Why is everybody using racing tires?

  • Thread starter jibber
Hey guys,

I was wondering if there are people who like to run other tires than racing tires?

This is seriously ruining online for me. I'm always trying to find a lobby where people would run production cars on comfort or sport tires... but it's hopeless. Even if there are car restrictions, people running low hp cars, etc... every lobby i enter, everybody is running on racing tires.

Maybe you've noticed by now... i'm not a big fan of racing tires. :)

IMO, sport and especially comfort tires are a lot more fun. It actually involves some concentration and "driving work". I much prefer this over driving on rails and never have to worry about making mistakes.

There's a lot of people here who like running with no assists, cool... but you hardly ever need any assists with racing tires do you (unless you drive high hp cars)?

Don't get me wrong, i'm not talking down on people using racing tires. I'm just trying to find some people who'd like to have a little more exciting races with production cars on "road" tires. 👍

I think PD should put a set a premade servers, that way people can join servers with set rules. Or maybe every month they make server events where players can join.
I agree.

It's very annoying seeing everyone using racing tires. One day I played online, and everyone was using racing softs in every room I went to, so if I wanted to be competitive at all, I had to waste time buying racing softs for the cars I wanted to use and then enter the code to get back to the room again. :ouch:

I think PD should put a set a premade servers, that way people can join servers with set rules. Or maybe every month they make server events where players can join.

This sounds a lot like the online events in Prologue. We really do need this, because online is a joke with everyone using super grip tires. The tires you use should also affect your PP, just like in Prologue.
I'd be online in GT5 way more if I thought I wouldn't have to start my own game every time in the hope that the odd person might quite like the idea of Comfort Soft tyres and instead could join one of a selection of similar populated rooms.

I use Sport Soft as my uber-racing tyre, and generally downgrade cars that come with Sports Hard to Comfort Soft.

Basic cars on soft road suspension with the right amount of grip = fun.
i use the Stock group the car comes with.... Racing tyres are for race cars. Most of the people that run on racing tyres cant tune a suspention, so most likely you will still win even with less tyres
I agree.

It's very annoying seeing everyone using racing tires. One day I played online, and everyone was using racing softs in every room I went to, so if I wanted to be competitive at all, I had to waste time buying racing softs for the cars I wanted to use and then enter the code to get back to the room again. :ouch:

This sounds a lot like the online events in Prologue. We really do need this, because online is a joke with everyone using super grip tires.

I am usually so annoyed by this, i just use comfort or sport tires anyway. This means i always lose and stay behind the pack, but i couldn't care less sometimes...

I'd be online in GT5 way more if I thought I wouldn't have to start my own game every time in the hope that the odd person might quite like the idea of Comfort Soft tyres and instead could join one of a selection of similar populated rooms.

I use Sport Soft as my uber-racing tyre, and generally downgrade cars that come with Sports Hard to Comfort Soft.

Basic cars on soft road suspension with the right amount of grip = fun.

I also use sport tires as my "racing tires". I also downgrade a lot of cars to comfort tires. 👍

We should find a few more people and make a little racing club or something! :)
I think PD should put a set a premade servers, that way people can join servers with set rules. Or maybe every month they make server events where players can join.

Like this idea, simply rotate through a pre-defined list of tracks, with set regs such as car/pp/bhp/weight restrictions with a control tyre that must be used.

Just need a good and fair way to ensure players intent on being a disruptive to the racing get kicked. Shame PD haven't put in something like an auto kick if you drive the wrong way for more than 15 seconds on the track while racing online, or some way of detecting malicious collisions...
Sorry for using this topic to ask a question, but can someone explain to me the difference between racing soft tires and racing hard tires in NASCAR racing online? I was kicked out the other day from the host for using racing hard tires. I honestly do not know the difference between soft and hard tires other than soft gives you more grip and worn outs quicker.

