Who Likes the Motion Blur?

Vancouver, BC
The motion blur in the replays are awesome! But I was upset at the fact that you can't have that same blur during gameplay.

IMO it looks totally immersive, and would make playing the game much more fun.

If they could have the blur during gameplay via an update, with the ability to toggle it on and off, that would be awesome.

What do you think? Would you like to have motion blur during gameplay, and not just replays?
Personally I'm not a fan of the blur at all, but many people seem to like it so the best thing would definitely be if it could be turned on/off (for both replays and gameplay) in the options I think. Let's hope such a thing will be included in one of the updates!
Yea for sure, to make it optional sounds like a good idea...
Maybe make it so that you can adjust the amount of blur to your own liking, that would be awsome :)
I'm liking it for the replays, it's a cool effect :). Wouldn't want it in the gameplay, because obviously it drop the framerate way below the optimal 60fps. But Wouldn't hurt to have the option for those who'd like it.
Could have different intensities or blur Tree'd . Framrate seems fine during the replay.
I like the idea as well; I've always enjoyed motion blur in video games.

The new Forza for X1 does it fairly well, and to see GT6 doing it on an older console would be interesting.

I personally wouldn't mind a FPS drop, as I'm used to playing 30/60 FPS video games. To see it as a sort of toggle would be especially welcoming. 👍
It's nice in replays and when you're spectating, not sure about having it when i'm driving, it's be distracting.
But as an option, or even better adjustable, why not.
You guys do know that devs add motion blur to hide low frame rate, variable frame rate, frame drops and as a result, adds an illusion of going fast, right? 60 fps > 30 fps, smooth gameplay > blurred mess. If PD add motion blur to the gameplay, there be no more 60 fps, no more smooth gameplay and there will be even more noticeable input lag. High frame rate should always be top priority.
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It's nice and all, but it would give me a massive migraine racing with it.

watching it is one thing but being 100% focused on the screen with blur is another. I like the way it is right now
i like to try turning it on during races...

i mean i might dislike it due to visibility and turn it off during races anyway, but i'd like the option :P
The motion blur in the replays are awesome! But I was upset at the fact that you can't have that same blur during gameplay.

IMO it looks totally immersive, and would make playing the game much more fun.

If they could have the blur during gameplay via an update, with the ability to toggle it on and off, that would be awesome.

What do you think? Would you like to have motion blur during gameplay, and not just replays?
The reason for blur during replays, and NOT gameplay, is: Gameplay simulates real life driving, which means you are using your eyes to look at the road. And normal eyes dont blur your sight when looking. In Replay you then watch a recording done in the same gameplay, and using a camera you get this blur. Thats why you wont get blur in gameplay, its not realistic......
It's nice BUT worse than 60fps - by far.

In GT5 cockpit view, bumper cam, ... were 60fps during replays. In GT6 it's 30fps + motion blur.
Something I noticed immediately and I don't like it :(.
Would love to have it as Option. Looks real. The fact why GT6 doesn't have Motion blur for gameplay is that the PS3 can't handle 60fps+motion blur. It costs too much Hardware power. But a lowered Version of the one from the replay would maybe work and in addtion would blur out some of the framedrops. Also the sense of Speed is way improved.
Would love to have it! I'm sure in GT7 they will use it for gameplay aswell. Forza 5 on Xbox one also uses now Motion blur at 60fps. It Looks just more natural. While 60fps look always gameish Motion blur adds the realism look to it. Same happens with Battlefield 4 on PS4. It runs at 60fps with Motion blur. Adds another experience of realism. Because quick movement blurs. You can't see the Asphalt passing by razor sharp or going Close to plants etc recognizing every leaf. Like on La Sarthe in GT6 passing the trees at 200mp/h. You see just repeating trees over and over again and you can see every Detail and that kills sense of Speed and realism.
On PS4 it will be standart from now on. I'm sure.
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Motion blur is cinematic. Replays should look cinematic, gameplay should look realistic.

I wouldn't mind if they included an option for users to turn on motion blur during gameplay if they so desired, but it should not be enabled by default.