why is Porsche never in racing games?

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It's because EA are greedy.

OMG EA wants to make money through selling games! Unbelievable!
Let's face it, everybody would use such an advantage as much as one could.
If SMS could get an exclusive Lambo deal they would protect it as much as they could too I assume.
Is kinda sad tho, as the article mentions, PCars has the full rights to the Le Mans 24hrs yet they cannot include Porsche as EA own those rights so instead that car is used for 'Real Racing 3' on the iPad 🤬:banghead:
EA's use of the license is shamefully underutilized, to put it very mildly.
It's because EA are greedy.
As they should be, they are not a charity, they are a for profit corporation and doing what they do best. Making cars and making money. How they choose to handle their car licensing is their own business.
As they should be, they are not a charity, they are a for profit corporation and doing what they do best. Making cars and making money. How they choose to handle their car licensing is their own business.

What cars have they made? I haven't seen an EA car anywhere, can you link me to a dealership?
What cars have they made? I haven't seen an EA car anywhere, can you link me to a dealership?

Poor wording on my part. EA is in business to make money. They make games and they model cars for the game. They bought the license fair and square. I don't see a problem here other than as a consumer not getting what I want, but you are free to buy an EA game if you like.
Poor wording on my part. EA is in business to make money. They make games and they model cars for the game. They bought the license fair and square. I don't see a problem here other than as a consumer not getting what I want, but you are free to buy an EA game if you like.

Agreed. I was stating my opinion, I hope that's allowed.
Agreed. I was stating my opinion, I hope that's allowed.
It is allowed, but you're only stating the obvious. All corporations are greedy unless they are charities or maybe non-profits. They are in business to win and make money. I'm just pointing out that your opinion is like saying grass is green and water is wet. No offense. I do it to everyone that throws out the "[insert corporation here] is greedy" card
It is allowed, but you're only stating the obvious. All corporations are greedy unless they are charities or maybe non-profits. They are in business to win and make money. I'm just pointing out that your opinion is like saying grass is green and water is wet. No offense. I do it to everyone that throws out the "[insert corporation here] is greedy" card

But... you didn't though.
I call BS. They gave the rights to sub license their cars to EA because they don't care about video games or maybe they don't know better.

Then why release the GT4 via an EA phone game if you don't care about them... also if one usuall doesn't know better they usually don't do what I've just said also. Here is the issue I see in general with this thread, and that is there are a lot of EA dislikes (I mean plenty of threads on here in the past that throw them under the bus) and it's been perpetuated. To the opposite of that thought, there are plenty of Porsche fans or likes and they don't want to think ill of them so they tend to thing "oh this must be some misunderstanding on Porsche's end about technology and what not", "surely they didn't do this on purpose, EA must of suckered them (one of the biggest car manufactures and business group of good wealth) into agreeing"

Truth is it was mutual let's get over it and realize the two businesses made a worth while agreement on both ends and in the end upset many people at the same time. Seems like they're doing a good job as businesses

No text speak please.

There was no text speak...
Back in the 90s, when this deal was established, Porsche was in deep trouble and was run by old men who just learned to use a calculator. They were nowhere near the strong negotiation position they have today.

But I agree, they seem to have a symbiotic business relationship with EA nowadays and both partners block any attempt to disturb the business they have going on. This is expected behavior in such situations. Forces I can see to break this up one day: Moar Money or strategic changes made by execs of one of the partners.
I guarantee the moment someone offers a far better deal, this will be over.
Ign done an interesting article of this a while back. I'll try to find the link.

Porsche really aren't doing them selves any favours leaving their IP with EA. When was the last time EA released a decent game with a Porsche in it?

No they've included RUFs.

Porsches loss I say.
The article isn't anywhere near as thorough as it postures itself as being.

Back in the 90s, when this deal was established, Porsche was in deep trouble and was run by old men who just learned to use a calculator.
Actually, no. Porsche of the late 1990s was already well on their way to becoming the brand they are today, having cut most of their costs and modernized their entire lineup in the process by the time EA came calling. Incidentally, the "old man who just learned to use a calculator" running Porsche at the time who was put in charge of Porsche after the brush with bankruptcy (which was over half a decade before the EA deal was signed, by the way) was a very successful real estate mogul before he even joined Porsche; and was in fact the same person who turned it into the most profitable company in the industry by far over the course of the following decade. He was also one of the main ones pulling the strings behind the eventual Porsche/VW merger, and profited handsomely from the venture.

But don't let even basic surrounding facts get into the way of your continued narrative.
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There's no wonder why EA has been the Worst Company in America two years in a row. Exclusive rights to the NFL, certain leagues and clubs in FIFA (although I think Pro Evolution Soccer is the same way), some bands in Rock Band (again, I think it's the same way in Guitar Hero), so many patents to prevent any clones of The Sims, and this. EA is very greedy and now that they're in financial trouble, I think that they should sell off some of the licences.
But don't let even basic surrounding facts get into the way of your continued narrative.

Good to see you haven't lost your attitude 👍

They just began to make money again in 1995. In case you missed it: "Just learned to use a calculator" was an analogy for how far away Porsche was from the Gaming Industry back then. They were either brave or desperate when they signed the deal with EA. Nobody knows, but it seems they are still satisfied with their deal.
They just began to make money again in 1995.
Ah, so based on your original post:
Back in the 90s, when this deal was established, Porsche was in deep trouble
Now you're saying that Porsche shacked up with EA even before they stopped hemorrhaging money? Or is it perhaps the case that things at Porsche weren't all doom and gloom anymore when the deal likely started (1998/1999)?

In case you missed it: "Just learned to use a calculator" was an analogy for how far away Porsche was from the Gaming Industry back then.
That's a pretty hopelessly esoteric analogy then. You should have just copy pasted the first way you wrote it and saved yourself the time:
That exclusivity deal from the Porsche side was signed by old men without knowledge about the gaming market in the middle of the 90's.
Granted, the first way was still wrong since even before Porsche shacked up with EA there were Porsches prominently featured in video games, but at least the first way you wrote it was straightforward.

And this here:
Nobody knows, but it seems they are still satisfied with their deal.
Is a pretty amusing backtrack from this:
EA just ripped them off big time and this will never happen again. Why would any car company today sell out the licensing rights to one single company?
And this:
Exactly, there is a conflict of interests on the side of EA and exactly the point why it is a unhealty deal for Porsche as well as for the gaming market.
I wonder if you hoped no one would notice.

So, to wrap up:
Good to see you haven't lost your attitude 👍
Good to see you haven't lost your ability to make sweeping statements that the most basic of research would show to be false.

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