Who is the person you most admire/respect?

  • Thread starter TurboSmoke
I respect my parents to the extent they deserve to be respected. I only admire them in one very limited way: they raised three kids and we're all alive and healthy adults now; that's a success and no easy task. But lots of people do it so big deal.
Originally posted by danoff
What about Jesus Gil? Or is that who you meant by your father :) ?
While my old man was alive, he was a fervent preacher of the Gospel.
While I don't want to preach, I am striving to be more Christ-like in my approach to others.
My dad was just about there. When he pastored a church in California, he did all sorts of "outreach". He was one of the most Christ-like men I've ever known.
He had his "human-nature" moments, but who among us doesn't?
I respect my mom and dad more than anyone in the world. I may not show it very much but i greatly appreciate all the sacrifices that they made for my brother and I. My parents became parents at a very young age. My mom was only 21 and my dad was 22. When i was 2 my mom was pregnant with my brother and my dad's work went bankrupt so we were basically homeless. My mom and I went and stayed with my grandma. My dad moved to washington and got a job, saved his money and then brought us up there with him. He had to sell his blood so he could eat. My mom then went to community college and became a nurse. She had a full time, job raised my brother, who had just been born, and me while also attending night school. For about 4 years we lived day to day. Our furniture was those little plastic tables you get from the dollar store. Despite all that I was able to grow up very ignorant that we were poor. I knew we werent rich but i didnt know all of the things my parents did for us.

Now my parents are considered to be upper middle class, my dad has his own business and my mom is a DNS at a hospital making lots of money. They managed to buy a new house, 2 new cars and put me in college. This is a far cry from where we were when i was little. That is why i have more respect for my parents than anyone I have ever met. That is also why I have more respect for my family than any other famous historical person.
It's a touching story gt4. I have a lot of respect for your parents too now. :)

I wonder how many people there are like them...
Ever since this thread was posted I’ve been trying to figure out who the person is that I most admire or respect. I have no answer. I think the closest I can come is Duke’s Tomas Jefferson. I thought about a lot of people. Newton, Kepler, Lagrange, Galileo and Copernicus all sprang to mind very quickly because they laid the mathematical foundation for the universe. I quickly saw bias in those choices because of my career.

Then I thought about my love of democracy and capitalism. This lead me to Rand, Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, and then to Lincoln. No good there either. I couldn’t pick one but I came close with Jefferson. I also thought very hard about putting down Dr. Martin Luther King.

Ronald Regan... for saving the planet from nuclear dissaster with the arms race.

Then I thought about Descartes, Socrates and Plato.

Einstein, Hawking, and Edison

Beethoven, Mozart, Gershwin, Chopin, Debussy, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov

da Vinci, Michelangelo, Ross : )

Truman, Eisenhower and Nixon,

Shakespeare and Tolkein,

Rockefeller, Trump, Gates and Dell all popped in as well.

I considered my parents but thought about how countless other people have done what they have done.

The achievements of all of these people are so unique and so difficult to compare. I can’t choose.
Ron Jeremy is a fat slob. Peter North Pwnz Ron Jeremy.
Who do I admire most? well, there are actually 3 people who I admire: Jesus Christ is the first. That guy was the man, full of wit and wisdom, strong as an ox, more loving than a spouse, and universally loved. Man, if there's anyone I want to be like it's him.

The next one is Abraham Lincoln. Tall, wise, kind, witty, and just overall a good guy (not to mention a devout Christian).

The last is Albert Einstein. That guy is the man, I don't care who you are, Einstein is just the man.


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Originally posted by Jpec07
Who do I admire most? well, there are actually 3 people who I admire: Jesus Christ is the first. That guy was the man, full of wit and wisdom, strong as an ox, more loving than a spouse, and universally loved. Man, if there's anyone I want to be like it's him.

The next one is Abraham Lincoln. Tall, wise, kind, witty, and just overall a good guy (not to mention a devout Christian).

The last is Albert Einstein. That guy is the man, I don't care who you are, Einstein is just the man.

i dont deny that these were great men (except Christ perhaps) but dont you think that respect is a two way thing?...

what about you danoff?...respect...is it a two way thing? and if so, who would you choose?
what about you danoff?...respect...is it a two way thing? and if so, who would you choose?


I do not require someone's respect in order to respect them. I don't think that makes sense. It's an arbitrary restriction to place on your values.
My god I knew this thread was around here somewhere, I almost started up a new one. I meant to comment earlier, but didn't take the time, but now I do, and it's hit.

One of my managers at my Walgreens (a drug store) left today. He's going to Florida on the 18th. He's done so much to help me. He trained me in everything that I needed to learn to become a manager. He didn't mind helping anyone out when they needed it. He was above all of our petty bull**** (sorry about the language, but it's all just sort of coming out right now) about not needing to do this because that wasn't our job. He worked hard, and taught me a lot about work ethics and just being a good person. And now he's ****ing gone and I'll probably never see him again. He's going to Florida to take car of his ill mother, and probably won't return. I managed to hold it all in while people were around me, but the second I got in my car, I just strated crying. Needless to say I'm going to miss him, and every day I'm going to strive to be more like him.
Guy I run with regularly - he's 56, a lawyer, and has run in over 50 marathons, and runs the fast ones in under 3 hours. During the running season he will run a marathon every 3-5 weeks, usually winning his age group. He's, needless to say, super-fit.

He's not a hero as such, but someone I have a lot of respect for and someone whose advice I will actively seek out. He's a recovering alcoholic (been off the booze for over 5 years), and has rebuilt his life since realising he had a problem. He's a great bloke, very free with his advice about running, and indeed, life in general. I've met his family, and they look a very strong, close, well-adjusted group. He lectures 2 days a week at the Sydney College of Law, specifically in the area of the 'suburban lawyer', as he shares the industry's concern about the standard of the typical lawyer that 'Joe Public' would use.

Often heroes and those we look up to are not just those who walk tall, but those who have fallen, then recovered and walked tall.
I have no one that I have ever had strong admiration for. I am merely respectful at times.

What the accomplishments of others tend to do is remind me of my failures, which is, of course, depressing.

I believe in heros, but I don't know who's best for me.

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