Will there be a collision physics overhaul in GT5? Answer: Yes.

  • Thread starter Slurm
PD are including damage in the game for the first time ever, and this is something they've said they would only do when they can do it perfectly.

What I am wondering, is; have they been working on how cars interact with their environment other than the track? I've always felt that the game doesn't quite feel truly dynamic and free, because of how this was handled. On the track, it's fine. Hit a wall or a car, and it feels weird and unreal. The impact is absorbed without any effect on the car's direction.

But surely they're going to have to overhaul this to make damage work. Things must be different, but the more I think about it, the more I wonder; how different?

Gamescom update: The answer is YES!! Take a look at these videos:


This is the best one, very crash-happy driving:

Car on top of another car:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfXQz1IRtGk kinda glitchy, which perhaps suggest this is an unfinished build of the game.

We now have cars fishtailing, colliding with their environment and each other in a much more life-like way. Like many, I'm not bowled over by the damage, and I was pretty disappointed at first. But I should've been more patient because the videos coming out clearly show how the physics have been improved. I am really happy about this, because this actually affects racing. No more bumper cars!
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I hope so, debris on the track from a crash, the yellow flags and tire punctures will make my day, everyday.
I hope so, debris on the track from a crash, the yellow flags and tire punctures will make my day, everyday.

I think all that would make the racing more realistic and fun! I can also see where, i would be alot of the time. In the pits with flat tires!(just my luck):sly:
The thing I am wondering about most is whether we'll now see the physics engine working on all objects in the environment as realistically as it does on the track. I really hate the weird, absorbent yet repellant quality that applies to the boundaries of the tracks, whether it's tape, fence, tires, metal or concrete you're apparently hitting, as well as other cars.
I think a lot of physics parameters have yet to be implemented. The damage model will address the problem you raised, i myself want to see proper roll over physics. Off course if you hit a wall with a damage model it will react, otherwise what's the point of a damage model, GT5P doesn't have a damage model so obviously it's going to feel weired if nothing reacts:dunce:.

What would happen if an Irresistible Force met an Immovable Object?
The thing I am wondering about most is whether we'll now see the physics engine working on all objects in the environment as realistically as it does on the track. I really hate the weird, absorbent yet repellant quality that applies to the boundaries of the tracks, whether it's tape, fence, tires, metal or concrete you're apparently hitting, as well as other cars.

Much like the flimsy plastic ribbons flanking Eiger; They look as though if you go into a turn too quickly that you'll plow right through them and go off the mountain, but they are stone solid in reality (game reality, that is).
How about some sand that gets sprayed onto the track after you end up going into the sand pits? Making the track more slick as you come around that bend once it's covered with sand.
Lol, most of the features people want in the game have nothing really to do with the act of driving at all, more so crashing. Priority should be driving physics.
I'll go out on a limb on this one and say almost surely. I feel that it may even change the way cars react without collision such as when bounding over bumpy pavement or pounding curbs(essentially small collisions reacting on the chassis) As for how cars will react to the tape along the side of the road at eiger is really got me. Even if you could break through, you would go for a wild ride down the mountain untill....???....an invisible wall stops you?
I really cant see PD implementing a class leading crash system off the bat, more than likely the damage model will be limited to the cars and not the environment, and I really cant see massive crashes such as down a hillside, then they would have to model the track and surroundings. The furthest I expect is the abiity to roll, so please PD, develop it, I'm being realistic.
To me when touching another car it feels like the cars bounce off each other too easily...during online play. I'm not talking about ramming, but rather, something little more than glances.
To me when touching another car it feels like the cars bounce off each other too easily...during online play. I'm not talking about ramming, but rather, something little more than glances.

That is most likely due to the lag, hence why the cars sometimes behave so erratically and why you only experience this online. Actually that's food for thought, if online is as laggy as it is now, damage will be a huge problem, because if people will be getting unexpectedly punted or accidently punt someone else, as bad lag can cause, then peoples races will be ruined if the car suffers from more than just cosmetic damage, which im pretty sure it will.
I'll go out on a limb on this one and say almost surely. I feel that it may even change the way cars react without collision such as when bounding over bumpy pavement or pounding curbs(essentially small collisions reacting on the chassis) As for how cars will react to the tape along the side of the road at eiger is really got me. Even if you could break through, you would go for a wild ride down the mountain untill....???....an invisible wall stops you?

That implies death and immediately erases your current game file requiring a restart. :lol:
I hope so because that is one thing about GT that i HATE!!! its soo bad simulated that is a joke in a game that is as polished as GT, that, the AI the tire sound are the 3 things that just CANT continue the way they are.
I'll go out on a limb on this one and say almost surely. I feel that it may even change the way cars react without collision such as when bounding over bumpy pavement or pounding curbs(essentially small collisions reacting on the chassis) As for how cars will react to the tape along the side of the road at eiger is really got me. Even if you could break through, you would go for a wild ride down the mountain untill....???....an invisible wall stops you?

WRC 03 (I think) had this exact same thing...you would break through the piece of yellow tape halfway through the monte carlo rally that separates you from a several-hundred-meter drop off the snowy mountain. And you would fall off, still clipping nicely with the mountain, then after you got about a hundred meters from the track, the screen would white out and what's left of a car (most of the time you couldn't even call it that) would appear back on the road and the colour would fade back in.

Sometimes that happened if you managed to dodge a lot of trees on your way off the road in other rallies, but eventually the screen would just white out and you'd be back on the track. Very rarely you would fall a bit off the track, and you couldn't drive back up because the road is too high (and you fell 10m), so you had to drive off so you could 'respawn'.

How that would work, even on Eiger, I don't know. You would be able to cut a LOT of time though if you could. Heck, turn right just after the start and you'd cut 4 hairpins. Even a black flag and 30 seconds speed limit wouldn't reel you back in...

As for the strange result of hitting the track in 5P, well you've got two very solid hitboxes touching each other. Compared to real life, where the 'hitboxes' deform and resist and absorb and allow the weight of the car to swing around better causing better collisions.
All of that you mentioned about WRC3 happened in WRC4 too.The damage effects in WRC4 aren't very extensive though even when you roll over.In RBR at least you had bird strikes & much better handling etc.
I've played RBR quite a lot (and still do, the only rally game I play) and I don't remember any bird strikes?

PC version
It seems like GT would be a lot better off in the realism department if it at least moved the invisible walls back off the track a bit. It's possible to design ways to stop people cutting in tracks like Eiger with stone fences/ditches/buildings/etc if necessary, but having some distance for people to slide off the track and potentially not come up against the immersion breaking invisible wall could only be a good thing. Or at least make the barrier something more substantial than tape so that it could conceivably deflect a car doing 120mph.
I know they're in the game, they sit on the road but I never remember getting any "strikes" if they don't get out the way in time.

I dont know if it happen on all tracks, but on "chirdonhead" I hit birds many times.
I will have to pay more attention when I come across birds next time I play.
I really cant see PD implementing a class leading crash system off the bat, more than likely the damage model will be limited to the cars and not the environment, and I really cant see massive crashes such as down a hillside, then they would have to model the track and surroundings. The furthest I expect is the abiity to roll, so please PD, develop it, I'm being realistic.

Adding rolling should be pretty easy. Its not about adding a feature but about taking a feature away. If the physics engine is good, it should lead to roll overs in the right circumstances. Their licenses haven't let them roll the car so they have to add artificial barriers to prevent roll over (the easiest would be a simple pitch and roll kinematic restriction.) To add rollover, they should just need to remove the barriers.