Who On GTP would you like to meet?

  • Thread starter MistaX
It would be great to meet Allyn, Dion, Mike Crotch, Shaun, Sharky, TB, T-12, TM, Analog, Blitz187, SlipZtrEm...and plenty more...I really should spend more time round here.

Aw schucks :embarrassed:.
Back at you mate. 👍

For me pretty much everyone in the infield, well except for AT as he has no sense of humour at all. :P

Actually meeting up with someone from here for dinner and the GP this week. Should be a great time, really looking forward to it.

Cheers Shaun.
So so many people here I'd love to meet up with. I just don't think they would appreciate all the touching smelling I do when in social situations. :D
You'd need to fly along way to meet me. ;)
Unless, of course, I was back in the UK, as I might benext year at some point.
@W3HS : Still say you ought to pop down here for a drive. Lots of foreign enthusiasts here to go for rides with.

*If you get into fisticuffs with someone, though, I don't know you. Unless it's the right someone... maybe I should give you a list...
Not too far away from me really, I'm sure it's a possibility. I was hoping to get in a short tour before the end of the year, just now wondering how easy it'd be to ship a bike there and what sort of roads are on offer.

Fisticuffs? Me? Wouldn't dream of it!
Just east of the city, there's the "Tanayburgring"... endless kilometers of roads winding through the Sierra Madre mountains... lots of bikers go there on weekends to... uh... fall down, drink coffee at mountainside cafes, and get drunk or overfed on the way home.

There's the runs up North (loooooong) or down South... too much highway to take without a big motor... and anything under 400cc is banned on the expressways.

Bringing in a bike is costly (taxes... if you actually want to use it on the roads). Much better to borrow one here... or buy and flip one quick... but that would cost a lot. If you're serious about coming, I'll see if a friend can help you out there.
It's something I'll look into to see if it can be fit into my schedule and budget before the end of the year. Perhaps hiring is the way to go. Express-ways aren't something I'm overly keen on - would much rather ride through the small towns and villages spattered along rural roadways where there's more adventure to be had.

I'll be checking some maps and reading up to see if I could make it a possibility.
@homeforsummer and @niky, because their profession is what I want to be, and also it would be really interesting discussing cars with them.

My conversations are a lot less interesting when they're not bolstered by GoogleIQ. :D

The difference between a professional and an amateur is one gets paid, one doesn't. I don't feel any different nowadays from when I was an amateur writer doing fake car reviews on a Gran Turismo website... just a little bit better paid. :lol: