• Thread starter smitty33
If that crazy Redbull is the only race you have not golded on then you are a genius. I found Senna event impossible.
That Redbull car at Goodwood is insane Got silver but gold no not me, I did gold all the other Goodwood events prior to PD having a giggle.
If you do gold that Redbull does the game open up more in the Goodwood events or is that the last race?
That's it, the final race at Goodwood.
I spent more time on the last moon challenge than any others to get gold, I have gold in all events except a few drift challenges. I have no idea why that event of knocking over the cones stumped me so much. Senna at Brand's Hatch probably took me 15 minutes, the moon challenge took me hours:eek:.
The red bull prototype races, I just can't drive that car around the track.
They're just too fast.
It's not racing anymore, but that's a personal opinion.
The red bull prototype races, I just can't drive that car around the track.
They're just too fast.
It's not racing anymore, but that's a personal opinion.

I agree with this totally the Red Bull is a joke not a car another of PD ideas of make it damn impossible then people especially men will not accept it can't be done and take it as a personal challenge to there ego to complete it thus giving the male brain the idea it is a great game when in reality if you had never played it and were told it is a bit dull and monotonous and some of the events are impossible you wouldn't entertain it.
I agree with this totally the Red Bull is a joke not a car another of PD ideas of make it damn impossible then people especially men will not accept it can't be done and take it as a personal challenge to there ego to complete it thus giving the male brain the idea it is a great game when in reality if you had never played it and were told it is a bit dull and monotonous and some of the events are impossible you wouldn't entertain it.

I thought Gran Turismo meant "the REAL driving simulator". ;)
Although, it is still a racing game of course.
I thought Gran Turismo meant "the REAL driving simulator". ;)
Although, it is still a racing game of course.

Exactly it is about as real as plastic dog poo. It is a game which is made silly hard by PD. This as I said feeds the ego of men whom when manage to complete a difficult level feel a sense of achievement the same as when we don't achieve a level we feel a bit deflated. As we get older like me you realise to think outside the box and accept it is hard to feed the male sense of I can do this if it kills me attitude.
What I find difficult to accept is even after hours and hours on the same event I still cannot do it, my theory is it is a game regardless of who is behind the controller so after hours of attempts gold should be achieved, each game is exactly the same it is not a case of driving cars in real life when set up braking accelerating and the weight of the driver is real and makes a difference to how the car hits time trials, this is simply a game press X to go, turn left and right and press square to brake it is the same for everyone exactly the same so why some can complete things and others can't is something I have trouble accepting.
Exactly it is about as real as plastic dog poo. It is a game which is made silly hard by PD. This as I said feeds the ego of men whom when manage to complete a difficult level feel a sense of achievement the same as when we don't achieve a level we feel a bit deflated. As we get older like me you realise to think outside the box and accept it is hard to feed the male sense of I can do this if it kills me attitude.
What I find difficult to accept is even after hours and hours on the same event I still cannot do it, my theory is it is a game regardless of who is behind the controller so after hours of attempts gold should be achieved, each game is exactly the same it is not a case of driving cars in real life when set up braking accelerating and the weight of the driver is real and makes a difference to how the car hits time trials, this is simply a game press X to go, turn left and right and press square to brake it is the same for everyone exactly the same so why some can complete things and others can't is something I have trouble accepting.

They've made far more complex than what you're saying.
GT6 is more basic than GT5, no course editor, not as much special events.
Perhaps GT6 is still evolving, so we should wait and see.

I bought a PS3 because I wanted to play GT6.
A couple weeks ago, I started playing GT5.
Graphics are little bit better and what about the special events.
I used to hate Nordschleife, but with the AMG driving school I've started to like the green hell.
And in the last month there were 2 really interesting seasonal events in GT6 that really were exciting to do.
The nordschleife and GT500 event. I spent a lot of time getting gold at the Nurburgring and cutting off time in Laguna.
So kudos to that!

The red bull thing is just ... a commercial step.
They've made far more complex than what you're saying.
GT6 is more basic than GT5, no course editor, not as much special events.
Perhaps GT6 is still evolving, so we should wait and see.

