Cosplay isn't entirely the same as Dress-up. Dress-up you just dress up as that character, with cosplay though you actually act like the character and sometimes even quote or perform things famous within the character.I'm trying to not focus on neologisms but...
Because I'm 25 I don't want to be all "back in my day" but what happened to calling this stuff fancy dress? The US gets a pass because I'm not sure if that term was ever popular there but the UK has no excuses. Dressing up as a character, from any media, is still fancy dress, right?
If someone invited me to a fancy dress party, that's great. A chance to dress up in character. If someone invited me to a cosplay party, I'd probably push them down the stairs.
Also I know I probably pronounce it wrong which makes it even worse; cozzplay as in Cosworth as opposed to the actual coss in costume.
Cosplay isn't entirely the same as Dress-up. Dress-up you just dress up as that character, with cosplay though you actually act like the character and sometimes even quote or perform things famous within the character.
Fancy Dress-up is a very vague term where the only requirement is to dress-up as a character, cosplay is more strict in which you have to act like an already established character while dressing up though it can still be a fancy dress-up.So you're saying you couldn't do those things if you were "only" in fancy dress?
If I went to a fancy dress party as say... Hulk Hogan or Solid Snake, I'd have to just be me but with some weird clothes on? I couldn't go on a cocaine-induced steroid promo or repeat things people tell me as a question? (Repeat things people tell me as a question?!)
Fancy dress is not limited to just wearing clothes and being like you normally are. The term also covers imitating and acting too. That's the point of a fancy dress party; people having fun pretending to be whatever they are dressed as.
Not really, Fancy Dress-up is a very vague term where the only requirement is to dress-up as the character, cosplay is more strict in which you have to act like though it can still be a fancy dress-up.
Cosplay IS a Japanese thing, and no, I don't think it's a replacement for the term "fancy dress"I always thought that cosplay was a Japanese inspired thing (Anime and whatnot) that had been adopted by the west and that the term 'cosplay' had just replaced the term 'fancy dress'.
Unfortunately that word will never see disuse.A recent most hated word for me is 'unfortunately'. It's just something people add to sentences to sound like they're sympathizing with the person they're talking to.
"Unfortunately the servers were taken down". "Unfortunately the link no longer works". Bitch, just get to the point and let me dwell in my disappointment by myself without your unwanted regrets.
Multiplied by how much when an "s" is suffixed?Y'all
Hoagie? I didn't think anybody outside of the Philadelphia PA area had ever heard of a hoagie.Hoagie.