- 3,204
- 2.2L Camry
- NissanSkylineN1
- Xbox??? Who is this Xbox??
I'd wanna meet Eminembeastfan, Famine, prisonermonkeys and MistaX
I'd wanna meet Eminembeastfan, Famine, prisonermonkeys and MistaX
It would be great to meet Allyn, Dion, Mike Crotch, Shaun, Sharky, TB, T-12, TM, Analog, Blitz187, SlipZtrEm...and plenty more...I really should spend more time round here.
Axletramp, for drinking anything alcoholic. In the bunker.
And have a gin or several with AT...
...finishing at a pub to meet AT would be genius...and messy
For me pretty much everyone in the infield, well except for AT as he has no sense of humour at all.
@homeforsummer and @niky, because their profession is what I want to be, and also it would be really interesting discussing cars with them.
@TheKitten, @Skython, @Daniel, @GDII, @Korza, @UrieHusky, @gtuned and @ZeroGamingHD since they're really cool guys and I have a lot in common with them. Five from that list are entirely possible that I will, someday.
Within 10 minutes of meeting we had joined a Casino in Leeds and we were drinking a beer.Good to know what my reputation is like around here.
Ah, yes. There was that.Within 10 minutes of meeting we had joined a Casino in Leeds and we were drinking a beer.
Considering my own reputation I'm willing to go 50/50 on whos fault this was.Ah, yes. There was that.
@homeforsummer and @niky, because their profession is what I want to be, and also it would be really interesting discussing cars with them.