Windows XP Users

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Who uses
Originally posted by youth_cycler

¿Qué? I thought you were a Mac die-hard.

I use XP home. It crashes a fair amount, but it's usually my fault. If I could only leave well enough alone. :D

XP is more helpful than any other edition of Windows when something goes awry.
Originally posted by risingson77
I use XP home. It crashes a fair amount, but it's usually my fault. If I could only leave well enough alone. :D

Same here. The only times XP will crash is if I'm playing videogames or doing something that requires a lot of cpu cycles. But at least it doesn't crash as much as Mac OS 9 does(Can we say poor memory management?). Don't get me wrong, I love macs but I hate Os 9; its a nightmare.
And much to Jimmy's amazement, I would agree. Mac OS 9.2.2 and earlier just wasn't that great... OS X though is some serious... goodness!
My big problem is Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2. I can't get more than a couple races out of it without a crash. EA's idea of tech support seems to be,"Uh....yeah. That happens sometimes." Oh yeah? A patch would be nice. :grumpy:

Silent Hill 2 runs all day without as much as a hiccup...
I've noticed Freelancer would crash every once in awhile but usually not very often. Probably because it can't recognize my video card(Yet the game runs fine).
XP Pro... Love it... Wish they'd code all games for OpenGL though so I could switch to Linux.... Damn DirectX..
Originally posted by Flerbizky
XP Pro... Love it... Wish they'd code all games for OpenGL though so I could switch to Linux.... Damn DirectX..

Could I get an Amen!?

America's Army and Halflife both can use OpenGL, right? I guess all that I need to run OpenGL now is SimCity4, 3dStudio Max(possibly, maybe it does...), and Photoshop, but with the photoediting program on Gnome, that covers Photoshop, and it's free:D
XP Pro, but the more I use it, the more I think that maybe I should have stuck with 2000 Pro. I was running a tri-boot setup for a while, then my HD crashed hard, hardware failure. At which time, I just installed XP Pro. It's ok, but it does use quite a few resources just for the OS. If I was into hard core gaming, I would probably stick with Win98 SE.
Jeezes... I just checked on my computer, and OS X is using 1% of the memory and 0% CPU for its system processes. Ah... :D
Originally posted by rjensen11
Could I get an Amen!?

Amen Brother !

America's Army and Halflife both can use OpenGL, right? I guess all that I need to run OpenGL now is SimCity4, 3dStudio Max(possibly, maybe it does...), and Photoshop, but with the photoediting program on Gnome, that covers Photoshop, and it's free:D
Not too sure aboot A.A. as I haven't even looked at it so I don't know what engine it uses. Halflife does, but that's a crappy old engine which is written for OpenGL but later rewritten to work with DirectX. BUT - Some Q4 this year og Q104 the next generation of 3D engines arises... Strictly and ONLY EVER OpenGL.. Yearh Babee - You GO John Carmack !

3DStudioMax runs purely OpenGL and the other stuff like Photoshop and the likes are only 2D so they don't need DirectX or OpenGL...
I use WIN XP home, will use home if i get a new computer, unless the prices have gone down on Pro. Can anyone tell me the difference?
Which more or less mostly evolves around trees (domains) which you have no use for in a home comp...
Originally posted by Flerbizky

Amen Brother !

Not too sure aboot A.A. as I haven't even looked at it so I don't know what engine it uses. Halflife does, but that's a crappy old engine which is written for OpenGL but later rewritten to work with DirectX. BUT - Some Q4 this year og Q104 the next generation of 3D engines arises... Strictly and ONLY EVER OpenGL.. Yearh Babee - You GO John Carmack !

3DStudioMax runs purely OpenGL and the other stuff like Photoshop and the likes are only 2D so they don't need DirectX or OpenGL... [/B]


Oh man, once I know which computer is mine for college(the computer left over when my brother goes to college) I will install some Linux distribution and run AA(which uses the same engine as Raven Shield, if I'm not mistaken), 3dsm, HalfLife for the Day Of Defeat mod, and Photoshop! Now that I remember it, 3dsm5 has 4 modes>

Oh man, as Metallica says:
"Good day to be alive, Sir, good to be alive yeah!"
XP home, sucks, crashes, but what'ed you expect, its windows......even thought windows sucks so much, i wouldn't be cought dead with linux, mac, or lindows, not enough software out......the only thing wish is that xp wasn't so recource sucking, i've only got a 1.3ghz celeron and 128 mb ram.........i need a new computer...........
