Which of the tracks in GT3 really do exist?

  • Thread starter Balthazza
Yup theres nothing that stands out in the R11 circuit except the ferris wheel but thats not solid enough to run a search oh well i did my best in finding the R246 stuff which was nice :)
wow theres a disneyland in tokyo!!!! must go must go

im looking in the japan grand touring car pages for anything

i think superspeedway is partof motigi twin ring
well rome exists.


  • rome streetmap track red marks.jpg
    rome streetmap track red marks.jpg
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Oh... just noticed Andy beat me to it.

Congrats, teach me to mong out on the PS2 and the BMX track all weekend and not keep up with developments.

Originally posted by meme
btw..how do you like my sig?
It's at least four times as big as it needs to be. Why do you need to post a line saying there is a link, then post the link separately, then post the information that would be found by just following the link to begin with? You could have given the same information all in one line.

If people actually care, they will follow the link to see the information. It's the official site, anyway, so it's not like you've unearthed some huge secret. And if people don't care, why subject them to screensful of wasted space in every thread?

Instead of having a huge sig, why not concetrate on making longer and more worthwhile posts? Hey, I wouldn't have said anything, but you asked...
Originally posted by neon_duke

It's at least four times as big as it needs to be. Why do you need to post a line saying there is a link, then post the link separately, then post the information that would be found by just following the link to begin with? You could have given the same information all in one line.

If people actually care, they will follow the link to see the information. It's the official site, anyway, so it's not like you've unearthed some huge secret. And if people don't care, why subject them to screensful of wasted space in every thread?

Instead of having a huge sig, why not concetrate on making longer and more worthwhile posts? Hey, I wouldn't have said anything, but you asked...

BTW...thanks for the info i made it smaller i can make it just a little bit more smaller but i will see what else i can do before i do that! ;) :)
For what it is worth....Might be getting close to SS11. Found this on a japanese gran turismo message board:

“Á•Ê‚È’iŠK‚̃‹[ƒg11 ‚Í‘æˆêŽŸƒnƒCƒEƒF[“sS‚Ì“Œ‹ž‚𗣂ê‚Ĉê‘g‚Ì“¹‚É‹ß‚­Šî‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚éB
(I cant cut and paste the kangi)

Translated this comes close to, "Special Stage Route 11 is based on a set of roads off the primary highway near downtown Tokyo." Don't know if the guy that said this is any authority (probably not) but it is a start. At least some others are trying to figure it out too.
Originally posted by poserhomeboy
wow is rome in the sothern hemisphere cuz it appears to be upside down

--y am i such a snart ass

Oh bless your heart my little flower, you're almost funny.

But not quite!

;) j/k
But in honesty the reason why i posted it upside down was because i used the piccy below to place the colloseum.


  • rome track 3d graphic.jpg
    rome track 3d graphic.jpg
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I do believe that the R11 and R5 tracks are indeed actual roads in tokyo it's just finding a starting point in which to look... R246 allthough it took me some time to find it was easy because i based all my searches around the SCE building

We just need some sort of landmark or address but ive heard the Japanese Addresses are somewhat difficult to decipher thats why all tourist's navigate using landmarks

Is there anyone one from Tokyo in these forums that could shed some light for us

I guess curiosity has got the better of me ;)
I found this VR taken from the Corner of 1st & Yesler Way...

If you turn it round to look for the "sinking ship" Parking Garage (the triangular building on the corner) thats the corner going up the hill over the humps !!!

You can see right up that road... Further Proof the Seattle circuit is made of real roads.

I've found Three clues in the SSR11 as to location. In all the trips around that course, I've never noticed them. And since noticing them over the weekend, I haven't had a chance to look at SSR5 to see if they show up.

First clue: Just off the track at turn on, there is a suspension bridge. It has no effect on the track, and doesn't contribute to the track, so I surmise that it is in there for some reason.

Second Clue: on the short back stretch (Up and over the bridge) you pass by a stadium of sorts. I'll take a longer look tonight to see if there are any other distiguishing features.

Third clue: The big lights and poles (red & white) off to the right hand side of the final straight (just before the chicane, and the end onto the front straight).

Anyone else want to investigate further? I'm going to try tonight.

As a further edit, I've found two suspension bridges in Tokyo.
The rainbow bridge, built in 1994, and the Kiyosu built in 1928.

The Kiyosu spans the river Sumida river.

Excelent work dude :thumbsup:

How did you manage to find the names of the bridges??
Did you use some kind of map?

And are there any pictures of them?

That is a really good starting point for running a search i will give it a go later on tonight ;)
I did a quick search through google for "suspension bridges tokyo"

I did find info that said one of the suspension bridges was lit up with blue lights at night. If I recall, correctly, the suspension bridge in SSR11 has a blue tint to it.

I didn't get a chance to go sight seeing around SSR11 or SSR5 last night, but should be able to give it a few runs tonight.

I don't have anything other than GT3 so I have no idea how these tracks intermingled before being separated in GT3. That might provide additional clues that would help.

I'll have my digi cam out tonight to snap pictures of the bridge in the game, and the stadium (or what I think is the stadium).


I did a bit of research and came up with the name "Motegi Circuit" relating to the Super speedway. I did a google search and found a number of Asain characters that I can't decipher.

Just a bit more info to help the cause along.

I.ve came accross Motegi as well pitty about the characters they appear as ?

I.ve not given up on the though i will battle on;)
I dont think that SSR5 is in Tokyo because there are two green signs at the end of each straight. One says "South Port-1.6km" and "Newriver City-1.8km"

I dont think that the Japanese have english signs so I would guess that these are in USA or Britain, maybe even Canada!! Australia etc.....
I typed "NewRiver City" in google and not much came up. If anyone has beter searching skills or if anyone knows where Newriver City is, please tell m, because I am curious to see if these tracks are real like the other ones.
Originally posted by Der Alta
I did a bit of research and came up with the name "Motegi Circuit" relating to the Super speedway. I did a google search and found a number of Asain characters that I can't decipher.

Just a bit more info to help the cause along.


Super Speedway resides in Twin Ring Motegi and actually caries the name "Super Speedway." What I found funny is that you can actually ride that track in a go kart...Imagine how long a lap would take...