Why GT never had skidmarks?

Because Kazunori doesnt give a damn about skidmarks, thats why and thats the reason because other elements have take soo much time to evolve (AI, Damage, Collision Physics, reverse white light).
He made the game according of his own ideas, it doesnt matter if is the only game outside without some features like those. When he is at the level he want in the features that are important to him (graphics mainly) then they work on the rest of the features.

PD is an excellent developer, make skidmarks for them would be pretty easy , it just that feature is allways very low on the priorities. Same can be said about Turn10 regarding the active aero animation (but they also have less time than PD to develop)
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Virtually every other racing game has skid marks, they look good and do infact last for the whole race ( and not just fade away in a few seconds ).

So if virtually every other developer can add skidmarks to their racing game how hard could it possibly be?
This always has to come up doesn't it? So basically no one here should say anything about the game unless they also program racing games? And let me guess, even if I did program racing games I would have to have programed one BETTER than GT to earn my right to say sommething?

Give me a break...

I probably wouldn't be a better president than our current one but that doesn't stop me from voting. I can't make great movies but that doens't stop me from telling you which ones are obvious crap...

I have done programming before, I understand the logistics of what it takes to do it, and I can say without a shadow of a doubt, any company that can pull off rendering over a dozen high quality cars with all kinds of reflections and effects will not find it challening to add some decent skid marks.

Now they might dissapear after some time sure, and they might not always be perfect, pulling off those might well be a feat, but adding some decent skid marks? I can safely say that yes I know that it's not that challenging to do.

Get off your soap box, fanboy. I asked a question! Blind sided Soap Box Fanboy
Hmmm...never even noticed this until you brought it up! It would be a nice addition, but I would like for them to balance this. Once thing that I hate the most is when my car CONSTANTLY lays skid marks and smokes. I really hate that because that doesn't really always happen in a real race. so, if they implement, I hope they do it realistically and minimally.

QMFE (that means "quoted myself for excellence") hahaha :D

Seriously thought, I do agree with you guys that the game does need skid marks but it's not a deal breaker for me if it does not. I think they do need to add it because it is a very realistic feature and this game is all about realism of course...but, please do it REALISTICALLY and MINIMALLY. I don't want my car screeching, smoking, and laying down rubber half the time I'm racing. :crazy:
They are not important for the gameplay.

Neither are trees or grandstands - it's all fluff but it's still nice to have because it contributes to the atmosphere. It would be pretty cool to see skid marks on a track followed by seeing a wall with paint all on it after you finished your safety car lap.

Off-T: I imagine smoke is pretty hard to render because of the insane number of particles and physics applied to the smoke that would just destroy the console.
They have them in GTR2 released 2006, and they stay the whole race.

When you talk about details, GT in general has so many, it's incredible, but as incredulous is the fact that such things as skidmarks and hand motions which are completely and frequently noticeable get left out.

I dont need a whole system built around them, just give me black strips that vary in density and stay the whole race.
They have them in GTR2 released 2006, and they stay the whole race.

When you talk about details, GT in general has so many, it's incredible, but as incredulous is the fact that such things as skidmarks and hand motions which are completely and frequently noticeable get left out.

I dont need a whole system built around them, just give me black strips that vary in density and stay the whole race.


You can't tout the game as being a driving simulator and then go "skidmarks? wtf are those and what have they got to do with driving?"
Maybe GT shouldn't have skid marks...

You can't tout the game as being a driving simulator and then go "skidmarks? wtf are those and what have they got to do with driving?"

Q:What does damage have to do with driving? night time?

A:Skidmarks, Night time, Damage, they will all add a delicious taste to the game.
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I think skid marks would be a good thing to include. It would also be cool, if it would include rubber being laid down in the corners during races actively. (though it already seems like asking for skid marks is too much by some opinions) Watch a Nascar race and the line is much darker after the race is over, the same would be true for an endurance race at Daytona or Sarthe. I know they are already there on most tracks in GT4, but I think it would just add to everything. But hey while were at it, why not exhaust marks on the bodywork and brake dust coming off the brakes (like F1 cars under hard braking).
I don't realistically expect all that, skid marks and an active line would be cool though.

