Who would you chose?

  • Thread starter Magic069

Which would you leave your young son with for a one night babysitting job?

  • Micheal Jackson

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Mike Tyson

    Votes: 7 87.5%

  • Total voters
Happy happy joy joy.

As said before, you don't settle out of court unless you really are gulity...we're sorry you take umbrage to our comments, but it's not as if we're saying Jackson and Tyson are outstanding individuals no matter what race they are. Yeah, the media mocks them, but they don't even have to try.

You have this ultra-reculsive, oddball who sings half-rate music and never tours in the US, his place of birth and the country that made him famous. He bleaches his skin and has his bones restructured for no good medical reason. For crying out loud...that's just not human! Yeah, he's famous, the press won't leave him alone...but it's too easy for the press not to notice how eccentric he is.

And then we have this boxer who should have retired ages ago, he can't beat any good opponent, and he's as unstable as lawrencium when it comes to abiding by the law. The bell rang on his career over 5 years ago, and he can't hack it. He's basically Don King's whore; get a freaking jobbagging groceries or something. No wait, he'll punch someone. If he's really this reformed Islamic follower, he wouldn't be puching people or getting into childish trouble.

No, I haven't met them, but this is an opinions forum...and you're darned lucky you aren't banned yet for your previous comments which violate the AUP.

Originally posted by advanR

this is a stupid poll.
Then don't vote, and don't read some of the really funny replies.
Each thread is like a TV channel. You don't HAVE to watch what you don't want to....
By the same token you don't have enter any forum you aren't interested in.
Now, on the other hand if you're just here to "stir the pot", then, welcome. Come on in and get silly with us.

OH BTW we are very sorry we weren't there to "kit YOU up" with a stun gun when Mike was your babbysitter.
if you are michael jackson, you certainly have $20million to spare. oj simpson just had his long drawn out trial. If i had $20million i would seriously consider settling out of court to avoid all of the publicity. If i were innocent or guilty, it wouldnt matter.

michael jackson never tours in the USA because of the last decade of ridicule from people. the usa did not make him famous. he did it himself, i think its funny that you try and attribute his fame and wealth to the usa. like he owes americans anything........ he is eccentric, he might have some mental problems, and he acts like a child and likes children. i think it takes restraint to avoid poking fun at something like this. people in the usa obviously dont have that restraint. they are weak.

wether mike tyson should have retired a million years ago is none of your concern. he wants to box, leave him alone. he trained out of the ghetto to become the heavy weight champion of the world. he has some anger management problems (afterall he is a boxer). he gets whored by don king and all americans make jokes about him.

if i were either of these people i would likely hate myself because of all of the crap people give me. living in the spotlight is hard.

Just as you shouldnt judge them, neither should I. I havent gotten to know either of them, so I dont know whether they are freaks or if they are genuine people with a few problems and a lot of bad luck.

and, if my opinion on a different matter shouldnt have been said. then blame the people who asked me to explain my opinion into greater detail. I was just telling my perspective on something, while trying to prove i wasnt crazy. any racial talk is always assumed to be crazy talk. as you said, this is an opinions forum. i stated my opinion. i didnt make it out like any race was trash, i just stated what i have experienced in my life. if this punk had an argument for me, he should have said it in the other thread. all he says is "you are stupid!", "you are crazy!", stuff like that.
Originally posted by Gil
Then don't vote, and don't read some of the really funny replies.
Each thread is like a TV channel. You don't HAVE to watch what you don't want to....
By the same token you don't have enter any forum you aren't interested in.
Now, on the other hand if you're just here to "stir the pot", then, welcome. Come on in and get silly with us.

OH BTW we are very sorry we weren't there to "kit YOU up" with a stun gun when Mike was your babbysitter.


and because this thread didnt have a third voting option.....
"both are outstanding human beings, i would let both of them babysit my child everyday." I just posted what i was thinking.
that doesnt make sense. you would like a man that chews on infants arms to babysit your child? i think you meant it the other way around.

you are from minneapolis area?