will the NYT ever target the government and its public schools?

  • Thread starter A2K78
United States
I'm Talk about in the cases of sex abuse. First and foremost I'm not a catholic, but what I find funny that whenever the issue come up the media love to target the church, yet fail to look at the fact that sex abuses of children by school teachers is far, far worst that what happens in the church; some of it either unreported or covered-up:


If anything, this is just another reason to stop paying taxes.
Lol maybe if the church payed taxes in the first place. But yeah, I agree with you here. There's sex abuse in both, but the key difference is that a church (should be) privately funded and a private organization, whereas with a school, it's public employees abusing kids.
I think that the reason that clerical sex abuse gets so much attention is because the perpetrators have betrayed any trust that their victim had in them.
What's the take-home here? That both priests and teachers have abused their power over the children entrusted to their care.

Does it matter what the media coverage is? One doesn't make the other less wrong.
I always though that the church scandal wasn't because it was happening but more because the churches did little about it.