Who isn't buy GT PSP after TGS fiasco?

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But the general question "Why do we need GTPSP again?" is still pointless. I need it because it´s a Gran Turismo game on the PSP. Simple as that. Pointing at Ridge Racer, WipeOut or even Toca makes no sense. Yes, these are good games as well. Why not have even MORE great games?

Besides, Gran Turismo (4) PSP has been announced at the PSP launch almost 5 years ago. While I don´t think a lot of people held their breath all these years, it´s good to see that they finally got this out the door. If I had been a racing game enthusiast back then I would have been really pissed if this had turned out to be vaporware. And again, GTPSP surely isn´t the main reason GT5 got pushed back again - does downsizing already existing assets really take that much focus and manpower away from their flagship title? I suppose the stuff like modelling cockpits and working on the damage model had A LOT more to do with the stall.

I mean, it´s everybodys right to not buy the game or even think it´s superfluous. But suggesting that everybody who buys this is a brainwashed sheep being tricked into buying a steaming turd (which even with some questionable design decisions and hardware limitations (such as 4 cars on the track) it obviously isn´t) is taking things a little bit too far.
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Hmm, we don't need any game. lets find real hobbies with that idea. also GT5P has way less outside of a mediocre online mode than GTPSP and that game sold well.

GT fans that don't own a PSP really don't need the game. There are other options not to care.
I have several reasons not to buy GTPSP (and that's besides interrupting the GT5 release):

1. It's unnecesary, as there are enough options on PSP. If you really wanted a pick up racer, there's Ridge Racer and WipeOut already available, both great games. If you were looking for a sim style racer, Toca Race Driver already filled that spot. So why do we need GTPSP again?

RR was very fun in it's time. But after a while I got bored with the ultraflat physics. Amazing graphics though.

Both WO games on psp are indeed also very good. Believable and understandable physics for what it's worth.

Then there is the Toca games on psp. I tried to like them, but in the end I never could. Loading times up to 2 minutes per race. No ability to choose a car and hit the any track you want.

So yes there is certainly a reason for me to get GTpsp.
I dissagree with the theory that this is why GT5 got delayed, this game is just a rushed and cutted port of the core racing of GT4, PD is a huge studio, this port wont keep the whole team busy for more than a month, this is obviously made by a small team and its so barebones (theres almost nothing new compared with GT4). If you look for something to blame then blame Kaz opening his mouth at every interview saying that the game was almost ready and blame PD for working so slow or choosing other priorities at the design choices.

Anyways i wont buy it because is such dissapointment, with no career mode, 4 cars on track (with 6 il be happy, thats the minimun for me), no upgrades (as huge as no career mode to me), only 2 Ferraris and 2 Lamborghinis (we have been waiting this brands for years and they put only 2 of them in a 800 car game? WTF), lame multiplayer modes (basically just single race)

So, no thanks, il get GT5 when it comes out.
Same. I'm sure I've spotted more than two Lambos aswell.

I'm one of the people who can't understand why others are getting so pissed off that GT5 is taking so long. I mean yeah fair enough, Kaz has said its nearly ready for a few years now. But they've obviously got something major to sort out before its taking another six months. And so what if it isn't perfect when it comes out. D. L. C.

I'm not worried about it in the slightest. I patiently await its arrival. In the meantime I get to play GT on my PSP after next week. How cool is that!
"I have several reasons not to buy GT5:

1. It's unnecesary, as there are enough options on PS3. If you really wanted a pick up racer, there's Ridge Racer 7 and WipeOut HD already available, both great games. If you were looking for a sim style racer, Ferrari Challenge already filled that spot. So why do we need GT5 again?"

See what I did there?

I see what you did. You simply replaced some words, and ended up with a nonsensical reply with 2 situations that are, in fact opposite...Fail. 👎

The GT series doesn't need to be a quick race fix on PS3 because it's a sim series for PS home consoles; GTMobile doesn't qualify as such, but GT5 does follow the series' roots, thus, the latter is needed on PS3.

As for sim racers on home consoles, the GT series has risen above all others; FC is a game exclusively for Ferrari fans, and doesn't rise to the level of GT to warrant a comparison.

So yes, we do need GT5 on PS3 thank you very much. Try looking for good reasons to actually spend money on a watered down GT...
I dissagree with the theory that this is why GT5 got delayed, this game is just a rushed and cutted port of the core racing of GT4, PD is a huge studio, this port wont keep the whole team busy for more than a month, this is obviously made by a small team and its so barebones (theres almost nothing new compared with GT4). If you look for something to blame then blame Kaz opening his mouth at every interview saying that the game was almost ready and blame PD for working so slow or choosing other priorities at the design choices.

