Working on the "Perfect Game"...

Originally posted by tezzell
Great Lap at Midfield...55 seconds!

I am still in shock at the Seven attempts on the Seattle endurance. That is "redrum" scary!

Thanks, tez! Yeah, I'll have to check the replay, 'cause I'm not sure if I "cheated" by cutting the last S turn across the grass (coming out of the tunnel into the final straight). Most of my non-pit laps were in the low to mid 56's.

... My thumbs are STILL in shock from the 7 attempts @ Endurance/Seattle!!! And now I've got this Formula GT series! AAARRGGH (say my thumbs). I think some controller reconfiguration may be in the works... I've been considering switching the accel/brake buttons to R1/R2 for the less competitive races... we'll see...

Anyway, time to bust them fools @ Seattle!

Have a great drive!


Ahhh...that's where the strategy comes into play on my race.

I ran Seattle before I started the series. All I had to do was run two laps to qualify and I had the points I needed (or rather the AI got awarded the appropriate points). Therefore, had I run the series as intended, I would likely have had my light come on in race three.

I also ran Laguna and Cote d'Azur before I started the series.

This allowed me to win by a few points, and to skip a few races. Now that I think about it...I'm not sure why I did run it this way.

Originally posted by GT Hero79
what attempt is this now roadhazzard

Hey, Hero!

This is my 3rd overall gamesave. I currently have only 2 memory cards, with my friends' as a backup (saved after getting all license golds (day 49)). For my current gamesave, my 2nd "perfect" attempt, I over-wrote my very first GT3 save which was about 94% complete, on day 354.

My previous attempt at "perfect" is on something like day 178, around 63% complete. I decided to "scrap" that game (I still use it to test vehicles I haven't yet gotten) when I realized I didn't need to use the Xsara Rally Car.

If you meant "which attempt at Formula GT?"... I tested the F094/S on my other card (2nd game, 1st "perfect" attempt) and ran through 6 races. I have also tested the F687/S (the car I'm actually using) for about 6 hours over the last 4 days (unlogged).

Did I mention I LOVE this game??? lol

Have a great drive, everyone!


I figured having to run the Seattle 100 7 times might help me a bit for this one. On the final lap, I had just put the F686 at + 2 laps coming up the hill. But I banged the wall pretty bad just past the last checkpoint and it closed the whole gap (bumped me from the rear). I managed to get through the final chicane cleanly despite having two red rear tires, and crossed the finish line less than 1 second before the F686...

Professional/Formula GT: 40 Laps @ Seattle Circuit
[Finishing Position] (Starting Position) Vehicle = total race time

[1] (6) F687/S black= 52.53.987 (best 1.12.716)
[2] (3) F090/S = 53.22.191 (+1 Lap)
[3] (2) F094/H = 53.34.018 (+1 Lap)
[4] (1) F686/M = 52.54.775 (+2 Laps)
[5] (4) F687/S green = 53.11.509 (+2 Laps)
[6] (5) F688/S = 53.21.649 (+2 Laps)

I pitted after laps 8, 16, 24, 32

So, after leg 2 on Day 50, here are my numbers...

Cr: 227750
Complete: 9.7%
Prize Total: 210000
Wins: 3
Races: 3
Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 7
Total Mileage: 301.5 "miles" (km)*
Total Car Value: 2703280
Bonus Cars Acquired: 7
Trophies Acquired: 3

* - it looks like the miles from the F687 finally kicked in... I think it might be because last time I posted my numbers, I quit the series in the first race's menu, and this time I quit the series in the 3rd race's menu (without racing it)... I dunno...

OK, Grand Valley is up next. This one was giving me fits because the F687's tires suck. But I got a nice pit schedule that keeps me running hard (pitting after laps 6, 12, 17, 22).

Have a great drive!

Just like my F094/S on the other card, my oil light went on during the 9th lap of this race. I wanted to get this series over with as quickly as possible, so I opted to wall-ride the tunnel after the bridge (every lap). Doing so kept my speeds anywhere from 130-150 mph, while the field took it around 95-115 mph. I didn't do so for my test runs, where I was posting best lap times around 1.28.000...

