Witcher 3

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I read on Twitter that people are saying this is going to be Watchdogs 2.0 i:e a massive downgrade from what's being shown. Anyone heard this?
Well guys and gals, we're about two weeks away from the launch date. Anyone else excited to see how the story of Geralt ends?
Getting the game free with my new GPU, so I'm looking forward to it. Didn't get into the hype, but I've been reading up about it and it's actually looking veeery impressive.

Some friends of mine are making a name for themselves as Let's Players on YouTube; they've been given chances to play the game before release and according to them, it's great. Still some bugs here and there in the prerelease version, but nothing like what happened to Watch Dogs.
If you like RPGs, you probably should. That's what everyone's been telling me, at least :lol: Anyway, just hold of for a bit and wait for some reviews. One of the upsides of a game that's strictly single player is not feeling left behind if you wait a week to pick it up.
If you like RPGs, you probably should. That's what everyone's been telling me, at least :lol: Anyway, just hold of for a bit and wait for some reviews. One of the upsides of a game that's strictly single player is not feeling left behind if you wait a week to pick it up.

Reviews seem fantastic, yeah will probably wait a bit till I do more progress with DAI then see.
Talking about fantastic:

Careful, though, there's a bit of a nip slip for a split second :D Still a very nice cinematic.

Also, a video showcasing the landscape. PS4 version, though:

And if that's what the PS4 can do, I'm getting a hard-on just thinking about the PC version :lol: It all seems so much more... vibrant and alive than Skyrim, for example. Bit dated, that game, though, so not a fair comparison...

In other news, I've just heard that the game's going to be DRM free. CDPR are appealing to players to just buy it for the sake of supporting them instead of attempting to suppress pirating. Lovely move to not annoy us legit owners with any DRM - plus, DRM can and will be circumvented, rendering it futile eventually. Still, they're getting bonus points in my book.

Oh, yeah, did any of you guys read up in what the Wild Hunt actually is? Been dabbling in the Witcher's lore a little these past few days and damn, that does sound amazing 👍 Not gonna spoil it for any of you, though. (Somewhat) reminded me of Berserk, for those of you who've read that manga.
The whole graphics downgrade debate has been going on for a while now... Might be that I don't value early trailers too much, but I still think that the current videos are showing it to be an utterly beautiful game. It's not exactly good practice to oversell your games from the beginning. Seems to be pretty much standard practice these days, though.

Plus, one of the German gaming magazines I'm following has posted an article on their website earlier today, stating that they just received the review version of the game. Which comes with some "pretty substantial" (whatever that means :lol:) differences to the preview build.
That's why I never look at videos unless they are for the system I intend to buy the game on.

Anyway, I posted a review link in post 36 last week that shows the developer wasn't afraid of reviews coming out well ahead of the game.
the developer wasn't afraid of reviews coming out well ahead of the game.
Which is always a good sign to me. NDA's and review embargoes are some of the worst things in the gaming industry to date, imho. That and those pre-order incentives. Always makes me feel like the product's bad if the seller is trying his best to get my money before I even get to see the actual product :indiff:
Just pre ordered it, after going through the hassle of having to change my password for security reasons, e.g. Sony probably getting hacked again or something.

It is now downloading along with a patch and should be playable on 3 hours 15 minutes as so.
Just under 3 hours left until it unlocks on GOG for me.

Yay :D

Friend of mine got the physical version and is already playing on his PS4. :lol: I envy him.
This German website benchmarked their PC copy of Witcher 3 with a slew of GPUs, and only one conclusion can be drawn: This game is very demanding. Basically, if you want to do 60 fps @ 1080p with Ultra settings, you will need a Titan X with costs roughly $1000, coupled with an overclocked i7. Enabling extras like Hairworks cuts FPS by 10 or so, but AMD cards obviously suffer the most. Something like a 970 or 290X can still run the game, but you might need to drop a couple of settings to High or at most Medium. Since the game is coming out in a few hours though it doesn't really matter
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Yeah, saw those benchmarks as well. I think I'll just skip HairWorks (too little gain for the reduction in performance) and keep most other stuff at ultra. Should be okay, I think. We'll see.

But I expected it to be demanding, so that's okay :D

/edit: Stayed up late to play for a bit.

German translation seems pretty horrible, that's for sure. Got English voice acting (which is quite good), but the German subtitles? Bah.

