Why GT owns

:lol: he's just pissed off because his mom didn't buy him PS3..

Now now... There are therapists that specialise in that kind of thing.

Seriously, though - we probably should try to avoid hijacking the thread any more...

So, back on topic: I don't think that GT 'owns' as such, but I do believe it is a very enjoyable, unique game that has a place in many gamers' hearts. It's not the most realistic, nor the most hardcore, but it is fun. It is unique. I love the collectibility of it - just the sheer number of rare, exotic and desirable cars - like driving one of only two Nissan R390GT1 road cars in existence, for instance... Until Forza came along, there wasn't much that offered the sheer variety and driveability of the GT series.

Sure, it's a console game, and the PS2 was never really the bomb as far as consoles go. But, it did the job. Now the PS3 is out, and we can look forward to seeing what Kaz has up his sleeve with the next installment. For all we know, it could turn out to be the god of all racing games... but then again probably not. I don't think it'll be that big a flop, though... :rolleyes:

That's my two-bits worth. GT is definitely unique. It has an appeal that goes beyond just racing. It might be more a car game than a racing game, as some have said, but that is part of what GT is. Yeah, it can definitely be improved, but at the same time, I'm not complaining about it...
because its a joke of a driving simulator . but thats its fault for being on the POS2
Not a factor. The PS2 didn't stop Enthusia or Richard Burns Rally from being great sims -- and although EPR/GT4 is often debated, RBR's realism is almost unanimously praised.

Even the ancient Model-2-powered Daytona USA has a few impressive simulation-like touches in its physics engine. With enough tweaking I'm confident it could have rivalled the GT series in accuracy. But that wasn't what Sega was going for.

Physics prowess is in the programming, not the hardware.
Physics prowess is in the programming, not the hardware.

Didn't want to go further in this thread, but whatever, I'll say it again.

Physics in GT series is very serious from the first game to GT4 - but you have to use "simulation" tyres. Is so damn simple. From the first GT there were "simulation tyres" and they were always FREE to have in tune shops. In GT4 there were even 3 types of simulation tyres - N1, N2 and N3.

In addition to wheel driving, simulation tyres in GT3 and N tyres in GT4 are pretty close to something you can call "simulation physics", even on ridiculous piece of hardware that PS2 is.
Half of the people out there didn't even know these cars existed before GT3
yea , ignorant teens who jump from game to game & think they know it all after they learn to do decent lap times
there was just something thrilling about fanging uber-rare road and race cars around as if you owned them
well duh! , as you do with most real life cars racing games
It's just as fanboy-ish to stand there and hiss and spit venom about GT, and so unashamedly worship FM2 as if it's the god of all games.
complete crap , this is a GT4 A-kiss attempt - a little reality is needed for the BS to stop mounding up

i state the things GT4 does well & i dont BS about the things it does poorly

sheer volume of sales and popularity tends to disagree with your general 'review' of the game.
dont make me laugh! as if the moronic majority can be relied on for accurate apprasial!

GT1 was like nothing else - it generated loads of fans , & people being human they feel the need to take sides against competition despite obvious critisim , its pathetic & is why the lable of Fanboy exists

fanboys have been praising GT4 as the ultimate (vis-a-vis this thread) even if the face of direct evidence to the contrary . they need to _get_real_

with the PS3 we will see the end of the limitations polyphony had to deal with on the POS2 . there are some completely wicked games for the POS2 , TT Superbikes , world of outlaws , GT4 - but its a machine with limitations . that the PS3 has rectified :)

if you are so dead set against GT, why waste your time and effort hanging around here
im sorry - only brown noses allowed to post here ? ill let you carry on
This is a great way to sum up pretty much all of your posts. Why are you even here on a GRAN TURISMO site, if you don't like the damned game? Wow.:dunce:

I bet he's gonna get all pissy and storm off to 4chan and ask for us to be raided.

i completed GT4 as much as possible . if PD reads this they need reminders of what not to carry over into GT5
yea , ignorant teens who jump from game to game & think they know it all after they learn to do decent lap times
I have to admit, I have no clue what that has to do with the text you quoted.