Anyways i wont buy it because is such dissapointment, with no career mode, 4 cars on track (with 6 il be happy, thats the minimun for me), no upgrades (as huge as no career mode to me), only 2 Ferraris and 2 Lamborghinis (we have been waiting this brands for years and they put only 2 of them in a 800 car game? WTF), lame multiplayer modes (basically just single race)

So, no thanks, il get GT5 when it comes out.

You are so off on much of that. It is you personal preferences but you haven't even played it to make such shallow judgment calls. Its not a port of GT4 FYI. They rebuilt everything for PSP, PD has stored car models for gt4 gtpsp and GT5 years ago. If a car from GT4 shows up in GT5 does than mean it was ported from GT4?

This is not a full on new GT game. This biggest and most important thing you have so clearly missed is it was designed as a portable smaller pick up and play game. PD did nothing wrong with GTPSP as it follows a similar gameplay structure to GT5P. Just different enough for it to be its own game and not a small version of something else. And Neither of those two games are the next Gran Turismo. They just don't care to please everyone. Plus they have to get this out for the renewal of the PSP. Everything in GTPSP was designed that way, not because it was developed by a 6 man team working out of a utility closet in China with a 4 month deadline.

I am enjoying GT2 on my psp but I think I'd be more satisfied with GTPSP.
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You are so off on much of that. It is you personal preferences but you haven't even played it to make such shallow judgment calls. Its not a port of GT4 FYI. They rebuilt everything for PSP, PD has stored car models for gt4 gtpsp and GT5 years ago. If a car from GT4 shows up in GT5 does than mean it was ported from GT4?

This is not a full on new GT game. This biggest and most important thing you have so clearly missed is it was designed as a portable smaller pick up and play game. PD did nothing wrong with GTPSP as it follows a similar gameplay structure to GT5P. Just different enough for it to be its own game and not a small version of something else. And Neither of those two games are the next Gran Turismo. They just don't care to please everyone. Plus they have to get this out for the renewal of the PSP. Everything in GTPSP was designed that way, not because it was developed by a 6 man team working out of a utility closet in China with a 4 month deadline.

I am enjoying GT2 on my psp but I think I'd be more satisfied with GTPSP.

GT PSP looks to be the same of GT4 with lower res textures, from what we have seen in the videos is GT4 car list + 60 new cars, same circuits.

This is indeed a quick port of GT4 core experience, same AI, almost same physics, same sound, worse graphics, 4 cars on track due hardware limitations. Yes the structure is like GT5p, do you know why? because is much easier to do.

I know that Kaz said about the game but all seems like a bad excuse for horrible design choices, what why this is BY FAR the worst GT acording to reviews. Is not even close to PD quality standars.

This is just a long dead proyect that was suddenly rushed to be released with PSP GO probably because Sony demand it.

For the people saying theres more than 2 Ferraris and Lambos, go ahead, prove it, il be very happy to be wrong about this but doesnt seem to be the case, in all videos you see the Enzo, F1, Countach LP400 and the 25 anniversary.
I doubt GTPSP will ruin the GT5 gameplay. You can migrate your PSP garage to 5. But you will still need to earn a higher class license to use the fast cars.

In arcade mode in gt4 you could use allot of nice race cars off the bat in arcade mode. So I dont see the difference. I believe that most of my focus in GT5 will be trying to beat other online racers since they are always though to beat compared to the ai.

Weve all played through 4 previous installments of the game and it only takes a few days to get used to the enhanced physics. Its about the same as going from gt3 to gt4...
GT PSP looks to be the same of GT4 with lower res textures, from what we have seen in the videos is GT4 car list + 60 new cars, same circuits.

This is indeed a quick port of GT4 core experience, same AI, almost same physics, same sound, worse graphics, 4 cars on track due hardware limitations.

You are still wrong, it is not a "port of" GT4, GT5 has the same cars so how does your logic work there? GT5 a port of GT4?. Polyphony Digital has their own art style. How did you expect the game to look, totally different considering the hardware? All the GT's have the same "art style". Why on earth would they change that? You have not played the game but you still make these judgments. You ever thought about discovering your own opinions?

Yes the structure is like GT5p, do you know why? because is much easier to do.