PROFESSIONAL/Formula GT: 27 Laps @ Grand Valley Speedway
[Finishing Position] (Starting Position) Vehicle = total race time
[1] (6) F687/S black = 42.29.415 (best 1.26.358)
[2] (2) F094/H = 43.43.788
[3] (3) F090/S = 42.31.007 (+1 Lap)
[4] (1) F686/M = 42.47.083 (+1 Lap)
[5] (4) F687/S green = 42.57.282 (+1 Lap)
[6] (5) F688/S = 42.59.471 (+1 Lap)

I pitted after laps 6, 12, 18, 23.

I'm noticing weird behavior with the Total Miles reading on the Game Status screen. It's showing 280 miles now (less than before I raced Grand Valley). Weird...

Anyway, got Super Speedway next. I don't know how I'll be pitting for this one. Maybe not at all...

Have a great drive!

Race 4
I was first thinking it might be faster to pit than to not pit, but I didn't want to waste time testing more. I was hoping to break 26.000 for a best lap by getting a really good draft, but the opportunities were few. When they would arise, I'd nudge the right wall coming out of the tight end of the track. I managed to barely break 26.000 without a draft until the last few laps, when I finally caught a good windbreak. I managed to hold 218 mph through the first (wide) turn, and around 195 mph for the tight one. Coming out of the tight turn, I caught another car's draft and crossed at 25.655.

PROFESSIONAL/Formula GT: 50 Laps @ Super Speedway
[Finishing Position] (Starting Position) Vehicle = total race time
[1] (6) F687/S black = 25.45.851 (best 25.655)
[2] (1) F686/M = 25.57.909 (+1 Lap)
[3] (4) F687/S green = 26.08.759 (+1 Lap)
[4] (2) F094/H = 26.12.542 (+1 Lap)
[5] (3) F090/S = 25.50.703 (+2 Laps)
[6] (5) F688/S = 26.09.964 (+2 Laps)
I pitted after laps 8, 16, 23, 30, 37, 44

After this race, the F687 had 320.1 miles, and dropped to 887 hp (it was 888 before the race).


Race 5
Pretty uneventful. I forgot my pit schedule (was supposed to be every 7th) but things worked out anyway...

PROFESSIONAL/Formula GT: 28 Laps @ Rome Circuit
[Finishing Position] (Starting Position) Vehicle = total race time
[1] (6) F687/S black = 32.17.123 (best 1.04.968)
[2] (2) F094/H = 32.23.994 (+1 Lap)
[3] (1) F686/M = 32.37.782 (+1 Lap)
[4] (3) F090/S = 32.46.884 (+1 Lap)
[5] (4) F687/S green = 32.53.774 (+1 Lap)
[6] (5) F688/S = 33.07.631 (+1 Lap)
I pitted after laps 8, 15, 21

Post-race numbers for the F687/S: 390.2 mi, 870 hp

Looks like engine wear is really kicking in. I notice during the replays that the rest of the field doesn't have the oil light on. Furthermore, it looks like they run without ASM (I never knew that before)...

Anyway, got the Test Course up to bat. This will be the first and only race where I'll be changing the settings for the F687/S...

After leg 5 on day 50, here are the #'s...

Cr: 317750
Complete: 10.3%
Prize Total: 300000
Wins: 6
Races: 6
Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 7
Total Mileage: 150.1 "miles" (km)*
Total Car Value: 2703280
Bonus Cars Acquired: 7
Trophies Acquired: 6

* - OK, that's it... I'm gonna ignore this stat until the series is over. Still weird...

Have a great drive, everyone!

