"Conversate", "Irregardless" - werds used by piple who thinx they're smard.
"The feels" - use a real word to describe something or just shut up.
"The" or "Thee" - when used unctuously in front of something to give
emphasis where
none is needed.
"Liberal", "Conservative" - It's amazing we haven't come up with new words for these yet, but it explains the extended morass of American politics.
"Bespoke" - what kind of empty placeholder of a word is that?
"Tease" - see "bespoke".
Probably twenty more, but I can't be bothered right now.
On the other side of the coin, some folks drive me up a wall; due to their insistence on total petulance, they cannot comprehend that using the same word over again, and again, and again, and again...and that their diatribe might be due for a much-needed synonym, even if it has a minuscule difference in connotation. Any word can be used once in a while, but many stale phrases and empty words should be used sparingly.