Why is it yellow? (RATED PG)

  • Thread starter Nickskrap
Hey guys, here they are! The pictures of the ever so elusive "YELLOW DOT". Please forgive the quality. If you've ever taken pictures of anything on a TV before, you know how hard it is and how the quality might not be all there every shot. I took many pictures of this and these are the one that do show the "dot" best;




To clear up picturs'
1st pic: Before practice/qualifiers
2nd pic: Start of practice/coming out of the pit. As you can see the dot is still red.
3rd pic: Entering Sector 4 the dot starts changing from the red to orange
4th Pic: Full blown "YELLOW DOT"!!!
5TH Pic: Start of the actual race showing that it isn't just my TV (1st Picture shows proof of that as well)

I had a video on the same camera but couldn't load it on my computer.
What the christ. It's even more mysterious now when I've actually seen it on those pics :odd:
The fourth pic clearly shows it's not a fake, the dot has even shading on the edges. It's not possible to make a fake close-up pic of a TV screen that will look as genuine as this pic.

Or maybe I just don't know how to fake even color bleeding effect that perfectly.. Someone teach me please :D
LOL Speed....yah, and I wouldn't waste my time making up something like this. Plus I wouldn't know how to if I wanted to! It's the real deal and I'm pretty confused and upset that no one knows what this means....OR EVEN SEEN IT! Promise these are real pictures that have not been altered in the least bit! As you might be able to tell, the dot does not change the least starting out the first lap of the practice or the race. It begins changing at the end of sector 3 and goes full blown yellow the last turn of sector 4. And don't forget people, this isn't the first and only track that I have seen this on, just the most recent that I can remember and document.
nope.. I believe I've actually seen this from time to time. I still believe that it has something to do with sector times.
4 Holden that's is the most insane and wierdest thought anyone has had on this...AND I LOVE!!! You might be on to something!

It seems very unlikely, but a neat addition to the game if it's true. I would still not be surprised if it's a disc read error, just like the red loading clock. Nothing bad ever comes of that one- the game just soldiers on.
I noticed the blue sky in the background behind the yellow dot, mabey it changes colors to be more noticeable in certain areas.

EDIT: I just ran the first two races and a little at Paris and only noticed the red dots would change a little towards yellow when the back ground on the screen was in the gray areas (cement.wire fences, etc ) . Where the back ground was say green or blue it looks darker red. If it happens in the same area each lap then look at the background, maybe its that.

I'm starting to think it is that..........?
Some day we will find out for sure...?

Change your TV and game color options and see what happens, Nickskrap. For us if not for you.
Sorry Gt, has nothing to do with my TV or color on it. I'm sorry that you're the only one still in denial about this, but you're going to have to deal with fact that this is real on my game. There are plenty of other spots in the race where the dot is over the sky and it doesn't change a bit. Plus I'm using a 42" HD 1080 TV , 4 months old, doubt it's the TV!
Nickskrap, have you got any record times saved on that course? I'm one of those who strongly believe the yellow color is related to lap/sector times.
Aside from that there's no ambiguous options in the game that would cause anything like this so that's pretty much ruled out too
Change your TV and game color options and see what happens, Nickskrap. For us if not for you.

I'm a bit surprised you won't try this. Look at all the responses people have given you. As for the TV and game colors I'm not saying that there is anything wrong. Give us the courtesy and try changing the settings. The yellow dot might go away if the settings are different. My TV has color settings for each input (12 total). If I switch the input, the settings change. I like different settings for most inputs as each devise has its own settings. I tried my settings and did not get a yellow dot. It would change a little towards yellow on its edges but thats it. Did you calibrate the TV after getting it home? Most TV's need to be calibrated as they come setup for store displays. It doesn't have to be a pro, you can buy a disc to calibrate with. Just because its new doesn't mean it perfect and/or correct. Are you using the games 1080i settings? Its hard to tell from your photo's.

Why are the edges of your TV in some shots rounded. Is that a picture from one of your other TV's. You said you tried it on 3 TV's.