Professional/Formula GT: Race 6 - 25 Laps @ Test Course

I changed the settings as follows:
Suspension/Camber Angle: 0.0 Front, 0.0 Rear
Suspension/Toe Angle: 0.0 Front, 0.0 Rear
Transmission/Gear Ratio: Auto Setting 41
Stability/Downforce: .63 Front, .85 Rear
Stability/TCS: 4

[Finishing Position] (Starting Position) Vehicle = total race time
[1] (6) F687/S black = 43.28.596 (best 1.42.634)
[2] (1) F686/M = 44.33.031
[3] (2) F094/H = 44.36.068
[4] (5) F688/S = 44.59.359
[5] (4) F687/S green = 44.59.435
[6] (3) F090/S = 44.59.436

I did not pit for this race. I could never find anyone worth drafting, although there might've been opportunities to break away from the pack by holding 227 through the turns. I also noticed that I was running top speeds of 228 when my tires were prime, 1 mph less than when I was testing. Engine wear is likely the cause.

Speaking of which, I finished this race with 555.3 miles, and still 870 hp. It seems that the hp-engine wear has levelled off.


Professional/Formula GT: Race 7 - 33 Laps @ Laguna Seca Raceway (2nd attempt, 44 mins spent total)

I changed the settings back to their defaults.
Suspension/Camber Angle: 2.0 Front, 1.0 Rear
Suspension/Toe Angle: 0.0 Front, -3.0 Rear
Transmission/Gear Ratio: Auto Setting 38
Stability/Downforce: .70 Front, .90 Rear
Stability/TCS: 5

[1] (6) F687/S black = 37.42.118 (best 1.03.672)
[2] (2) F094/H = 38.11.302
[3] (3) F090/S = 38.41.292
[4] (5) F688/S = 38.42.913
[5] (1) F686/M = 38.45.818
[6] (4) F687/S green = 38.12.650 (+1 Lap)

I pitted after laps 6, 13, 19, 26.

On my 1st attempt, I got "Corkscrewed" on the very first lap and started over... Nobody's perfect. :) On lap 10 of my 2nd attempt, I "Corkscrewed" the F090/S when I rear-ended him into the tires. I hit the next checkpoint, ahead by 10 secs. They don't call me RoadHazzard for nothin!! ;)

The F687/S now has 628.8 miles, still with 870 hp. Still Day 50, here are the #s:

Cr: 377750
Complete: 10.6%
Prize Total: 360000
Wins: 8
Races: 8
Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 7
Total Mileage: 267.7 "miles"
Total Car Value: 2703280
Bonus Cars Acquired: 7
Trophies Acquired: 8

Well, that's enough for today. I think I'll go for 8 & 9 tomorrow (Apricot Hill & Tokyo 246). I need to give my thumbs a break...

Have a great drive everyone!

Professional/Formula GT: Race 8 - 27 Laps @ Apricot Hill Raceway
[Finishing Position] (Starting Position) Vehicle = total race time
[1] (6) F687/S black = 29.59.455 (best 1.01.377)
[2] (1) F686/M = 30.52.863
[3] (2) F094/H = 30.53.642
[4] (4) F687/S green = 30.57.659
[5] (3) F090/S = 31.00.287
[6] (5) F688/S = 31.03.580
I pitted after laps 6,12,17,23

After coming out of othe pits for lap 13, I took the first turn too thin and did a 180 in the dirt. I lost about 5 or 6 seconds, and almost decided to start over. Looking back at the margin, I think I might've been able to lap a couple of cars. But, I figured just get it over with...

I was supposed to pit after lap 22, but by the time I remembered, I would've had to reverse.

I got lucky on the final lap when I caught a windbreak from the F688/S coming out of the chicane and into the long straight. My final lap ended up being my best...

This was an overall sloppy run. My lap times ranged between 1.02.XXX and 1.05.XXX. The F687/S ended up with 693.8 miles, and 870 hp.


Professional/Formula GT: Race 9 - 25 Laps @ Tokyo Route 246
[Finishing Position] (Starting Position) Vehicle = total race time
[1] (6) F687/S black = 33.41.188 (best 1.14.846)
[2] (1) F686/M = 34.46.449
[3] (2) F094/H = 34.48.523
[4] (3) F090/S = 34.51.674
[5] (4) F687/S green = 34.57.352
[6] (5) F688/S = 33.47.783 (+ 1 Lap)
I pitted after laps 7,13,19

I opted to wall-ride the looping right and the subsequent left (between checkpoints T1 & T2)... so pretty much ignore my best lap number.. Taking those turns "normally" got me in the mid to high 1.16.XXX (when I was testing). Other than that, pretty uneventful... The F687/S ended this race with 774.9 miles and 870 hp.

