why is Porsche never in racing games?

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@Tornado : Nobody here knows whats real and 'basic research' is just not conclusive. Every point i made could totally be true, even if they are contradicting each other. It comes from being able to change the perspective for a moment and trying to get into a discussion. You spend a lot of time commenting my posts and trying to attack me on a personal level. It doesn't really matter why, but it comes down to this:
  • You don't know me and from what you are posting here i don't want to know you.
  • You don't know anything about the Porsche/EA deal, just like anyone else in here.
  • Your speculations are in no way more valuable than any other speculation here.
That are at least three conclusive outcomes from this exchange.
This Porsche discussion is very similar to the Logitech discussion. So many things behind closed doors we don't know.
In the end it doesn't really matter because one could be waiting for something that won't happen for quite a while, if ever.

These threads always last much much longer than I would expect and bring nothing new to the table.

I hope a new kind of useful threads pop up once we have the game in our hands.
This Porsche discussion is very similar to the Logitech discussion. So many things behind closed doors we don't know.
In the end it doesn't really matter because one could be waiting for something that won't happen for quite a while, if ever.

These threads always last much much longer than I would expect and bring nothing new to the table.

I hope a new kind of useful threads pop up once we have the game in our hands.

This man speaks the truth.

Really, this thread doesn't even belong here in the first place.
Every point i made could totally be true, even if they are contradicting each other.
Actually, no. Statements implying things like "Porsche was in deep trouble when the deal was signed" (when we do know that the deal couldn't have been in place in the early 1990s when Porsche actually was in serious financial trouble) and "Porsche knew nothing about videogames" (when Porsche models had already been used as cover cars for popular videogames) and "Porsche could even be paying EA to be exclusively featured in EA games" (Porsche has happily paid EA for 15+ years to limit their brand exposure?) are all pretty blatantly false no matter how you try to spin them. It's also pretty impossible to reconcile "Porsche really got screwed over by EA" with "Porsche seems happy with the deal," especially with how much you argued against the latter when people even suggested the latter might be true; so again: Did you just think people wouldn't notice that you adopted a completely opposite viewpoint that you spent most of the thread arguing against?

You spend a lot of time commenting my posts
That'd be because you are the one who has continued to pass off unexplainable logical leaps and laughable speculation as fact.

and trying to attack me on a personal level.
Actually, I haven't attacked you personally once. Every post I've made in response to you has attempted to counter points you've made. More than can be said for you, really:
Your uneducated, arrogant attitude disqualifies you instantly from any further replies from my side.
Even the post I made in response to that was just outlining your inability to actually debate the concepts you were expressing.

Your speculations are in no way more valuable than any other speculation here.
Your speculation has repeatedly been based off of bad assumptions, false equivalencies and ignoring anything anyone else was saying if it didn't fit your opinion of what "really" happened. Someone calls you out on any of the above, and you change the subject or attack them. And you've since the very start of this thread tried to pass all of it off as being true, making the fact that you've pretty blatantly started saying the opposite things from what you were saying in the beginning all the more odd.

All I've done in this thread in comparison is explain why the "Porsche Good, EA bad" rhetoric might not be the truth so many people, including yourself, keep asserting to be the case in whiny forum posts.
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