Words I Hate

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I was always under the impression this was how it worked:

Cosplay: Wearing a costume at a convention for video games/show/TV movie/anime
School play: Wearing a costume for a live performance (which sorta kinda could be said about broadway shows as well)
Halloween: Wearing a costume on a holiday every October.
Fancy dress, acting, fancy dress.
There is a difference. Cosplay usually refers to dressing up as an anime character.
Fancy dress.
Does "Beeotch" offer up more favorable proportions? Not that it's any better--I just assume use the actual word when applicable.
That was BLOTCH, not BIOTCH.
Prerogative. I do not know why I always feel nauseous when I hear it or read it.

I've never even heard of "prerogative." And I can't even figure out how to pronounce it. Is it "pri-roh-gative?" Because if it's "pre-roh-gative," then I've found a word in the English language that I can't actually say at a normal pace. I can understand your issue with the word. :P
I've never even heard of "prerogative." And I can't even figure out how to pronounce it. Is it "pri-roh-gative?" Because if it's "pre-roh-gative," then I've found a word in the English language that I can't actually say at a normal pace. I can understand your issue with the word. :P

Puking in 3...2... arrrgh well yeah it's not even that, I'm able to pronounce it just fine but for some reason it really makes me sick. Wicked is another one. Lewis Hamilton often uses this word so I come across it a lot when reading F1 stuff. Now excuse me I have to go barf somewhere. :ill:
I've never even heard of "prerogative." And I can't even figure out how to pronounce it. Is it "pri-roh-gative?" Because if it's "pre-roh-gative," then I've found a word in the English language that I can't actually say at a normal pace. I can understand your issue with the word. :P

Usually people slur it to "per-o-ga-tive", although your examples are more like the correct pronunciation and are admittedly slightly tongue twister-ish to say.
I second the resentment of the word 'flange'. Sounds silly and just evokes giggles from most people these days.

Two words I particularly dislike are 'simmer' and 'quench'. Don't know why, just hate using/saying/writing them and avoid doing so whenever possible. Oh, and 'haughty'. Bleh.

I also don't like 'despatch'. For the longest time, I kept thinking all these delivery and home improvement companies had spelt 'dispatch' wrong, but I only found out that both are actually right. Every fibre in my brain still tells me its wrong when I see it though.

Slight deviation here, but I frown upon words that can be pronounced two ways e.g. 'either'. Then again, thats more to do with dialect rather than the words themselves.
I think technically "Gone Viral" is more of a phrase (A severly overused one at that) then it is a word. Same for Good Samaritan. I can understand why you hate them though.
Technology. Mentioned in ads advertising products which have no technology whatsoever.
"Anyways" is the non-standard form of "anyway" which is often associated with US English and informal online chit-chat. Never heard it spoken aloud where I live.
I don't really like the word "download" because some people never use it right these days.

At college, I get asked questions like "Can you download that from your flash drive to the computer?".


Copying and pasting something from a flash drive to a computer is not downloading. :rolleyes: I could name more words that tend to bug me but that's all I am going to post for now.

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