well duh! , as you do with most real life cars racing games
Okay. Did he say that Gran Turismo was the first or only one?

complete crap , this is a GT4 A-kiss attempt - a little reality is needed for the BS to stop mounding up

i state the things GT4 does well & i dont BS about the things it does poorly
As someone who greatly dislikes GT4 and thinks FM2 is merely "okay" (therefore making me a sort of "independent" observer), I have to agree with shabba -- the only negative thing you've said about Forza is that it's lacking in content...
...Forza is amazing (the excellent Ai !) - but limited sevearly in track choice . & while it doesnt have all the rubbish car models that GT has it still has a lack of cars
if you want an accurate Nordschlife - you play Forza Motorsport 2
FM2 doesnt need to rely on over exxagerated bumps to maintain realisim
...and there's certainly more wrong with Forza than that. Especially with your comment about FM2's Nordschleife, which isn't very accurate at all.

with the PS3 we will see the end of the limitations polyphony had to deal with on the POS2 . there are some completely wicked games for the POS2 , TT Superbikes , world of outlaws , GT4 - but its a machine with limitations . that the PS3 has rectified :)
Protip: Every machine has limitations. Even the PS3.

Blaming the PS2 for being seven years old is neither productive nor particularly mature.

im sorry - only brown noses allowed to post here ? ill let you carry on
You know, there is a way to criticize Gran Turismo yet remain a member of this community. It isn't exactly a secret.
Just to ask - small OT - because I'm not into English slang - what does "brown nose" phraze stands for exactly? Thnx in adv.
Badsight is probably bummed that his 360 is dead like mine is and doesn't have anything better to do. ;)

And "brown nosing" refers to having your face in someone's rear end, a sign that the poster is lacking substance in their arguments when they resort to that.

In any case, after tooting around in GT HD with my DF Pro, I'm even more stoked for GT5/Prologue, and am officially writing off the headache riddled PC racing game. The PS3 has much more power than necessary to render a racing world, and I'm anticipating absolutely huge things for the Playstation in the future.
Chipping in an additional "rofl" at the guy who claimed the Forza 2 Nürburgring was better than GT4's ;) Though I have to say it's not much wider, it just feels that way cause it's surface is so totally flat and shiny.

Anyway, I just hope GT5 will "fix" the traction issues that GT4 had - the type of compromise that led to donuts being impossible to do... not saying I wanna do donuts, but the same flaw effectively neutralized power induced oversteer among other things.

Even though I'm playing Forza now (my xbox miraculously healed itself and is now working perfectly, yay) I'm still rootin' for GT... Shame it's gonna be a while til we can play it.
Protip: Every machine has limitations. Even the PS3.
what a completely useless factoid

the PS3 is not limited in the way the PS2 is - thus GT5 doesnt need to be restricted the way PD was when making GT4 = the point your ignoring

you even agree that the thread starters premise is a joke
Badsight is probably bummed that his 360 is dead like mine is and doesn't have anything better to do. ;)

And "brown nosing" refers to having your face in someone's rear end, a sign that the poster is lacking substance in their arguments when they resort to that.
not at all - just pointing out how GTP forum memebers feel about GT4 .
what a completely useless factoid

the PS3 is not limited in the way the PS2 is - thus GT5 doesnt need to be restricted the way PD was when making GT4 = the point your ignoring
Okay, so in the year 2013 are you going to hop on the internet and rant endlessly about the "POS3," how it's such a crappy system, how it's doing nothing but holding back Polyphony Digital and other developers, and how it never was or never could have been any good?

you even agree that the thread starters premise is a joke
That's not what I remember.
Oh, he's too busy trying to school us on why we're knot-heads for liking Gran Turismo. I guess some people need a hobby, or a working game system.

