Which cars sound nice? (Videos please!)

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Im going to suggest a back on topic bump... Discussion of illegal activity (such as off road only parts being knowingly equipped for on road use) is not allowed by the gtp AUP.

That said, I think the older Honda vtecs sounded great and of course my subby does but other cars with good sound...
Caddy cts
Porsche turbos
Beemers in general

Not a big fan of muscle car sound, mustangs and whatnot awlays sound too loud imo.
Yes he is correct. There are multiple catalytic converters for the STi

Im going to suggest a back on topic bump... Discussion of illegal activity (such as off road only parts being knowingly equipped for on road use) is not allowed by the gtp AUP.

That said, I think the older Honda vtecs sounded great and of course my subby does but other cars with good sound...
Caddy cts
Porsche turbos
Beemers in general

Not a big fan of muscle car sound, mustangs and whatnot awlays sound too loud imo.

There is no way to enforce this because the law differs from state to state country to country.
If I put 35% tint while I am in the city, are you going to ban me for breaking Chicago law? r can I go an hour outside my city and not be banned?
I'm just going to stop explaining my truck :lol:

I live in an area so lax about anything but speeding and drugs that I could(:D) get away with all the exhaust, tint, blacked out lights, etc
This thread is confusing me. Too much editing being done/deletions.

In Chicago they dont even pull you over for HIDs. It says it illegal, but it's more of a fix it ticket. Take it to court and show that you dont have HIDs.
Im going to suggest a back on topic bump... Discussion of illegal activity (such as off road only parts being knowingly equipped for on road use) is not allowed by the gtp AUP.

Guess we better stop talking about exhausts sounds because many of them, and many of the ones posted in this thread, are illegal due to the volume. Also I wouldn't be surprised if many of them had their cat's removed, which is also illegal.
Oh, yeah, why can't the other drivers keep their eyes on their own lanes? Thing is, it's not a problem, to me, being blinded by oncoming traffic. Look at your own lane, and everything's fine.



What in actual 🤬.

Let me get this straight. You don't even understand how headlight housings work, but you still keep trying to pretend like you have any idea what you are talking about when it comes to tuning cars? And we're supposed to take your word on it rather than the word of pretty much every country in the world with automobile laws? Just. Stop. Talking.

If you don't use the bulb design specified for the original housing (meaning if you use HID lights in a car that didn't come from them without changing the housing), they don't send light in the proper direction. The proper direction meaning that the projected light lines up with your lane and off to the right side. Meaning they send the light into the oncoming lane. Meaning you're blinding oncoming drivers because they are looking in their lane. Meaning you expect drivers to... I dunno, not look at the road at all when driving.

So congratulations on causing an accident. I hope you don't do too many epic mods to your slushbox Impreza wagon before it is impounded.
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Let me get this straight. You don't even understand how headlight housings work, but you still keep trying to pretend like you have any idea what you are talking about when it comes to tuning cars?

He doesn't even understand how GT5 works so hey. :lol:
Looks like everyone agrees this discussion advocating illegal mods should be closed, I'll request closure in the mod forum. :)

Jk but seriously we cant advocate illegal activity even if it is common.
Looks like everyone agrees this discussion advocating illeagal mods should be closed, I'll request closure in the mod forum. :)

Then you better request every thread that discusses the modification of cars to be closed. And you probably should have the mods go ahead an close the Member Ride's section while they are at it because many of those cars have "illegal mods" on them as well. I mean for god-sakes if you put one of those things that surround a license plate on your car you've just done an illegal mod in most states.
Most of this guys posts are comedy gold, but honestly, they should really be curbed if he's going to talk about real life applications to anything he suggests. Forums can be a great resource for people to go to on all sorts of varieties of topics. Weeding out and silencing people who have a penchant for running their mouth should really be a priority in a community which is seen as a resource. Thankfully there isn't too much real world application advice being dished out, but there is a small chance that this clown could be telling someone what they should do to their car. I think it goes without saying that a lot of this 'advice' could lead to a lot of money wasted or a seriously damaged vehicle. Just something to keep in mind.
This thread is a big ole LOL'fest.

Why would I take the word of a guy with a "tuning" company when he has never looked under his own car?
Thread closed, for obvious, non-hypothetical reasons.
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