Which car are you going to drive for the very first time on Zahara track?

  • Thread starter Fender_st
PD would read this thread and be like

Fortunately there are the practice sessions...

I didnt know there were any at all... so when i found Out, i immediately thought: i need to stick to my words on this thread: drive a slow car First

I know i said vW bus, then SEAT Ibiza...
But i ended up getting the 2CV !

Looking to do all my practice with the 2CV before doing the rally

This track needs to be savour slowly first...
Anyone know why only one practice sector is unlock??
I did the first sector but what about the rest??

Is PD expecting us to run the rally full lap unfamiliariazed and win, before practicing?
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you only need to complete a full lap to unlock it I believe.
Although I got silver on my first lap, so it may need a bronze or better??

if you take it steady, slow-in, fast-out, plan your overtake carefully,
watch the track map and take note of the gear indicators, a bronze should be a cakewalk on your first run

If you're overthinking it that hard, then you've probably got bigger driving issues


My first drive was in the Fezza in TT mode
and I bought one as my first in free run/ online aswell.
great car, I really like it's slide-ability with SH on both ends too.
EDIT - sorry glitch double post with hotel free wifi - ignore please.
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I'm sitting here thinking of which car to use...

Maybe my beloved Toyota Ft 86 concept,

I don't know! I'll be sitting here all night thinking and will end up not driving!
I took the Pontiac Firebird out first for a straight forward drive.

Then I took out a Countach 25 anniv for a slightly faster drive.

Did both with cockpit view and suffered no problems....though I'm sure IRL I would be reaching for the sick bag!!!:ill:
It was a bit annoying that you had to do the rallies before you got to practise. I just did the Ferrari one first, and unlocked everything. I'll drive a 458 I've decided, although the nostalgia of first car is gone :'(
I wanted to run the Hommell Berlinette R/S
BUT you can only do one sector ... I expected it to open the next one... (But as you all know! - you have to run the time trial SRF ... (cough Ridge racer) event.

After I did my time in the world of "My name is Kevin - and I drive McLaren in F1 and AI cars for GT6"

I returned to the track and did a nice full lap on Comfort Softs.

The worries I had about the jumps - gone. Nice easy going track- bit too wide - but you can always force yourself to stay on one lane.

(If you do try the Hommell - don't try the Horn... just don't do it)
I wanted to run the Hommell Berlinette R/S
BUT you can only do one sector ... I expected it to open the next one... (But as you all know! - you have to run the time trial SRF ... (cough Ridge racer) event.

After I did my time in the world of "My name is Kevin - and I drive McLaren in F1 and AI cars for GT6"

I returned to the track and did a nice full lap on Comfort Softs.

The worries I had about the jumps - gone. Nice easy going track- bit too wide - but you can always force yourself to stay on one lane.

(If you do try the Hommell - don't try the Horn... just don't do it)

I did the same thing as you ... but with a Citroen 2CV:

Circuito%20de%20la%20Sierra %20-%20Time %20Rally_41-X2.jpg

And here is wht i learnt... or did not learn...:

The 2CV cant jump...
The 2CV is so slow...
By driving slowly, you are really not learning about the track/route as much as you are actually getting distracted by the view... because you are driving so slowly, you just notice everything else but the road...

It was a mistake driving a slow car with the intention to do a reconnaissance of this circuit...

Pick a slow car ONLy if you are cruising and smellin the flowers...

To learn this track, pick a fun car and have fun... you will learn every curve of Zahara;)

Circuito%20de%20la%20Sierra %20-%20Time %20Rally_28-X2.jpg

For more photos:

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First car I drove was the Abarth 500, but once I unlocked it for single player, I immediately took my newly acquired GTR Nismo for a spin and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
After unlocking Sierra I honestly can't recall the first car I drove. May have been the '57 BMW 507. Most classic cars are fun to drive around this track, but for some reason the '63 Alfa Giulia was memorable (even though it's a standard).
Citroën 2CV. Seriously. Unless for some reason it needs to be unlocked by way of a Super Lap.
Did it. First section anyhow. Had to do one of the Rally events to unlock the rest. (Spooky how close I got with that prediction.)
I've now racked up about 1500 miles testing the VGT's at Sierra... Unsurprisingly the FT-1 was the quickest, not sure which I prefer to driver there the most though.