Which is the best GT so far? Time to make a poll. --- GT4 still in the lead.

  • Thread starter Monatsende

Which Gran Turismo is the best (considering its launch date)?

  • Gran Turismo (PSOne)

  • Gran Turismo 2 (PSOne)

  • Gran Turismo 3 (PS2)

  • Gran Turismo 4 (PS2)

  • Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)

  • Gran Turismo 6 (PS3)

  • Gran Turismo (PSP)

  • Gran Turismo 7 (PS4)

  • Gran Turismo Sport (PS4)

Results are only viewable after voting.
Hmm. Seems to me that there is no answer I would be comfortable with. It's like asking, "Considering the launch date, which was the better car, the Ford Model T or the Ford Focus ST '13?"

E.g. You simply didn't expect anything better of GT4 than what it did. Nevertheless, it's so uncomparable to GT5/GT6 with its 6 car-fields and no online play, that I couldn't vote for it without getting the feeling I'm romanticizing earlier iterations of the game.
I'd much rather have an actual race with 5 other cars than 15 moving pylons who are actually programmed to slow down to let you win.
At least those pylons try to avoid you unlike those so called 5 "cars" that will give up everything just to follow monotone line and majorly slow you down by sudden braking
And understeer in GT4 is awful and the game is much harder just because of it. Even muscle car understeersa lot in corners. Licences would be much easier if brakes were more strong too. But events of GT4 are truly impressive
I voted for both GT4. GT4 was massive with so much to do, with a legendary track selection, the Nike One, the ancient Ford Model T, nostalgic music (remixes of GT2) and a layout similar to GT2. I could've voted for GT6, but its AI is pretty bad; as @Johnnypenso said, the AI racers in GT6 are pretty much moving pylons.
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Always liked GT3 the most, cars drove quite nicely and the events were varied and a lot of fun, only downside was that Monaco appeared quite a lot and I despise that track. Still got 100%, despite having to do two 78 lap races around there. Last one to have Special Stage Route 11 too, which is by far my favourite fantasy GT track. It was also the last one to not massively increase the power of the prototypes, I hate the fact that in GT4 onwards they had a huge amount of power compared to what they should have had. Physics wise GT6 is the strongest, there are still issues but some cars drive really well - GT3 was good at the time though.

If I had to put them in order, never played PSP so I'll miss that off:

My list of GT games from best to worst.

GT4 - Reminiscent of GT2, massive career mode, vast selection of cheat codes
GT2 - Nostalgia Edition of GT4
GT3 - Best AI to date, Swiss Alps, Smokey Mountain and SSR11
GT6 - Best physics to date, Community features, great online, but worst career mode in the entire series
GT1 - Nostalgia Edition of GT3
GT5 - Overall not a bad game, but a giganticulous step backwards in the series in terms of quality and enjoyment
GTPSP - :lol:
GT3/GT4/GT2 and tied and I never played GT2, but with the massive praise it's been given has to be up there.

Then GT1

Somewhere in the wild blue yonder is GT5 and GT6(Somewhere in outer space don't even consider it a game anymore).
GT3/GT4/GT2 and tied and I never played GT2, but with the massive praise it's been given has to be up there.

Then GT1

Somewhere in the wild blue yonder is GT5 and GT6(Somewhere in outer space don't even consider it a game anymore).

GT4 can be seen as a remake of GT2. There are many similarities, for one, some of the menu music in GT4 are remixes of music in GT2.
Gt4! The last real complete* gran turismo !

*without online BUT with the possibility to setup a local LAN (have you ever played in a 32 consoles LAN meeting?)

GT6 fixed a lot of GT5's most glaring issues, but still has an extremely lacking single player. If it were as meaty as GT4's, it would be #1 for me... but unfortunately that's not the case.

So GT4 it is. Hopefully not for long though.
GT4. Will always be, the best. GT game ever created. I was so addicted to the game I couldn't stop playing it. I can't explain why. Maybe it was due to PD being like true game developers like everyone else (and not these new people nowadays) at the time, that they mainly focused on delivering the best GT they could make. I miss those days. :( What the heck happened in GT5 and GT6? I want the old Kaz and PD from 1997 to 2004 back, because they lost their magic to make good GT games completely.

*Sniff* Give me a moment.
GT4. Will always be, the best. GT game ever created. I was so addicted to the game I couldn't stop playing it. I can't explain why. Maybe it was due to PD being like true game developers like everyone else (and not these new people nowadays) at the time, that they mainly focused on delivering the best GT they could make. I miss those days. :( What the heck happened in GT5 and GT6? I want the old Kaz and PD from 1997 to 2004 back, because they lost their magic to make good GT games completely.

*Sniff* Give me a moment.
Did you post this from a BlackBerry phone with a real keyboard by any chance?
You know what's funny ? GT4/GT3 is still considered one of the best racing games ever made and just in general - one of the best games ever made. I see so many people telling how they had ton of fun with GT3/4, how amazing it was.

Now GT6 is almost a copy/paste of GT4 with a lot of stuff being done a lot better but it's considered an average, outdated game.

Just saying that it's interesting to see how other products can make things look bad and in consequence change our opinion on them.

Also seen when someone tries PC sims "wow I can't go back now" - that after playing GT for years.

