If you look at the user scores, Two are at 6.1 and 1 is at 5.6. Guess which ones are which. The only reason Project Cars 2 has an inflated metacritic is because the review sites rushed through it and missed the crapload of bugs. At least when I am racing in GT Sport, I can be sure that everyone in my lobby is racing in the same weather. Not so true in Pcars 2.
Project Cars 2 6.1
GT Sport 6.1
Forza 7 5.6
Odd then that the later reviews that have hit on PC2 have increased the overall score. At launch it was 76, which kind of makes such a claim untrue.
I've ignored user scores for the simple reason they are a biased mess, if you like I can point you in the direction of a member here who gave GTS a 10/10 the moment it was released.
Also does that mean that GTS released without any bugs or issues at all?
He told you exactly why he used these reviews and I agree. I will take a knowledgeable review from Inside Sim Racing over a Gamespot review that he reviewer doesn't know an apex from that thing at the base of your spine any time. The lowest reviewer scores for Project Cars 2 are the ones that the reviewers spent enough time with the game to see it's flaws. Including the one from this very site.
Citation required.
Also, all of this is coming from someone who desperately wants to be a Pcars 2 fan and is just waiting on that 150 bug patch to drop. But for all that is good in it, the things that it does worst is what GT Sport does best.
In your subjective view, which is exactly why a meta view of professional reviews is the closest we will get to an objective comparison.
Metacritic is a blunt instrument with 80+ reviews. Martin Robinson of Eurogamer is the most knowledgeable sim reviewer (and enthusiast) at the major sites. Daniel Bloodworth is Easy Allies' acknowledged racing expert while Inside Sim Racing speaks for itself.
I also take note of specialist automotive sites which of course aren't listed on Metacritic.
Top Gear
I acknowledge the above sites are specialist and may not reflect the general gamer concensus.
The bold bit is why its cherry picking.
The specialist audience have always made up the vast bulk of the audience for GT's sales, as such ignoring reviews that target them is a massive mistake if you want to look at the broad appeal of a title in the series.
But I've always viewed GT as a specialist (console) title that appeals to a particular demographic. Single player campaign apart, all areas of GT Sport are significantly improved from earlier titles that garnered 90+ Metacritic scores. In fact GT6 sits at 82 with a huge campaign and 1000+ cars. Tastes change, but for me GT Sport is moving in the right direction from a gameplay and experience perspective. All I want is more cars and tracks.
Sales volumes and player habits disagree with you, a lot.
What percentage of players of GT5/GT6/GTS have owned more than ten cars in each title?
What percentage of racing game fans play on-line?
What percentage have completed the initial championships in racing titles?
GT is not a specialist console title, nor has it ever been.
As for sales legs, we are now a month post launch, PD could still make a splash if their DLC impresses. However, the majority of sales will now come from Sony and retailer promotions and bundling. Currently there's a PSVR £249 bundle with either GT Sport or Skyrim. The bundle sold out and hit #1 on Amazon. Like Forza with Xbox, I expect GT Sport to be a staple of bundles for the next 12 months. It's also a family rated title, an often overlooked factor, that stores take note of when putting their bundles together.
All of which is currently speculation, hence the reason why I said its too early to say.