But why is racing hard tires getting banned in NASCAR races online?
I also use sport tires as my "racing tires". I also downgrade a lot of cars to comfort tires. 👍

We should find a few more people and make a little racing club or something! :)

If you're not already on my list (LFS forum) I'll add you later.

Anyone else of a similar frame of mind feel free to add me: Sinbaadi44.

@Bonesaw: Who's crying? It's a fact that people seem to think that if upgrading the tyres makes the car lap faster then that is somehow "better" when really the lap time is just a number. There comes a point when the involvement of driving a fast lap is diminished by the massive grip levels, particularly in slow cars. Either way I'm still sat in my chair, so involvement is already quite limited.
cry about everyone using tires available in game > start your own room with rules you want

I said in my first post i'm not trying to talk down on people who use racing tires. 👍

I started my own room several times calling it something like "sport tires max." or "comfort tires only". Guess what... nobody will join, and the ones that do, exit again after they find out they can't select racing tires.

I'm just trying to find some people to race with.

If you're not already on my list (LFS forum) I'll add you later.

PSN is jibber951
Racing tires only belong on race cars, and even then if they aren't particularly high-powered race cars they still feel like they are on rails.

I generally use the default tires for cars apart from some 500 odd HP cars that come with sport hards which is in my opinion (based on feel) is one grade too hard. The steering is constantly light and the car does nothing but understeer at pathetically slow speeds. Dare I say, when you are on the "wrong" grade of tires, the game defaults to GT prologue's model of non-stop understeer at any speed.

Rant aside the most important thing is having enough grip for the acceleration and cornering forces that you are subjected to, regardless of whether that is comforts on a family estate or sports soft on a 600BHP supercar.
Look for Shuffle Mode races... I think they are set to comfort tires. I've only done these twice online, but both times they were a lot of fun!
Online if you want to win you need to have racing tires fitted (in general) otherwise you will be left in the dust. I tried to do a one make race in the Shalby Cobra and forgot to change the tires. I ended up finishing 40seconds behind (not good in a 5lap race) because I couldn't do anything without losing grip.
Oh, and Jibber (or anyone else)... feel free to send me a friend request (PSN=Rod_Sauzer)

Maybe anyone who feels the same way as the OP should post here with their PSN and we can all friend each other?!?!
Because they give best grip and max cornering speed + faster lap times
But for those who like to drift these tyres are not for them....
I really like shuffle races, last night we tried putting boost on - you may be skeptical but it produces some fantastic races, all really closely fought on grand valley east.

in some ways it's quite refreshing racing the (let's be honest) shocking cars that you normally get on tyres that are perfectly grippy for the cars. Although, it's always nice when you get given a gem of a car :)

my psn is smalldave - send me a request and I'll happily join shuffle races or races without slicks :)
Kudos for the post.

No racing tires and no driving aids for me. 👍

I'm part of RIP racing team, I'll be hosting weekly events within a month that'll focus on soft and comforts. Keep an eye out in the online section on Sundays.
Don't fret. Yes, most players simply aren't good enough to drive on sports tyres, even in prod cars. But there are plenty of people who prefer sports, we're all out here. Finnd us and add us! :) And actually, on Saturdays in particular, I've had jam-packed lobbies with regs set to sports softs.

I think racing softs are for kiddies really. They're too fast, and too easy. For realism's sake, when i set my own racing rooms, I have hards maximum.
I like Racing Tires for Racing cars, but do prefer Sport tires for production cars. I really don't like racing with comfort tires. The way I see it is that most people who take there car to a track more than once are going to upgrade the tires. As a real life example a BMW M3 may come from the factory with Micheling PS2 which is likely the equivalent of Comfort Soft or Sport Hard. However if you go to a track day with M3's I'll bet that many will be on a much more aggressive tire. For me the best compromise is Sports Soft for most production cars. I believe that's likely equivalent to what most production cars would use for tracking.
I hear you Jibbar Jabber!

Seems like everytime I go into a room it's racing tires and 600 HP cars! AND drivers that should be nowhere near such cars.