That's about the only bad thing I can say about the game so far, though. Combat's fluid and intuitive, although switching through the quick actions could be a bit more seamlessly integrated. The visuals are astounding, graphics downgrade or not. Got everything maxed aside from ambient occlusion (using SSAO instead of HBO+) and HairWorks and the game's staggeringly beautiful. Runs well enough, too. Didn't measure my FPS yet, but I'm thinking somewhere in the 45 to 60 FPS range, probably fluctuating around those numbers. Quite happy with that... Then again, that's not much of an achievement considering the hardware power the game demands.

Technical stuff aside, the design and art style is brilliant. I haven't seen much yet, but I very much liked what I've encountered. So much more authentic and palpable than, say, Skyrim (bit of an unfair comparison, I know).

Oh, and even a guy as straight as myself has to admit that Geralt's one hell of an attractive protagonist :lol: His fighting style's a bit flamboyant and 'dancey', but awesome nonetheless.

Aye, gotta make up my mind on what awesome game to play tomorrow; The Witcher 3 or Project CARS? 'Tis a tough decision! :lol:👍 I better catch some sleep instead of posting more nonsense, I guess...
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Initial, Spoiler Free, Impressions (It's unlocked on Steam for me):

2 hours in and I've barely touched the story :lol:
To me, the game looks great.
I have everything set to Ultra/On/HBAO+ and I get a respectable average of 37 FPS with my i5/780 Combo, granted both are OC'd and am using a 16:10 resolution.
Steam Overlay seems to not be working for some reason..

Note of warning:
When you're trying to import your Witcher 2 save, the time that save was..saved may be off for the game.
For example, I couldn't find my save so I went back on Witcher 2 and refinished the epilogue. Turns out that my save time was 3 hours off so instead of 6:40, Witcher 3 showed it as 10:40 which threw me off.
I have everything set to Ultra/On/HBAO+ and I get a respectable average of 37 FPS with my i5/780 Combo, granted both are OC'd and am using a 16:10 resolution.
Steam Overlay seems to not be working for some reason..
Guess who's gonna up his GPU's clocks first thing tomorrow? :D
Guess who's gonna up his GPU's clocks first thing tomorrow? :D

Exteriors is where I'm getting around 40 but interiors are usually ~30 for me but It never dips below 25 and when it dips to 25, it's never more than a second or two, so far. Maybe I should lower the average to about 35 FPS..:dunce:
Sounds like a pretty demanding game?

Ive played just past the tutorials and can already tell this is going to be an interesting journey! Never played any game in the franchise.

I do have some audio drops and tearing on Xbox One.
Had a chance to play it a 5 AM this morning. I've never played one of these before so only did some tutorial stuff so far.

I've got as far as asking some questions at the first Inn you get to. So far so good. It's really nice looking on the PS4
Sigh... the overwhelmingly positive initial impressions is getting tainted by a whole slew of crashes and freezes today :indiff: Might be because I upped the clocks on my GPU, who knows. It ran a lot more stable yesterday with my card at stock speeds. I'll have to look into that.

On the bright side, the game's running quite well with everything maxed except for HairWorks and ambient occlusion. Stays at 60 FPS most of the time, dips down into the mid fifties every now and again. Totally fine by me, of course.
This is gonna be fun!

Hearing a lot of GPU strain. My 790 hydro has done fine for everything I have thrown at it until this game. Everything on ultra and I'm averaging 35 FPS. Had to set things to medium to lock in my 60 FPS. Far cry from my 144 FPS vSync that I've become accustom to.

Hoping that diver optimizations will help so I don't have to upgrade my card, but the game is beautiful and can't wait to really dive into it!
Yeah, the game's running awfully badly on non-Maxwell cards, it seems. But I suppose you're running the game at a higher resolution than just 1080p, right @Pako?

Also, in case you guys haven't noticed: The cutscenes play at 30 FPS. This can be changed in the user.settings file, found here: C:\Users\Luminis\Documents\The Witcher 3. Just CTRL + F for MovieFramerate and set it to 60 👍
Yeah, the game's running awfully badly on non-Maxwell cards, it seems. But I suppose you're running the game at a higher resolution than just 1080p, right @Pako?

Also, in case you guys haven't noticed: The cutscenes play at 30 FPS. This can be changed in the user.settings file, found here: C:\Users\Luminis\Documents\The Witcher 3. Just CTRL + F for MovieFramerate and set it to 60 👍

When gaming, I like to switch between 2560x1440 at 60hz and 1920x1080 at 144hz depending on the game, but have been really liking the higher refresh rates of my Asus monitor and would like to achieve it on this game. Just checked out the prices of the 980's and my god, will they ever come down in price? They should be in the $300 range now with the Titan's in the sub $600's by now.

I think I'll wait, too many instrument purchases lately that I'm still recovering from.

I'm sure we'll some screenies for ya @CAMAROBOY69. :)