Then whats all the fuss if you know this? Or do you hate GT5P too, if so I'll leave you alone and wont bother the casual gt fans :)...
You are still wrong, it is not a "port of" GT4, GT5 has the same cars so how does your logic work there? GT5 a port of GT4?. Polyphony Digital has their own art style. How did you expect the game to look, totally different considering the hardware?
To be fair, they probably did port most of the assets from GT4. It might not be running on the same engine (though it probably is), and it almost certainly isn't a straight port modified for the hardware, but he's likely at least partially correct in his assertion.
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Even though a lot of the game might have been ported from GT4, a lot of work have gone into the PSP game as well:

Optimizing the game to have it run at 60fps at the best graphics level possible
Creation of the challenges(no one mentioned that they were the same as the ones in GT4)
Voice recording of over 100 challenges by Jay Leno
Recording over 100 replays of gold achieving challenge runs
Modeling of the 100 cars that weren't in GT4
Down rezing of textures on the tracks and over 800 vehicles
Research and write up of accurate history of over 800 vehicles
Camera positioning of interior views for over 800 vehicles
Integration of GT5P physics
And so on...
last two post I'd say is more accurate than just writing the game off as a "quick" port. or "watered down"

I also convinced much of the material was redone not ported to GTPSP as PD said years ago they had multiple levels of the same car models for future GT games. I do not think they ripped the content out of GT4, more than already having the source material.

Does it use GT5:P physics?

I think its based on GT5P physics from one of the interview videos.
Does it use GT5:P physics?

Well from screens and videos you can choose between "standard" physics and "professional" physics, so I would assume that that it'll be the same as in GT5p. Also integration of GT5P physics have been mentioned in said video interview.
Try looking for good reasons to actually spend money on a watered down GT...

Okay, since I obviously "fail 👎"(thanks for providing a visual clue there, that really helped) , here´s a good reason for me to buy this game: Because I want it and you won´t be able to stop me or anybody else from spending money on it.

And actually, I don´t even now why I thought I had to justify my buying decisions in the first place.
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okay, since i obviously "fail 👎"(thanks for providing a visual clue there, that really helped) , here´s a good reason for me to buy this game: Because i want it and you won´t be able to stop me or anybody else from spending money on it.

And actually, i don´t even now why i thought i had to justify my buying decisions in the first place.

Well from screens and videos you can choose between "standard" physics and "professional" physics, so I would assume that that it'll be the same as in GT5p. Also integration of GT5P physics have been mentioned in said video interview.

Wow, that´s something I completely missed. Just on a very basic level - what are the biggest differences/improvements of the physics model of GT5P compared to 4?

I don´t really know much about how processor intensive these physics models are, but while some people said "Ridge Racer ran just as smooth as GTPSP and that was a launch title", taking these physics into account makes such a game running on the PSP AT ALL quite impressive. I was already wondering why TOCA3 PSP used to choke so badly on races with many cars, but with all that going on in the background it´s understandable. I think it´s a good decision to limit the car count to 4 in GTPSP and guarantee a stable 60fps, rather than having it swing between silky smooth and Powerpoint slideshow speed ;)
Quote of the month.........
he's completely right though... Ever since I bought my PSP, my trips to the bathroom have become more frequent and longer in duration. XD

As for Earth's meltdown, I can say that he's talking rubbish, because each track in GTPSP has its own little mini career mode where you advance through the classes as you race harder and harder races on that track.

Also, I'll start GT5 anew even thought I will have the best cars available already in GTPSP since the fun of GT is starting out with your crappy car and getting faster and faster cars through tuning and upgrading.
he's completely right though... Ever since I bought my PSP, my trips to the bathroom have become more frequent and longer in duration. XD

[offtopic] This is a true story; try playing Guilty Gear or MGS while on the throne...makes dropping a deuce magical. [/offtopic.]

Back on topic, I'm literally counting the days until Thursday. I want my damn game.
GTMobile is just lame great.
Playing a driving game on a hand-held screen is retarded revolutionary! :lol:
I wouldn't play it if someone gave me a PSP.

I'm sure it will sell plenty of copies, but that doesn't mean it isn't an ill-conceived piece of junk what a stroke of genius!

I can't believe they wasted time on GTMobile that could have been spent on GT5 am so glad Sony and Polyphony decided to release GTMobile prior to GT5!


;) fixed :lol:

*The Art of Revision at Work*
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Of course i´m buying it, was never under any illusions as to what GT for PSP ever was, a small gem for that quick go on the go. :)
I know that Kaz said about the game but all seems like a bad excuse for horrible design choices, what why this is BY FAR the worst GT acording to reviews. Is not even close to PD quality standars.

One slight problem with that, is two GT titles have lower Metacritic scores that GTPSP.

GTPSP = 79
GT4 Prologue = 70
GT Concept = 74

Source - http://www.metacritic.com/search/pr...rmtype=all&ts=gran+turismo&ty=3&button=search

So no its not even the worst review for a GT title, let alone 'BY FAR' (shouting doesn't make it any more accurate).

Oh and GT5 Prologue got a whole 1 point more to make it's score 80.

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