Words I Hate

  • Thread starter Liquid
:lol: Ass.

Anyways, for me I hate any words Famine says....oops...wait...


I imagine reading posts on this forum drive you just abit insane knowing its there.




Excessive and unnecessary use of "though/doe."

Never heard of bae but I totally agree about swag. Its overused beyond reason, what the hell was wrong with swagger?

Also agree about yolo (which is a stupid abbreviation of "You Only Live Once"), I swear its the word of idiots and the usual excuse for doing stupid things.
I can only think of two:

Ignorant - Thrown around so much in arguments
Opportunity - Because no one gives "chance" a chance

Not a word but the phrase "I'll let you know". Lazy way to tell people you'll get back to them when they usually don't.
"Conversate", "Irregardless" - werds used by piple who thinx they're smard.

Between you and I, hypercorrection is incorrigible.

Between you and me.

In this case, it is always correct to use "you and me."

Irregardless, yes, that's a word I hate. Although I have to say, I've never heard someone use conversate and I am now sad that this word exists.
How about this? :sly:


Get. It. Off.
'Specifically' especially when people say 'pacifically'. Although, tbh, my anger is with them not the word.

'Okey dokey' that's spoken by idiots too.

'Flange' should never be spoken out loud in the presence of women. Same goes for 'gusset'.

'Funky' as in 'make it look funky'. Jerks.

'Jazz' for so many reasons. 1) 'Jazz it up a bit please', 2) the smug 'music', 3) the people that like said smug 'music', 4) the only way is up, baby! Really, 5) the Honda driven by what appears to be the corpse of a poodle unable to see over the wheel that inevitably pulls out on my nose and then trundles along at 20mph whatever the speed limit or road conditions.

Basically the J-bomb should never be uttered in my presence.

'Luxury' as in 'luxury hotel', 'luxury fittings' or 'luxury cruise', all of which are inevitably very normal turds being polished.

That'll do for now...
selfie. God damnit, you have no idea how pissed I get when I hear that word.

Photoshopped also pisses me off to no end.

"Oh, nice picture, is it photoshopped?"

I just start twitching.
I hate most sharp v words that use a g part way through:
:grumpy: Oh yeah, well I hate words that are upside down. So there, what do you think about that? ;)

Perfect, there's a word I hate. Nothing is perfect. Never have been, never will be.
Kumquat and cudgel are two ugly-sounding words. The combinations of sounds are most unfortunate.
Schedule, when pronounced as "shed-jewel". I don't ride a shool bus, people aren't rewarded shawl-er-ships.
'Flange' should never be spoken out loud in the presence of women. Same goes for 'gusset'.

'Funky' as in 'make it look funky'. Jerks.

'Jazz' for so many reasons. 1) 'Jazz it up a bit please', 2) the smug 'music', 3) the people that like said smug 'music', 4) the only way is up, baby! Really, 5) the Honda driven by what appears to be the corpse of a poodle unable to see over the wheel that inevitably pulls out on my nose and then trundles along at 20mph whatever the speed limit or road conditions.

Basically the J-bomb should never be uttered in my presence.

1. Really, that's a dirty word? I only ever hear it in regards to sound (its also an effect I've used several times in editing)

2. I do get annoyed when its used in that fashion because it usually means something god awful.

3. Perhaps I don't get out enough, but that's the first I've heard of that music being called "smug".

Knack I hate as well.

Well, I know one PS4 game you won't like :lol:
How can you spell Armour right but spell Flavour wrong on the same package???????????
"Armour" appears to be the name of the company. If anything, it's probably the surname of the founder. It's correctly spelled armor and flavor in America.

Your disdain for Americanisms is well documented and there is a thread for that. This is for actual words we dislike, not dialectal differences. Spelling it our way, there's nothing wrong with the words armour and flavour, is there?

It's correctly spelt armor and flavor in America. No disputing that. For what it's worth, I hate Americanisms and much of American English myself, but one can't say it's wrong to them within their own variation/dialect.