I bought a PS3 because I wanted to play GT6.
A couple weeks ago, I started playing GT5.
Graphics are little bit better and what about the special events.
I used to hate Nordschleife, but with the AMG driving school I've started to like the green hell.
And in the last month there were 2 really interesting seasonal events in GT6 that really were exciting to do.
The nordschleife and GT500 event. I spent a lot of time getting gold at the Nurburgring and cutting off time in Laguna.
So kudos to that!

The red bull thing is just ... a commercial step.

Good luck with it Sven. Me I give up with it a game supposed to be for fun but there is no fun left in gt6 it is pathetic.
I can't be bothered with updates which usually fail and only give us garbage when they do work like that gtvision........what a waste of space that is and things which are stupidly not fun hard like the Senna challenge, and who's idea was it to chuck in that Lunar thing which is like driving through The Clangers home, that man must have being smoking some strong stuff to think of putting that in.
I deleted all my game data and started again but it is easy to get up to S-Class once you have done it once and the only thing left is the challenges which are no fun. There is the seasonals but mine don't work right on the drifting ones, I can drift get loads of points not hit anything have the crowd cheering like crazy and as soon as I cross the finish line I have zero points??? for real go figure that one out as I can't. On the other seasonals I won and got awarded with some daft paintchip?????? what the hell I am supposed to do with that I don't know, when I am racing I have just the dials on screen so never see the car I am racing so it don't bother me what colour it is. Which reminds me I won some racing suits the other week Those to are useless for anything I just don't grasp why they are even in the game.
I have spent to long on Senna and have come to the point of giving my game to my son and telling him exchange it towards something he wants as the more I play it the more I want to snap it in half.
When it gets you like that it is best to avoid playing it as I said it is not fun for me anymore. Over and out.
I would say the 3rd lunar event, struggled with it for about a week before letting it go, although in my opinion it's a bit of a gimmick so I won't lose any sleep over it.
It took me a while to figure out the trick is not to knock down all the cones in one lap, but to do it in two laps, taking out half the cones on each lap. Just pick an inside or outside line and keep your speed up, instead of weaving back and forth.

I will also vote for 125 shifter carts in the GT Arena. In fact I only finally got it last night after trying off and on for several months.
I think someone is having me off here. Senna Lotus 97t at Brands Hatch gold time is 1.07.169 I have bronze at 1.14.210. Now it is hard very hard but I know some off you folk have done it. I never will but that's not my point.
If you were a pro driver like Senna and the team gave you a car which handled like the 97t does you would give it them back and laugh at them and say sort it or swap it for a proper car, if they gave it you back as it is handles like a boat on jelly you would drive around no sorry drive to a corner slide off get out chuck a match in the fuel tank and go find another team who know what they are doing.
Any advise on what settings to use I have TC on 8 and it still slides off and is useless in bends as it slows so much everything else aid wise is off. I will be happy if I could get silver I know gold is way out of my league but to drive around the track without the feeling of having four flat tyres would be nice.

Ok after a few more laps and in one of those managing to stay on the track I have done a 1.12.876 I think that's as good as it is going to get. I have TC turned down to 4 and everything else off, so I tried TC on 3 but slid off about 5 times from 5 attempts.
I have BRONZE get in I never thought I was going to do it.
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I think someone is having me off here. Senna Lotus 97t at Brands Hatch gold time is 1.07.169 I have bronze at 1.14.210. Now it is hard very hard but I know some off you folk have done it. I never will but that's not my point.
If you were a pro driver like Senna and the team gave you a car which handled like the 97t does you would give it them back and laugh at them and say sort it or swap it for a proper car, if they gave it you back as it is handles like a boat on jelly you would drive around no sorry drive to a corner slide off get out chuck a match in the fuel tank and go find another team who know what they are doing.
Any advise on what settings to use I have TC on 8 and it still slides off and is useless in bends as it slows so much everything else aid wise is off. I will be happy if I could get silver I know gold is way out of my league but to drive around the track without the feeling of having four flat tyres would be nice.