In any case, GT5 Prologue is shutting up a lot of people with each new screengrab and video. After GT and Forza have both pushed the edge so far, every serious racing dev is going to have to really sweat the details if they want to impress anyone. There's plenty of room for the Ridge Racers, NFSs, Burnouts and Sega Rallys, but if you want the gaming community to give you a look and you want to make a real racing game, the bar has been raised by Polyphony sky high. And once again, it's by a mere demo. ;)
Why GT owns
That pic above is just ridiculous. It looks like a promo shot Polyphony had done of a real Ferrari to showcase the fact that the prancing horse would finally be in the Gran Turismo stable. If anyone had said a year ago that it would be an in-game game shot, most of us would reserve judgement.

There are rumblings that we may not get GT5 Prologue here in the west till early next year. If that's true... I hope playing the heck out of Forza 2 is satisfying. :P
GT owns because it has blurry cobblestones? :P

That is, I think, mildly amusing. Almost as amusing as being called a brown-nose... :lol: Thanks for a good laugh, BadSight. You rock. :bowdown:

Mind you, if PD actually put resolution like that in the game, I would be impressed. We can always hope.

The main question I have with PD putting the stallion in its games is this: it might look like a Ferrari, but will they fix the physics so it actually drives like a Ferrari? On that thought, I wouldn't be too impressed to drive a Ferrari that sounded like a brushcutter, so they'd want to get the sound right for it as well. Lawnmower Corvettes and Vipers is one thing, but fizzing the sound on Enzo's creations... that would just be unforgiveable.

Anyway, I'll just finish my 'fanboy' comments now and go wipe my nose.

Cheers. :cheers:
? The Panda was my first car in one GT save, and understeer isn't what I remember most about it.
If anyone had said a year ago that it would be an in-game game shot, most of us would reserve judgement.
The cobblestone setting is an unidentified, Bavarian-style Photo Mode location, though, so it's not in-game in the sense of Prologue's racing mode.

Does anyone recognise where it is yet?


Okay, so in the year 2013 are you going to hop on the internet and rant endlessly about the "POS3," how it's such a crappy system, how it's doing nothing but holding back Polyphony Digital and other developers, and how it never was or never could have been any good?
tip : thread isnt about me

what i do find funny is that you dont even think very highly of GT yet try to argue irrelevant points for it . thats like a persecution complex in action
Slight correction, Wolfe doesn't think badly of GT, as in gran Turismo, the franchise. Just not that highly of GT4, the one single game that is only part of the GT franchise. I share his view, that GT as a franchise has a hell of a lot of potential. that in the past GT has been by far the best racing series avaiable taking all things into account. But I think GT4 lost the fun factor. So does Wolfe. Just because we don't particularly like GT4 all that much doesn't make either of us hate the series. some people take a series each game at a time, if we think one games great then the next not so great that's what we say. I loved GT1, GT2 and GT3, but GT4 didn't hook me.
Agrees with Dave A.
I still enjoy GT1,2 and sometimes 3. GT4 to me was a failed attempt. It just had to many bad flaws that covered up the only good things it really had, cars and tracks.
I used to not like GT3 either but i gave PD the benefit of the doubt that it maybe was hard to put a new game on a new system, so alot of the features it was supposed to have i let go.
There was no excuse for GT4 being that badly handled, none.
Here's hoping they FINALLY are listening and will give me and other old GT fans what we've been wanting since GT1,2,3&4.
The ability to take our garage tuned cars and race other folk offline and online to test just how good our setups really are....
I don't understand

If GT3 was released after GT4 it would be GT3 which you would call boring

How was GT4 badly done? Where are it's flaws compared to GT3? If it had a simple online mode and a simple color/livery editor nobody would say anything

GT4 was GT3 but much bigger. How is that a bad thing? If you never played GT3 or GT4 before and you were going to buy one which would you buy?

The only problem with GT4 is that the only extras besides more cars and tracks was photomode. There was no online, no car editor, nothing. That was it's problem. Scrapping the online mode at the last minute hurt, bigtime.

People begain playing Forza and enjoyed it. Why? Because they could satisfy their bloodthirst and crash cars. And there was a good online mode.

But I still enjoyed GT4, much more than GT3.

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