Why don't youparticipate in On-line Racing?

  • Thread starter Der Alta
:D "RER", Thanx for the offer. Here's a query i posted elsewhere w/very little response. Can you help??? Thanx in advance...UB57:D

(Post #1 <showthread.php?postid=448773>)
I've got a ZZII maxed out, set up nearly perfectly (For me) for T2 or T3 tires. (I like Enduros but not pit stops). I'm not looking for new Settings but rather a direction to go w/chassis tuning when I use softer tires. Stiffer?? Softer?? Just isn't as "crisp" w/my setting & soft tires. Thanx 4 any help...UB57
P.S. Is Tokyo the only track where you smoke'em when the car comes down off the jacks???
mmmkk,. there's a couple things to take into consideration when tuning for stiffness.

1) Do you plan on riding the rumble strips or driving a 'hilly' course?
if yes = try a softer set-up in the springs. I like to stagger my springs when I know it's gonna be a bumpy ride. With springs low on the front (4-9), the car will hadle the big bumps a little better (especially 'riding' the rumbles). The rears should most always be tight (the only time the back shouldn't be tight is if your drifting waaaaaay to much. I usually use something along the lines of 14-20. The higher the number, the better your acceleration performance will be through the grears (though don't confuse it as a grip helper of the line, it's not).

if no = you usually want an even setting. Very rarely, but occasionally, I'll drive them at 4/4 or 20/20,.... you'll have to find out when and where you like those extremes.

Also remember, springs effect ride height. The higher(tighter) your springs are, the lower you can go with the height. if I have a 4/20 setup on springs, I'll usually run the front mark at about 3/8 and the rear at about 1/4.

Hope that helps 👍
OK skipping through this whole thread (cept for the first post) I made it into the GTF team, expecting to be able to get a sharkport from somewhere in Australiat. No sign of a sharkport, x-port. I had to regretfully resign from the competition. I would compete in any competition which doesn't require an x-port. But because of cheaters i can't compete in the nine boards challenge. Damn. Well, that's my view. I DO NOT CHEAT and never will. If there is any non-x-port competition I will probably enter it :).
X-port is what you would need in Aust.

Also,... it's shouldnt be a NESSECITY in this comp idea,... but what we tell our guys is: When you start whooppng our asses every week, you should probably get one. Though, the comp is aimed at fun, it should be fair ;) All our regulars have them, in fact, I bought one about a year ago, becuase I was a nOOb who was whoopin their butt's, and I wanted to prove that I was legit ;)

You cant go worng with one. Not only can you verify replays, but you can also hybrid, and load ANY car into your garage for nothin ;) It pays for iitself ten fold,.. trust me :D
Well, just got the sharkport, but having difficulty here. Also, having difficult with the vga adaptor. Now racing from the comrfort of my chair :) now if they made the Momo wheel for the PS2, I would be in paridise.
Yeh, i know RER, i think you're a great racer (seen on GTN) but if an x-port was actually in a shop in Australia i would've had one a very long time ago. If i wanted to get one i would have to order through the internet and i have had trouble once trying to do that before.
Originally posted by miata13B
Well, just got the sharkport, but having difficulty here. Also, having difficult with the vga adaptor. Now racing from the comrfort of my chair :) now if they made the Momo wheel for the PS2, I would be in paridise.

The Momo wheel works with PS2, go buy one you won't regret it! ;)
:D Hi Lotus 350. Question???? Is that the MOMO wheel for PC WITHOUT the Stick shift & does it cure the BRAKING PROBLEM I have w/my Logitech Force Feedback???? THANX in advance...UB57:D

I have a new Logitech MOMO Force PC version (non stick-shift) and it works beautifuly;) Though, it does go a little whacky once every 20 hours I use it, it's a gem. Let it be known though, this wheel doesnt work on ANY other PS/2 driving games :(