Bugs on the windscreen for cockpit view hahah?
Gran Turismo series has been some of my favourite games, and one thing I've always missed is:

1) smoke
2) skidmarks
3) realistic phyics when you HIT another object (wall or another car)

I don't care about interior view or damage :yuck:, as I don't even use the interior view (use "first person/front bumper"), and damage doesn't concern me as you shouldn't really be hitting things anyways :guilty:
Not to mention that rubber being laid down on an Oval will drastically change the grip level, lap times, and where the car can actually run the best... same goes for Day/night cycles.

For NASCAR to be realistic (extremely realistic) we would NEED those 2 elements. (I would not be mad if they arent included, I am happy NASCAR is
there at all)
In my opinion you cant call it a SIM and not include the most obvious and smallest things. Need for Speed THE FIRST ONE even had skidmarks, every car game that I can think of have skidmarks, it doesn't have to be super realistic, just as long as its there. GTR2, rFactor, Live for Speed, GT Legends these are all sims and all have skidmarks. They might not be as fun to play as GT but at least they get the fundamentals right.

Its very simple really, how can you design a car game WITHOUT skidmarks. That's like having Call of Duty without the sounds of the guns firing or something to that extent. It's VERY noticeable and very obvious.

Everything else on the game is fine and I love the GT series (well maybe except for the sounds) but it just seems very odd that the most popular car game with a perfectionist designer designing the game can not even implement skid marks to the game. It's as if were stuck back in the 80's going wow could you imagine a game with skidmarks....It's been done for years, on possibly every car game ever made. (Not all but most)
Well, I'd say more like Call Of Duty without bullet marks in walls, but I get you!
It's fundamental to a racing sim i'm my opinion.
I like sidmark, they should introduce it into the game!!! If not, the track will looks somehow too clean and sooo dull to drive!!! Also I want a changable weather driving... That's one of the coolest thing that they should introduce in :)
Most games that has skidmarks has terrible skidmarks. It's like someone drew a black line in paint or something. I don't want GT to have that, it would destroy all the nice replays and make it look like a stupid arcade game.
It's all about well written programming routines, skidmarks are really easy to implement and really simple for cell and rsx to deal with them. They would create on the fly when you are there burning the rubber and the next round they can be imported directly into a road texture there and release the stress from system.
If GT5 does not have skid marks i will be a little bit gutted - its one of the main things I'll be looking out for.

Who love's to watch Jezza on Top Gear ragging a car round a track laying down some rubber?

Well if you can't do that in the game then its missing a very important feature.

Its like not leaving bullet holes in walls, not leaving foot prints in the sand/snow - without it it takes away the realism - isn't that what games are all about?

Its very simple to implement and PD must include them this time round.
Sure skid marks would be nice. But, rubber build up in turns/braking zones and marbles/clag is a must IMO.
Why no skid marks?
Why no reverse lights?
Why no fly splats on the screen?
Why no accurate fuel gauge?
Why no bids flying around?
Why no punctures?
Why no dog turds on the side of the track?

Honestly...if you want realism, go drive a real car.
Why no skid marks?
Why no reverse lights?
Why no fly splats on the screen?
Why no accurate fuel gauge?
Why no bids flying around?
Why no punctures?
Why no dog turds on the side of the track?

Honestly...if you want realism, go drive a real car.

Lol people will always find something to complain about.

I think it will be a long time before the only thing they haven't included is dog turds on the side of the track :lol:
Why no skid marks?
Why no reverse lights?
Why no fly splats on the screen?
Why no accurate fuel gauge?
Why no bids flying around?
Why no punctures?
Why no dog turds on the side of the track?

Honestly...if you want realism, go drive a real car.

We just need REAL DRIVING SIMULATOR as PD proclaim everywhere. But their attention to detail seems to run out with car models.