Why I'm a Macintosh person.

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Originally posted by risingson77
Why do you hate XP, Giles?

Because NT4 was great. When NT5 came out, it was awesome. NT5 is Windows 2000. When NT5.1 (Win XP) came out, it was little more than Windows 2000 with a skin (which I hate) and a "**** you, I know best" attitude. Except that it doesn't know best. I have a colleague who is completely incompetent, and he knows more than XP.

I was configuring a 2-box LAN this evening. When I overrode the Network Config Wizard, the first box connected to the LAN straight away. When (on the 2nd box) I let the wizard have its way, the machine wouldn't connect. XP is obstructive to me. It tries to help me out, but it simply doesn't know what I want, and is counterproductive. However, I freely concede that I'm not an average user.

Oh, and that OS attitude is reminiscent of System 7.
Ah, I see. That was one of my initial objections to XP.

[XP]Hey, can I help? Oh, come on, please? Pleeeeeease? Oh Puhleeeeeeease?![/XP] :P

Fortunately, I have sinced tamed it (enough to suit my purposes, anyway). :)
I'm not representing the whole linux community, or any community, for that matter, but here's my go:

Intelligent people who use Linux and Macs(I'm not saying there aren't intelligent people using Windows) choose their operating systems and computers because they know what runs best for what they want to do with their computers. They don't choose Linux or Apple just to piss off Gates and 'help rid the world of Windows', but because that specific system they prefer is more suitable than Windows. People who use Linux don't like being locked into something that they don't understand and can't customize to how they see fit. That's why they also try to stay away from Apple; because they want to be able to customize their computer to do what they want to do. If you read anything about LT(Linus T.{Forgot his last name, one of the founders of Linux}) and what he says, then you'd know that he uses and creates Linux not to try to rid the world of Gates, but so his computer can do what he wants it to do.
I use Linux on my crappy 200mhz computer because Linux is lighter than Windows, just about any Windows except 3.1. I can also have it do things like work with my network easily, be a webserver, a SETI client, fileserver, and if I wanted to, a firewall, all on my 200mhz computer. Try doing THAT with WindowsNT, 98, ME, 2k, or XP on my 200mhz computer!
People who use Macs use them because the new MacOS's are more stable than even Win2K, as well as many other reasons like they know compatability issues won't be a problem with Apple hardware/software, their processors operate much much MUCH better for Photoshop and 3d modelling/rendering than x86 processors.

Many people use Windows because of many different reasons. My Grandma has Windows on her computer because it came with it on. All my Grandma needs to do with her computer is to check her email(If she even does that...) My dad uses it when he's over there for taxes and the like. Many people use Windows because of the game selection, much like the reason many people use PS2 over GameCube or XBox.

There's no right or wrong system, but what's right or wrong for you is a different matter.
Originally posted by rjensen11
I use Linux on my crappy 200mhz computer because Linux is lighter than Windows, just about any Windows except 3.1. I can also have it do things like work with my network easily, be a webserver, a SETI client, fileserver, and if I wanted to, a firewall, all on my 200mhz computer. Try doing THAT with WindowsNT, 98, ME, 2k, or XP on my 200mhz computer!
As a matter of fact, I have. Not on your computer, but I've done that (everything except SETI) on a 200mhz MMX ::inserts Intel jingle:: system. IIS w/ FTP, Checkpoint 4.0 firewall. BTW, ipchains or iptable?

People who use Macs use them because the new MacOS's are more stable than even Win2K, as well as many other reasons like they know compatability issues won't be a problem with Apple hardware/software, their processors operate much much MUCH better for Photoshop and 3d modelling/rendering than x86 processors.
Better meaning more stable? Faster? Cooler looking hour glasses? And where are you getting that information, seeing how you don't use a Mac?

There's no right or wrong system, but what's right or wrong for you is a different matter.
First off, are you using your grandma and father as examples of Windows users to imply that Windows users are older and probably computer illiterate? My point from the beginning is that each OS has its strength. What I'm not clear about is your position. Your last post concentrates on how Linux AND MacOS ::scratches head:: are superior to Windows. So are you a Linux lover or a Windows hater, for lack of better terms?

As an aside, I am boycotting Xbox because I believe that Microsoft has no business in the console gaming industry. I am not defending Windows per se. And I'm definately not ragging on Linux. Just because you find it easier to harden Linux than to harden Windows doesn't mean one is more secure than the other (example, not fact, I have no idea whether you have attempted such a feat on either OS). It just means that you're more proficient with Linux. I can probably do with Windows just about anything you can do with Linux. I am by no means saying that Windows is superior. There're a lot of things I can do with a Linux box that I can't do with a Windows box too.
Originally posted by kideng
As a matter of fact, I have. Not on your computer, but I've done that (everything except SETI) on a 200mhz MMX ::inserts Intel jingle:: system. IIS w/ FTP, Checkpoint 4.0 firewall. BTW, ipchains or iptable?
Sweet, You failed to mention what OS you're using on that box. Also, can you still use the computer for other tasks? Or is it a dedicated server?

Originally posted by kideng

Better meaning more stable? Faster? Cooler looking hour glasses? And where are you getting that information, seeing how you don't use a Mac??
I read up on articles both in magazines and on computering websites. It's a basic fact about Apple's processors working better for image editing and 3d modelling/rendering. Ask anyone who knows anything about computer architecture and they'll tell you that it's a no-brainer. Ever wonder why Pixar uses Apples?

