- 34,098
- Mile High City
Does accredition come with certain laws/rules of conduct?
I'm sure it comes with a laundry list of them. Allowing people to buy entry almost certainly violates an accreditation rule somewhere (at least for some forms of accreditation). But of course accreditation is not necessary for them to exist.
I believe that one can simply buy a seat in many private high schools, without requiring any aptitude testing. I suppose that's different since all children are required to be offered an education, regardless of their particular aptitude. But I don't see how the dynamic suddenly changes for universities. I don't see why a university that's not receiving tax dollars, and doesn't mind missing out on certifications from certain accrediting bodies, can't just sell seats to the highest bidder. That doesn't strike me as immoral. It strikes me as offering and education to people who want it.