So with 1 more race to go for this series (still day 50), here are my #s..

Cr: 437750
Complete: 11.0%
Prize Total: 360000
Wins: 10
Races: 10
Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 7
Total Mileage: 150.1 "miles"
Total Car Value: 2703280
Bonus Cars Acquired: 7
Trophies Acquired: 10

OK, the BIG ONE is up next! *Sigh* I wonder how many times I'm gonna have to do this one before I get the F090/S... time will tell...

Have a great drive everyone!

FINALLY!!! After 6 completions and nearly 12 hours of playing time, I *FINALLY* was awarded the car I wanted from this series (the F090/S). I ended with the best of my 6 attempts, finally putting the F094/H at +3 laps...

Professional/Formula GT: Race 10 - 78 Laps @ Cote d'Azur
[Finishing Position] (Starting Position) Vehicle = total race time
[1] (6) F687/S black = (best 1.16.220 (best of 468 laps))
[2] (2) F094/H = (+3 Laps)
[3] (3) F090/S = (+4 Laps)
[4] (5) F688/S = (+5 Laps)
[5] (1) F686/M = (+5 Laps)
[6] (4) F687/S green = (+5 Laps)
I pitted after laps 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 71.

Final series standings:
[1] F687/S black - 100 points
[2] F094/H - 49 points
[3] F686/M - 42 points
[4] F090/S - 32 points
[5] F687/S green - 21 points
[6] F688/S - 16 points

In hindsight, I would've liked to have gone against the F094/S. Although I was beating it out in my test runs, I would've welcomed the added pressure of competition. The F687/S ended the series with 937.3 miles and 870 hp.

So after approx. 46 hrs and 50 mins drive time since 8/24/02, here are my numbers...

Day 51
Cr: 717750
Complete: 11.4%
Prize Total: 700000
Wins: 11
Races: 11
Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 8
Total Mileage: 410.0 "miles" * - still doesn't add up...
Total Car Value: 3953280
Bonus Cars Acquired: 8
Trophies Acquired: 12

Cars with mileage:
F687/S - 937.3 miles
Viper GTSR Concept - 93.8 miles

Well, I am SOOOOOOO glad that's over!! Next up is likely the Endurance/Laguna Seca 200, where I'll be going for the ALTEZZA LM Race Car...

Have a great drive, everyone!

Well.. guess who's the proud owner of a new black #33 Clio Sport Race Car??

THE GUY WHO RAN THE "STUPID SPEEDWAY 150" ***10*** TIMES TO DO SO! Can you believe that crap?? I got the Corvette C5R once, the F090/S once (sucked to let it go), and the "Dick"-ford Falcon *7* times before it finally gave me the car I needed...

To boot, it was the 2nd worst total time run I had. I even decided to turn around and bash the opponents a couple of times (which put on additional miles)... I also pitted on laps 98, 99, and 100 (only these laps)!!!

When all was said and done, the results came in as follows:
[Finishing Position] (Starting Position) Vehicle = total race time
[1] (6) F687/S = 56.56.784 (best lap 25.854)
[2] (2) Mine's Skyline = 57.04.334 (+22 laps)
[3] (4) RUF 3400S = 57.34.241 (+23 laps)
[4] (5) CELICA TRD Sports M(J) = 57.23.169 (+24 laps)
[5] (1) RUF CTR2 = 57.32.136 (+25 laps)
[6] (3) Tom's X540 Chaser(J) = 57.01.217 (+29 laps)
The F687/S started the race with 914 hp and 1136.4 mi, and ended with 1294.0 mi and 891 hp.

