Why don't youparticipate in On-line Racing?

  • Thread starter Der Alta
My post might look a little contradictary, I guess for me this is the way it is though.. I only take part in challenges that I know I will be able to squeeze in enough time for a half decent result at least, sometimes it's easy to get carried away and bite off more than I can chew with deadlines and stuff but rather than DNF I put at least 1 try into it and submit .
My specialty is spur of the moment hot laps, I can usually be right up there given a good car/track combo, no deadline, no AI just me and my ghost . :D
There is a lot of time an effort that has to put in, Lotus, that is normally how I get my good lap times to, I normally race on Free runs myself and the ghost helps. This can turn into a complicated matter or it can be really simple. I think it would be a great idea for a weekly race that you get one car, these mods and these tires on this course only deal. That would make it simple enough for everyone to keep track. It would also give the ability for advice to be given out easier.
Sure, I'd do it...gimme a PS2, and I'm in!

If there's a GT2 online series...I'll join. I can't promise a Schumacher/Boombexus-like performance, but I'm sure I am as good as the top 1-2% of those out there.
Great input Lotus and Miata,... thanx. You seem to be catching the point that this should be geared towards fun,.. that's good:) I was thinking more about this last night and how this board has a great opportunity in front of it. You guys get more trffic through here than most all forums put together. The instant a new driver gets the impression that they will be welcomed and there questions answered, they will be very likely to return.

Also,.. a main point that needs to be distinguished that was vaugly pointed out in a previous post is the difference between unique and just plain stupid. Multiple rules usually doesnt go over to well. Example: put a twin plate clutch and sport muffler and yadda yadda,... simplicity is important. Also, corney is GOOD :D I cant stress enough about how this is supposed to be FUN and not serious. Some of our biggest turnouts have been completely slaughtered by flamage at other forums due to the lack of 'seriousness'. An examples of one of those would be the "LSR loop-de-loop" (run LSR backwards). Now, some poeple see this and say, "OMG, thats the stupidest thing I've ever seen, how could you be serious?" Well, thats the point, it's not supposed to be serious, it's supposed to be FUN,................. you get my point.

If it were up to me, I'd try and incorperate a new forum section that offered two area's. One for the weekly comp and the other for settings and stratagy discussions. The weekly comp one would get the bulk of the discussion, where the settings and stratagy one would be for,.... well, the obvious. To go with that point,... one of the rules that we have is that when you win, you musrt supply your settings. So, eventually, you'll have a settings forum thats loaded with winning settings :D

I'm very happy to be able to contribute here,... I thank you for the opportunity to hang out and have FUN :D

Good luck racing 8)
Originally posted by pupik
but I'm sure I am as good as the top 1-2% of those out there.

Don't sweat it even if your in the bottom 1-2%,... in fact the slower drivers are the most welcome,... because this is the type of situation where you'll learn the fastest,.. contradicatry to getting frustrated by the faster driver whoopin butt all the time;)
I used to be apart of Team GTP awhile ago, when Mr. P was head of the team, but this was before I restarted school.

Which brings me to the main reason I don't race anymore. I don't want to be the one that lets the team down because I don't have time to practice, or rerace until I get a good enough time to post and represent GTP properly.

If you really need people, I would be honored to be GTP's 10th place guy. I was just under the impression that GTP wouldn't have a problem finding someone better then me.

On a side note, I think someone stole my copy of GT3. :mad: It would give me a reason to go to Wal-Mart and get a new copy. ;)
I do participate in online racing, but not the "lets-compare-laptimes" racing, no. The REAL deal.

I play a lot of Grand Prix Legends, and occationally GTRacing 2002. Real online racing 👍
Originally posted by CloneHead
I do participate in online racing, but not the "lets-compare-laptimes" racing, no. The REAL deal.

I play a lot of Grand Prix Legends, and occationally GTRacing 2002. Real online racing 👍

Is that the f12002 with the patch? I really want to try that :D

Or is it something else ?:confused:
I can't participate in the nine boards challenge, simply because of time constraints. It's very hard to tell when I have time - or if I have time at all to get in front of my TV a few hours. Because my karting practice schedule is dependant on the weather, and I have to stay in school longer nowadays so I can schedule practices during schooltime. I think I would enjoy it a lot! And with some more practice I'd probably be able to hand in some half-decent times too. :)
100% GT3 Before I learned about TUNING!!!

;) I know how ya feal bro,.... did it myself. But then, I was aquainted to my origin site. The place I've been refuring to about the weekly comp thing,.... those guy's taught me EVERYHING I now know about tuning,... and it's paid off.

Thanx to "the painterr" most of all,.... and also Grom, English Pete, Wheelman, and the others,.... without there help and support (all the points I've previously mentioned) I wouldve quit this game loooooooooooooooong ago 8)

This is a PERFECT scenerio for you UB57,.. I started in the EXACT same circumstances,.. all it took was a few nice guy's who were willin to help someone to get the ball rollin :D
:D Yeh, took me about 1200+ days the first time thru!!!! Used to change the diff gears manually (what a pain), didn't understand about the auto set & had no one to help. Only own this & WRC, just bought my PS2 for driving games after being introduced to them by my nephew. A little scared of OLR seeing the lap times posted w/hand held controllers, after driving w/steering wheel for 45 years don't think I'd ever learn to do it w/my THUMBS!!! Thanx...UB57:D
Prior to Christmas I played GT2. On the GT2 board we did a weekly race for a while. But members floated in and out and it was inconsistent and impossible to really keep score. Then I got GT3.

