- 486
- Toronto
I have several reasons not to buy GTPSP (and that's besides interrupting the GT5 release):
1. It's unnecesary, as there are enough options on PSP. If you really wanted a pick up racer, there's Ridge Racer and WipeOut already available, both great games. If you were looking for a sim style racer, Toca Race Driver already filled that spot. So why do we need GTPSP again?
2. It's not Gran Turismo without Simulation mode. That's the one thing that made GT what it is; licenses, racing series, etc. GTPSP has none of those.
3. 4 cars at a time. Pathetic...how can you deface the GT series with such an abomination?? What other racer has 4 cars at a time??
4. It's pretty clear GTPSP is a moneygrab by Sony corporate suits to try and sell their new PSPGo, using a lame watered down racer and slapping the GT logo on it. And I won't participate in that scheme.
To me, buying GTPSP is a waste of money. I'd urge anyone to not let themselves be used by the corporate heads into buying a label, which is what GTPSP is.
1. There is no substitute for GT. WipeOut and Ridge are fun but they are not at the same level as GT.
2. Its a portable game so you can have a few quick plays on the go. I bet people would complain more if they had to dink around on the same license test over and over till the batteries died. Having a more arcade mode works better for this type of console.
3. Tourist Trophy only had racers 4 at a time. There are memory limits with the PSP and almost every full blown game loses a little when it gets made for portable consoles. No one complains when they do a 2 player race.
4. GT5P was a money grab. I think its worth buying. The hour I spend each day on the bus would go allot faster with this. It would also make 3 hour spares fly by allot quicker.