Who On GTP would you like to meet?

  • Thread starter MistaX
Ah, your making me blush. The feelings mutual.

I am not meeting @Small_Fryz without @TB by my side.

You know what? Dion and @SlipZtrEm can drink, while myself and the other T drink various assortments of juice. :lol:

Who do I want to meet? Hm.

@Famine (the sheer number of profanities I've seen him use... without ever using an actual profane word impresses the hell out of me. :lol: )
@homeforsummer (For two reasons: 1. To call him Church Camp. 2. To mug him and steal his job... even though I don't have a license)
@Joey D
@Katiegan (Duh. I'm not getting in trouble for not mentioning you)
@Azuremen (So I can make a run for it with one of his keyboards)
@Sharky. (So I can make a run for it with one of his monitors and video cards... and steal a Swift CD while I'm at it)
@niky (So I can physically assault him for insulting Knight Rider so many times)
@Blackbird. (Because Cory)
@Neal (Because Neal)
@Pako (So I can steal, well, lots of things from him... only to probably be broken in half :lol: )
@Tornado (Former partner in crime)
@Jump_Ace (I'll probably be chased away by his wife upon asking to see the arcade cabinet)

There's too many people here. I can't think anymore. Also, I posted in here with a list once before I'm fairly certain.
*Insert Banned User Log*

What could go wrong, right? :lol:

Actually, I'd be interested with meeting any of the guys in the photomode community.
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I'll bounce back and forth between the sweet, sissy drinks and juice*/Mt. Dew, deal? :lol:

*just not grapefruit! :crazy:

Deal. I may even try a beer, make a face, and then go right back to juice.

...And now I want a root beer float.
I've got Blue Bell ice cream in the fridge and Barq's and Mug root beer just for root beer floats. You're invited.


Don't do it T-12, it's a trap!

No worries there. I'll have my Admiral Ackbar pin and Episode VI Blu-ray at the ready. :lol:

No trap. I just bought enough to feed six, and I ended up being the only person that liked them. Plus I haven't even installed the cage in the basement yet.

Do you not recall the warning myself and TB gave you about food? :lol:

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