Ok after a few more laps and in one of those managing to stay on the track I have done a 1.12.876 I think that's as good as it is going to get. I have TC turned down to 4 and everything else off, so I tried TC on 3 but slid off about 5 times from 5 attempts.
I have BRONZE get in I never thought I was going to do it.

You need to lose your ballast, as eclipsee would put it... ;)
@justin credible I understand that you are having difficulties with GT6, but I don't think you're going to really get anywhere by constantly bashing the game and claiming that everything is unrealistic and garbage. Just because you are having difficulty adjusting to the way a car is driven in a virtual environment doesn't mean it's not good.

The one thing that PD can not replicate is the sensation of speed that we feel while driving and the G forces we feel during acceleration, braking and turning. As someone who never played a Gran Turismo game before GT6, my biggest problem was over-driving the car in the beginning. I would drive into corners much too fast and I would also struggle with corner turn-in and corner exit - basically the three most important aspects of driving fast!

It took time, but eventually I started learning not to exceed the basic limits of my tires & car and all of a sudden my driving improved considerably. Personally, I think you're probably still stuck in the stage where you are over-driving. Again, don't mistake that for meaning the game is inaccurate. There are many, many videos of cars replicating real world lap times and to me, that says things are actually quite accurate. Take SuzukaStar for example. His videos of taking stock, non-tuned cars around Suzuka shows just how fantastic the physics of Gran Turismo 6 really are.

In one of your examples in this thread you mentioned having Traction Control set to 8 and then complained about the car having no power. Well, that is because the traction control is doing exactly what it is designed to do. You car was probably sliding/spinning wheels at uneven speed and generally out of control, so the TC system takes over and kills the excessive power you're trying to apply. It does that to keep the car in balance so you don't crash.

Personally, I recommend driving with Traction Control turned off (set to 0). I use my right foot to manage throttle control and I don't want a computer intervening at all. If I am over-driving I want to crash so I learn where and when to backoff. Very often with the game of golf, big strong men with ask why they aren't hitting the ball very far even though they are swinging with all their might. The answer is always the same. Swing slower and the ball will actually travel farther. The reason for that is because when you slow your swing down you actually are more in control of the swing and you tend to hit the ball "better" (more square to the club face, in the sweet spot, etc...) than when you swing like a wildman.

I think the same philosophy can be applied to this game. Take a car out that is rather powerful but handles pretty well. Go out on Nurburgring and instead of trying to set a record lap time, tell yourself that you're going to only concentrate on making sure you hit every apex of each turn, you don't run over any curbs unless it's intentional, etc... Tell yourself it's okay to brake sooner so you're in control and feel free to short shift and keep the revs low -- we aren't after record lap times. You'll probably be surprised with your lap time. It won't be all that bad because when you drive in total control you're not slamming on brakes, which kills speed and then having to floor it and then slam on brakes again, repeat, repeat. Try this exercise. I'm sure it will help.
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More than anything else...any scenario involving the displacement of cones. KTM X-BOW obstacle avoidance--I managed gold on the very first attempt--but I suspect I lost some hair on the former.
Veyron/Ascari took a large number of attempts... The events either side of it took barely any time at all, but I spent ages trying to gold that one, and it was the last one I needed to gold...

Yep, that and the last kart race for GOLD were the most challenging. I don't do the drift seasonals and wasn't concerned with the Coffee Breaks while running the licenses for gold.
That's a new one on me, Haven't got a clue what it means. Better idea was I gave up on that Senna one I can't do it. Got bronze so satisifed with that on that trial.

"Now it is hard very hard but I know some off you folk have done it.I never will but that's not my point."

There's your ballast in bold...
If that crazy Redbull is the only race you have not golded on then you are a genius. I found Senna event impossible.
That Redbull car at Goodwood is insane Got silver but gold no not me, I did gold all the other Goodwood events prior to PD having a giggle.
If you do gold that Redbull does the game open up more in the Goodwood events or is that the last race?

It is the last race.