Imagine if there was no other racing games - GT6 would sell 20mln copies. :lol:

Unfortunately for Kaz the reality is somehow different and so we can see what can be done and expect PD to reach or surpass the competition.
I voted GT2, even though GT6 looks and drives so much better. GT4 was a bit stale compared with GT2's vibrant effervesence, but all that content. Even GT4 was missing many of the interesting cars that made GT2 so much fun, however. GT2's event restrictions are also deeply missed, and I think that scaling AI performance instead of allowing over-powered cars is a better approach.

Speaking of which, the AI was never any good. Seriously, go back and play the games again. They were quick in GT4, but that's because they cheated like hell. If the AI in GT6 didn't lift off and actually drove to the peak of its ability all of the time, it'd be a lot better - but less casual friendly.

That casual friendly approach probably also explains the reduction in number and variety of events. Although in some ways there is technically a greater variety in GT6 than in any other GT game.

Online is a big boon for the new games, and GT4's split screen mode was broken due to a tyre compound bug - a huge letdown after the previous games.

I miss some of the replay features in GT3, too, and the GT1 settings screens (boost controller, sensible gear ratio selection).

GT2 just felt more substantial to me than any other GT game, even GT4 (which was, as I said, insipid).

You know what's funny ? GT4/GT3 is still considered one of the best racing games ever made and just in general - one of the best games ever made. I see so many people telling how they had ton of fun with GT3/4, how amazing it was.

Now GT6 is almost a copy/paste of GT4 with a lot of stuff being done a lot better but it's considered an average, outdated game.

Just saying that it's interesting to see how other products can make things look bad and in consequence change our opinion on them.

Also seen when someone tries PC sims "wow I can't go back now" - that after playing GT for years.

Imagine if there was no other racing games - GT6 would sell 20mln copies. :lol:

Unfortunately for Kaz the reality is somehow different and so we can see what can be done and expect PD to reach or surpass the competition.

I went the other way. GT offered so much that PC sims still don't.
I've played both ever since.
GT4 was great because of all the tracks. But online racing has changed everything. If you have a good Internet connection and you are not having fun online with GT6, you have no one to blame but yourself.
GT4 was great because of all the tracks. But online racing has changed everything. If you have a good Internet connection and you are not having fun online with GT6, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Seems a bit ignorant?

There are many issues I can see with the online. For starters, getting good people to race with. Quick Match is no help and you'll more than likely run into a little kid throwing a fit at the wheel and attacking everyone in the Lobbies. Other games, like GRID: Autosport. It wouldn't be much of an issue because of a Good Penalty System and a Rewind feature so you can get back on track after an assault. but in GT6, there is no Rewind and the Penalty System is hugely broken Punishing everybody for doing anything other than acting like the single player A.I. Of coarse you can turn off Penalties but you'll get that kid who'll attack you.

Playing almost exclusively to Friends is a better option but while other People find it easy, Other people find it one of the hardest things to do for many reasons. Including... Being far away from Friends. Friends are very busy, Lack of Friends, or your Friends rather do other things.

The community is a good feature but with the current (I say current because they could come) removal of Track Sharing, Car Gifts, Shuffle Racing and Car Rents. It doesn't seem like a fair trade, IMO and would rather pick up GT5 online especially since Race Cars there handle much more nicer than they do here (but that's getting Off-topic).
Seems a bit ignorant?

There are many issues I can see with the online. For starters, getting good people to race with. Quick Match is no help and you'll more than likely run into a little kid throwing a fit at the wheel and attacking everyone in the Lobbies. Other games, like GRID: Autosport. It wouldn't be much of an issue because of a Good Penalty System and a Rewind feature so you can get back on track after an assault. but in GT6, there is no Rewind and the Penalty System is hugely broken Punishing everybody for doing anything other than acting like the single player A.I. Of coarse you can turn off Penalties but you'll get that kid who'll attack you.

Playing almost exclusively to Friends is a better option but while other People find it easy, Other people find it one of the hardest things to do for many reasons. Including... Being far away from Friends. Friends are very busy, Lack of Friends, or your Friends rather do other things.

The community is a good feature but with the current (I say current because they could come) removal of Track Sharing, Car Gifts, Shuffle Racing and Car Rents. It doesn't seem like a fair trade, IMO and would rather pick up GT5 online especially since Race Cars there handle much more nicer than they do here (but that's getting Off-topic).

If I call you a crybaby will that give me an infraction?

There are groups, lots of them, that have fun racing together online.

if you can't find one, start one. It may take a little time to get it going, but if you work at it, it will happen.

I do a room that is not most peoples cup of tea(see my signature), but it fills up almost every night, and it is always fun.
If I call you a crybaby will that give me an infraction?

There are groups, lots of them, that have fun racing together online.

if you can't find one, start one. It may take a little time to get it going, but if you work at it, it will happen.

I do a room that is not most peoples cup of tea(see my signature), but it fills up almost every night, and it is always fun.
How is disagreeing with an opinion and giving points to my opinion being a "crybaby"?

You make it sound easy. I've been trying a tone of Groups and Championships since the GT5 days and only 1 was a success but it eventually started dieing during its second run due to timezone issues so I haven't been bothered making a 3rd run.