Fortunate for us, it seems its your problem as no one else sees it on they're TV screens.
I guess you guys need to see a video clip of it before you'll believe. There's no way only the dot would change it's color while having everything else around it with perfectly balanced colors.
If he were to adjust his TV's color settings to make us believe, the whole pic would have incorrect color balance.
It's possible to fake it up with Photoshop, but you need to have some serious skill to produce a pic with those details.
Most important pics are those where the dot is still red so we can verify how his TV picture looks overall.

If your memories of GT4 don't reserve any better than that you should first compare those pics carefully to the output of your own TV. :)
If your memories of GT4 don't reserve any better than that you should first compare those pics carefully to the output of your own TV. :)


Just thought it was a shot. Maybe in the dark, but a shot just the same. Even my computer colors could be off.

Just haven't heard any good reasons yet.

I still don't get memories..........?
I'm sorry, my mind started wandering around a little and I didn't really mean to say anything that would sound like you don't remember what GT4 looks like..

I was trying to say that it's not even slightly possible there's a TV set which randomly yanks the hue up on a single red circle that even moves around, and still show other red areas normally on the screen.

First, look at the third pic. The dot is slightly orange there, about the same color as the pause menu. There are Toyota banners in the surroundings, which show a normal red color, albeit a bit dark one. Also there's some green color on the pic that really is green, not something like blueish green.
Also there's almost no color bleeding in this pic, compared to the fifth one for example.

Then let's look at the fourth pic. This is the one where the dot is bright yellow. See how the pause menu still looks about the same color as in the third pic? There's not much else in this pic which is a bit sad, but the sky and AI blue dots still look the same as in other pics. If you're wondering about that dark circle around the yellow dot, boot up the game and see how it blinks in the same way on your screen :sly:

There could be something weird with the TV of course, but that means just too high luminosity levels or too strong saturation. Those would either show the screen too bright or with too vivid colors, but they can't mix the color information in that way at all.

If this really isn't happening in the game, the only possibility is that someone (a ghost maybe?) is hacking the colors on signal level so that only the red dot will show in yellow and nothing else. Either poking the cables or his TV with a magic wand :D

.. or maybe he actually is a really skilled photoshopper and just made these pics up to get some attention.
Anyhow, I'd really like to get Famine to tell us his opinion on this matter, he has studied the game so much I believe he's already seen this yellow dot thing himself.
I put one of the pictures in photoshop and used "Auto Color." This gave the picture much more accurate colors and the dot became red again. The white balance in the original pic seems to be way off.

Before and after:
Thanks ceiling_fan. It just may be a color adjustment then. I like the idea of Famine or another person who has extensive knowledge of the game to voice an opinion also.
Oh and I should add that the buttons in the pause menu are never light blue, they should be grey like they are in the color-corrected picture.
Why didn't you post the other pics with corrected colors?

My first pic shows what happens after applying auto colors, in the second I used the color balance tool to remove blue and green color as much as possible (setting -100), and put red color to +100. This means that yellow dot should change to red or at least orange, but see yourself what happens



Still yellow, eh?!

Here the orange dot actually looks like the normal red dot

Why are you all just trying to prove that he's wrong?
You should be trying out different things to find out why this happens.

In the first pic you'll see he's driving a championship.
In the second see how he's driving the track in practice mode, not in a race.
By judging the AI cars' position on the track between each pic, it clearly seems in last pic he's still driving in practice mode.

I've been driving some laps now in practice mode, with different pace. It's possible the dot will change it's color when you're doing faster than the current car in first position. Or it's changing when you've done your last sector slower than in your previous lap, telling you that you should speed up. Or vice versa. Or something!

Nickskrap, you really should tell us more carefully what you were doing and what you've done before it happened. More pics would be nice, especially those where we can see the whole screen.
I know the map can't be seen clearly in the pics if half of the screen is dark and other half bright. Your solution is to bring the brightness down big time, from the game and your TV set