Words I Hate

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Even. I just can't!

Also, I love YOLO. My group of friends use it in the most ironic ways for the humor. It's supposed to be about serious things, like moving across the country for a girl, or betting $100k, or jumping off a cliff into dark water, etc. But we use it for things like, oops, turned right on red when I shouldn't have...YOLO! Things that clearly don't have any bearing on your life as a whole.
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Can this extend to phrases? Particularly in the workplace?

I hate "Going forward..." and "Actioning something".

"Put a pin in that" makes my skin crawl.
Menu. In a specific context.

Let's say you're in a fast food outlet. Or a restaurant. In continental Europe, even on their English translations they'll have a menu instead of a meal. That is, a list of available products is not called a menu. An actual meal is called a menu. And not even a men-you but a men-oo.

This. Drives. Me. God. Damned. Mental.

"Uh, can I have a steak and cheese sub please?"
"Yes, I am looking at the menu. That is how I know what I want."
"No, MENOO. You get packet of crisp and drink."
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WTF is a menoo? :lol:

Menu is what you order your food off of.

A combo or a meal comes with "crisps" and a drink.
@TB Exactly.

These continentals get it completely backwards and for a native English speaker, it's so grating. Doubly so with the typical foreign pronunciation of menu as men-oo instead of men-you.
I dislike the word obnoxious. I find it very obnoxious to spell and I hate how it sounds when pronouncing it.
Can this extend to phrases? Particularly in the workplace?

I hate "Going forward..." and "Actioning something".

"Put a pin in that" makes my skin crawl.
I wonder the same thing too. I honestly have never heard any of those before and it already bugs me. :crazy:
Often it depends on the context........

Absolutely. Quite often it's not what is said, but how it's said that matters.
When it is written communication how it's said is a matter of opinion, and what is said becomes even more garbled in the minds of diverse readers.

No curse words, no neologisms. Your turn.

Well . . . that's a problem then, isn't it? Most of the words I dislike are imprisoned under the AUP. :D

Since @Danny went with phrases, I'm going to add a couple:
"University of life"
"Touch base"

As for actual words, I can't think of any I hate. But words I love? Drubbing, hoist and inconspicuous.
At least the social media convention is known as a hashtag rather than a poundtag. As a symbol, this # is a hash sign and not a pound sign. Ideally, it's simply a number sign.

But I don't hate the word hash. Hashtag is disqualified from hatred due to being a neologism.
No word's in particular. I hate mispronunciation of certain words like:

Specific ~ Pacific
Ask ~ Axe
Library ~ Lie-berry
Escape ~ Excape
Espresso ~ Expresso
Affidavit ~ Affidavid
Antarctic ~ Antartic
Cavalry ~ Calvary
The Caucasus ~ The Caucases
et cetera ~ excetera
February ~ Febyuary

As for phrases:

"In your own words"

Always hated that phrase. All the words you use come from you parents, friends, teachers, writers, etc. And even their words originated from another source. So really, do you have your own words??

Another phrase that the young ones say; I've heard teenagers use this phrase as well:

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

I don't know, CAN you? Do you need me to help you get there?

A couple mispronounced phrases that always make me chuckle:

For all intents and purposes ~ For all intensive purposes

Heimlich maneuver/manoeuvre ~ Heineken remover :lol:
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No word's in particular. I hate mispronunciation of certain words like:

Specific ~ Pacific
Ask ~ Axe
Library ~ Lie-berry
Escape ~ Excape
Espresso ~ Expresso
Affidavit ~ Affidavid
Antarctic ~ Antartic
Cavalry ~ Calvary
The Caucasus ~ The Caucases
et cetera ~ excetera
February ~ Febyuary

As for phrases:

"In your own words"

Always hated that phrase. All the words you use come from you parents, friends, teachers, writers, etc. And even their words originated from another source. So really, do you have your own words??

Another phrase that the young ones say; I've heard teenagers use this phrase as well:

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

I don't know, CAN you? Do you need me to help you get there?

A couple mispronounced phrases that always make me chuckle:

For all intents and purposes ~ For all intensive purposes

Heimlich maneuver/manoeuvre ~ Heineken remover :lol:

I'm guilty of saying "Febyuary." :guilty:
"In your own words"

Always hated that phrase. All the words you use come from you parents, friends, teachers, writers, etc. And even their words originated from another source. So really, do you have your own words??

I think this one is a bit silly to hate. I think you're taking it too literally - it doesn't mean that all of your words are not yours so it invalidates the saying, nor does it mean that all your words are your own words which makes the statement obvious and pointless to say. What it means (at least from my experience on Earth with it) is to say what you have to say without any influence that may effect your opinion or ideas. Say what you want to say from the heart, and don't let someone's opinion of your idea effect you!
I think this one is a bit silly to hate. I think you're taking it too literally - it doesn't mean that all of your words are not yours so it invalidates the saying, nor does it mean that all your words are your own words which makes the statement obvious and pointless to say. What it means (at least from my experience on Earth with it) is to say what you have to say without any influence that may effect your opinion or ideas. Say what you want to say from the heart, and don't let someone's opinion of your idea effect you!

I know what the phrase means, I just always took it literally, and I liked opening a debate with a professor :P

I've been hating it since a professor started using it in college four years ago. The spanish word "quemado" (burnt, meaning "overused" as well in Argentina) is a different thing, though they mean the same I like it much better.

EDIT: that feel when "Men-oo" is how we pronounce it here (Menú).
I hate when people say that Porsche is pronounced Por-shah! like Joey does in Friends. It's more of a -shuh than -shah.

I hate the word affadavit, too.
Well, my contribution to this thread is actually a group of words I despise. "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".....grrrr, even typing it brings down the red mist....
Tricky, whenever it's used by a guide writer to undermine tasks in video games that are painfully difficult. :grumpy:
Can this extend to phrases? Particularly in the workplace?

I hate "Going forward..." and "Actioning something".

"Put a pin in that" makes my skin crawl.

I'm not sure why you're not buying in here, let's circle back and really try to nail it down and wrap our heads around it. I'm tired of you phoning it in here, there's no I in team and you need to step up to the plate. There's really a need for a paradigm shift in the way you think, we need to systematically and dynamically engage our established user base and increase our ROI and brand integration. Maybe we're putting lipstick on a pig but we've got to go viral.

We're not reinventing the wheel here, let's just work smarter, not harder, and consistently raise the bar. The past? Water under the bridge, hindsight is always 20/20. At the end of the day we can't just throw the baby out with the bathwater, but I need you to be more marketing driven so that we can be client centered. I'm trying to be proactive and transparent here, there's no need for perfection, Rome wasn't built in a day, but we need everyone on the same page so we can all be a team player.

I'll touch base later to see what you think going forward.
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