I'll also echoe some of the other reasons I read above. No sharkport, but I guess that's not really necessary. And so many people are so much better than me. There are a couple car-track combos where I truly excel(ed), and even those I wouldn't be able to do again without a lot of practice. Other than that I am mediocre. Frankly I find myself not wanting to know other people's lap times because it discourages me. I wonder how the hell it's possible, especially when I feel like I drove a prefect lap and someone's a good four seconds ahead of me. I start to wonder "why bother?" A friendly place to learn would be a huge benefit and I'd be there.

One other reason would be races with slow cars. I'm just not into it. I like fast races like JGTC or LeMans type stuff.

But I'm in a tough spot now because GT2 is just hard to look at now, and I just started GT3 so I don't have many cars.
Practice, practice, practice. When you begine to dream of the courses, then you shave your lap times.
Originally posted by pupik
Practice, practice, practice. When you begine to dream of the courses, then you shave your lap times.

I had a similar experience. When I realized I was addicted, was when I could constantly hear engine noise in my head,.... all day long. :lol:
Originally posted by milefile
Frankly I find myself not wanting to know other people's lap times because it discourages me. I wonder how the hell it's possible, especially when I feel like I drove a prefect lap and someone's a good four seconds ahead of me. I start to wonder "why bother?"

Thats how I feel sometimes. :boggled:
Hopefully, we'll be able to work with you guys, and help you get faster. I've been that way for a while. Seems I'm always chasing other people.

I just found out, that I've gotten better. I used to consistently come up 2.5-3 seconds slower than another racer. On a recent challenge, I'm now only 1.5 seconds behind him. maybe in another few months, I'll only a 1/2 second off his pace.

I'm really hoping that some of you will join into this and have some fun with it.

Looking at some of the previous OLR, I find myself anywhere from .5 to 3 seconds off pending on the requirements that had to be fulfilled on them. I have to say, I learned a lot of tuning from GTPLANET, I feel with the pit crew we have, new setup techniques and shared hypothesis on how to make it better, we should make a goal to shave a quarter of a second off each race we do. I am fairly confident that we can do that.
Currently the OLR system here at GTP is a little bit confusing and sometimes I get a little lost, but I'm willing to give it a try.
Originally posted by Cobraboy
Currently the OLR system here at GTP is a little bit confusing and sometimes I get a little lost, but I'm willing to give it a try.

This too... It has to be simple for those of us that don't have a lot of time.
Yeah, the points systems and rules are sometimes a little confusing. It may not that I'm just a n00b to OLR but the GTP OLR needs to be cleaned up a bit.
Another idea I have is to have "brackets" like in drag racing. And try to run for consistency. I mean it's great to rip a fast lap. But how about 5 laps within 0.5 sec of each other? I also have a couple of ideas re: a one make series, like the S2000 spot race I've got going. Or a particular drive train. Or like PR's GTCC with the 2.0L displacement requirement, and 325 max HP. Some of us went incredibly fast!.
I also like the "master tuner idea". The S2000 challenge asks for cars to be set up identically. And there is a pretty wide variance between S2000's.
There was also talk of a "tuning school", where we start with a car fresh off the lot, then begin tuning it and and testing each modification...
Anyway, if I can get my PS2 to work reliably, or get it replaced... I'm in.
hey, logging in the test results I came up with on the S2000s, go ahead and check it out. Criticizing is welcomed. - They are done
Originally posted by Gil
Another idea I have is to have "brackets" like in drag racing. And try to run for consistency. I mean it's great to rip a fast lap. But how about 5 laps within 0.5 sec of each other? I also have a couple of ideas re: a one make series, like the S2000 spot race I've got going. Or a particular drive train. Or like PR's GTCC with the 2.0L displacement requirement, and 325 max HP. Some of us went incredibly fast!.
I also like the "master tuner idea". The S2000 challenge asks for cars to be set up identically. And there is a pretty wide variance between S2000's.
There was also talk of a "tuning school", where we start with a car fresh off the lot, then begin tuning it and and testing each modification...
Anyway, if I can get my PS2 to work reliably, or get it replaced... I'm in.

All great ideas... especially the tuning school. What master tuner would like to mentor us?
I'm pleased to see that there is some interest here. I like all the ideas that everyone here has put up and I like to see what your feelings are about the whole OLR in general.
I've been taking my notes from all of you here and have also had many creative ideas of my own. So look for some changes to take place here in the near future. I cant give you any exact time frame of when I can launch these ideas, but once we are finished with the Board Competition in early February, you can start looking for some changes.

Keep the great input, ideas and feedback coming everyone!


Another reason I don't participate is I don't have a good selection of cars. I'm at about 55 something % done. I might try and complete it before the competitions start up again. :)
for me, the same reason as neon... irregular playing times.
i play 3-4 times a week for 1/2 an hour each time.. and thats it :/
We have a "Tuning Class" at my origin site,.. would you like the link?,...... or,... I've been told I'm a pretty good tuner, you guy's can ask me anything ya want :D