Originally posted by kideng

First off, are you using your grandma and father as examples of Windows users to imply that Windows users are older and probably computer illiterate? My point from the beginning is that each OS has its strength. What I'm not clear about is your position. Your last post concentrates on how Linux AND MacOS ::scratches head:: are superior to Windows. So are you a Linux lover or a Windows hater, for lack of better terms??
I was using my grandmother as one type of example of Windows users. I also used my father as another example of a Windows user. I also stated that many Windows users use Windows because of the game selection, which infers that many are younger people who want a gaming machine. I know it's yet summer(If you live in the Nothern hemisphere...) but surely you still have something larger than a peanut as your brain:odd::confused:

Originally posted by kideng

...I am not defending Windows per se. And I'm definately not ragging on Linux. Just because you find it easier to harden Linux than to harden Windows doesn't mean one is more secure than the other.?

I never mentioned security....

Originally posted by kideng
...I can probably do with Windows just about anything you can do with Linux.?
I'd like to see you change the kernel of Windows XP, NT, 2k, ME, 98, or whatever you're using....
Originally posted by kideng
I am by no means saying that Windows is superior.?
And I'm not saying one's better than the other two. I'm just saying that they all have their strenghts in different fields. Please go back to my note about brains...
Originally posted by rjensen11
Sweet, You failed to mention what OS you're using on that box. Also, can you still use the computer for other tasks? Or is it a dedicated server?
Win2k. It USED to be dedicated. The stuff's still installed on the box, but we don't use it for much anymore.

I read up on articles both in magazines and on computering websites. It's a basic fact about Apple's processors working better for image editing and 3d modelling/rendering. Ask anyone who knows anything about computer architecture and they'll tell you that it's a no-brainer. Ever wonder why Pixar uses Apples?
I think I even mentioned in an earlier post that Apples make better workstations. I was asking where do you get your info.

I was using my grandmother as one type of example of Windows users. I also used my father as another example of a Windows user. I also stated that many Windows users use Windows because of the game selection, which infers that many are younger people who want a gaming machine. I know it's yet summer(If you live in the Nothern hemisphere...) but surely you still have something larger than a peanut as your brain:odd::confused:
You failed to address the computer illiterate part of my question. And I'm sorry that you're so easily confused, I'll be sure to be more clear next time.

I never mentioned security....
:lol: Duely noted.

I'd like to see you change the kernel of Windows XP, NT, 2k, ME, 98, or whatever you're using....
Well, one usually "change" (The term is recompile, BTW) the kernel in order for Linux to be able do something... But if you like to "change" the kernel just for variety, that's your prerogative.

And I'm not saying one's better than the other two. I'm just saying that they all have their strenghts in different fields.
Thank you. That was all I was asking. Were you offended by my questions?

Please go back to my note about brains...
Ah, for such a small brain, I think I'm doing pretty good for not having to resort to insults.
Originally posted by kideng
Win2k. It USED to be dedicated. The stuff's still installed on the box, but we don't use it for much anymore.

Okay, understandable. Sometimes people just lose interest or see the light that some things are worthless/pointless/useless(Like me running a SETI client on my computer occasionally)

Originally posted by kideng
I think I even mentioned in an earlier post that Apples make better workstations. I was asking where do you get your info.
Sorry, I can't really say. I've been reading articles from PC Magazine, zdnet, and the like for so long that I can't say where I got one article from. Sorry for skimming over your note about Apples as better work stations.

Originally posted by kideng
You failed to address the computer illiterate part of my question. And I'm sorry that you're so easily confused, I'll be sure to be more clear next time.
Sorry about skipping the illiterate part. I'm sure that most of the illiterate don't even know they're using Windows. They just don't know, don't care.

Originally posted by kideng
:lol: Duely noted.
Settled, no fighting, SCORE!

Originally posted by kideng
Well, one usually "change" (The term is recompile, BTW) the kernel in order for Linux to be able do something... But if you like to "change" the kernel just for variety, that's your prerogative.
My main reasoning for changing my kernel is for when I'm adding new hardware and don't have complete support built in yet, then I recompile it. I'm pretty sure that once a new data storage medium comes along(I forgot where I read this, but it's supposed to fit something like 100GB in a 1in^2 space on a card or something), Linux people will have a much easier time adjusting than Windows or even Apple people. It also might have to do with the filestructure of Linux over the file structure and regestry of Windows. I'd say something about Apple, but since they're using Linux basically, I think I'll summarize my thoughts into this:
Their efforts will need to be somewhere between Linux users and Windows users.

Thank you. That was all I was asking. Were you offended by my questions?[/B][/QUOTE]
Nah, not really

Ah, for such a small brain, I think I'm doing pretty good for not having to resort to insults.
kideng [/B][/QUOTE]
Sorry, I didn't think you would take the insults seriously....
Originally posted by rjensen11
Ever wonder why Pixar uses Apples?
(This isn't really helping my case, but anyway)... Well, because Steve Jobs is kinda the CEO of both Apple and Pixar? ;) :lol:

Posted by kideng
Cooler looking hour glasses?
Hey! We get the ultra-cool spinning lollipops now, not any hourglasses! :P