the blame for 9/11 to Saddam, I guess I should have used my brain. :rolleyes: Silly me.

How about you do the human race a favor: never breed.
You know, what really matters is that we all agree that he *****d up and he will eventually pay for his actions! We all want him dead or brought to justice, no matter what your religeon is, you and I know what he did was very wrong and he must pay the ultimate price! If he isn't dead the USA knows damn good and well where he is!!!! đź‘Ť
So does anyone else think about what I had to say? :) Whats yalls take on it? Being that they know where he is exactly..have already captured him..as the election gets closer?
I think George Bush wishes he had him for a "ace up the sleeve" just before the election, but Kerry may actually Osama with a Shaved face and some plastic surgury..
So does anyone else think about what I had to say? :) Whats yalls take on it? Being that they know where he is exactly..have already captured him..as the election gets closer?

Crazy talk! :) Thats my take on it.
Have you heard of the Associated Press, do you really think the USA government could suppress something as important as the capture of Osama?

In the UK we heard accross the wire, of the capture of Saddam literally seconds after it had happened, and hours before the Whitehouse officially confirmed it.

No one knows for sure where he is, or if he is alive. The last confirmed sighting was from a "Predator" spy plane, as it filmed a grainy shot of a tall man in a white robe at an Afganistan training camp, and that was years ago!
I think I saw that video. Wasnt it in the clinton era?

No sorry, not that many years ago. It was at the end of the Afghanistan war around Jan 2002
I should have said a couple of years ago, but I was making the point he hasn't been seen for a Long time. The US attempted to kill him based on the "Predator" film but failed, thats the last they saw of him.
How can you support pre-emptive attacks? It makes you no better than them. Unless you consider the Pearl Harbour attack a smart and fair play... Or 9/11... Or can you make distinction besides who the bombs are landing on?
Pre-emptive strikes on those who support terrorism and the terrorists themselves, not innocent people like Pearl Harbor or the World Trade Center. It's not hard to figure this out, wellyrn.
Ah hah ha, I like how you asked Viper to make a distinction BESIDES who the targets were and he goes ahead and makes the distinction of who the targets were. I believe Will Ferrell said it best:

"Mouth shut, ears open!"
so where is that S.O.B., we can't find him anywhere................ohohoh wait...........................he transformed to saddam hussein :dopey:
and like rumsfeld said last week in a press confirence, saddam hussein is still out there and we haven't heard from him since 2002......uuuuuuuuuuuuu i think he ment to say ossama.........but he was convincing himself so hard that there is a link between osama and sadam that he got caught in the moment.

does the word "LYERS" ring a bell.
Terrorism is just the word you use for enemy right now. You used to call them Commies. They probably have some Islamic buzz word that makes Americans sound evil.

Im sure Osama justified the WTC attacks with the same logic. They are evil, they want to destroy us, therefore pre-emption is acceptable. Also, roles reversed, a military supporter like yourself would be a morally acceptable target for bombing.