Of the 10 attempts, this one ranks 9th in total race time (best of 10: 48.02.059 (did not pit)), and 8th for best lap time (best of 10: 25.272). Except for the very first attempt, I used a rubberband to keep the right side joystick up, and changed this to control the acceleration. I couldn't get the F687/S to "auto" drive without getting stuck every other lap.

Holy freaking crap! That was a true test of patience. After 9 hours over the last 2 days, I was beginning to wonder if it would ever give it to me... but, alas... "THE CLIO IS MINE, BEEYACH!" (to GT3's random number generator) HELL YEAH!!! :)

Have a great drive everyone!


[edit] Forgot to post the stats...

Day 53
Cr: 1217200
Complete: 11.8%
Prize Total: 1200000
Wins: 13
Races: 13
Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 10
Total Mileage: 980.7 "miles" * - still wacked...
Total Car Value: 5003280
Bonus Cars Acquired: 10
Trophies Acquired: 14

Cars with mileage:
F687/S - 1294.0 miles, 891 hp
Viper GTSR Concept - 93.8 miles, 498 hp

Approx 61.5 hrs spent since 8/24/02
Great Job Hazzard. Your "48 Hours at GT3" stats are truly impressive. Of course I am referring to the actual drive time and the 48 License golds plus the 10 race Formula GT circuit complete.

Collective groan...."we're not worthy'
Originally posted by tezzell
Great Job Hazzard. Your "48 Hours at GT3" stats are truly impressive. Of course I am referring to the actual drive time and the 48 License golds plus the 10 race Formula GT circuit complete.

Collective groan...."we're not worthy'

Aw, shucks... I'm just tryin to do my thing... :)

But thanks for reminding me to post how long I've spent on this stuff.. I'm sure there are many who are wondering. This is becoming quite the endeavor, and I'm hoping the worst is done. This was the last of the "ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO COMPLETE 100%" prize cars I'd be getting from the enduros, so I don't think getting those cars from series races will be as big of a problem.. even if they take 10 attempts...

Well, I'm thinking either the Amateur/American or European Championships are next. I just want to get all the "essential" prize cars before I start the other races (for "auxiliary" prize cars).

And one question... Worthy of what??? LOL Seriously, I'm not the kind of guy to ever exibit snobbery. I try to make it a point of mine to be able to relate to everyone. If I didn't, I wouldn't be replying to the likes of you! ;)

As always, have a great drive, tez!

I forgot to post what happened on day 51...

After the Formula GT series, I wasn't done with the F687/S. I gave the it an oil change and car wash, and headed for the Laguna Seca 200.

Endurance/Laguna Seca 200 Endurance: 90 Laps @ Laguna Seca Raceway
[Finishing Position] (Starting Position) Vehicle = total race time
[1] (6) F687/S black = (best lap 1.03.459)
[2] (2) Viper GTS-R Team Oreca = (+9 laps)
[3] (1) Corvette C5R = (+11 laps)
[4] (4) GT40 Race Car = (+12 laps)
[5] (3) Storm V12 Race Car = (+14 laps)
[6] (5) CLK Touring Car (D2 AMG Mercedes) = (+17 laps)
The F687/S started the race with 937.3 miles and 914 hp, and ended the race with 1136.4 miles and 870 hp.

This one took only 2 attempts over 4 hours and 25 minutes to win the car I wanted.. the ALTEZZA LM Race Car. My first attempt had a better total race time (, but a worse best lap (1.03.738), and I was awarded the F686/M. I noticed after the race that there were only 3 prize cars awarded for this one. I didn't remember it being this way.

My numbers after day 51 (i.e. as of day 52, before the Stupid Speedway 150)...
Cr: 1017450
Complete: 11.6%
Prize Total: 1000000
Wins: 12
Races: 12
Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 9
Total Mileage: 728.5 MILES
Total Car Value: 4703280
Bonus Cars Acquired: 9
Trophies Acquired: 13

Cars with mileage:
F687/S - 1136.4 miles, 870 hp
Viper GTSR Concept - 93.8 miles, 498 hp

Getting the car I wanted after 2 attempts... LOL I had no idea what I was about to go through...

Have a great drive everyone!

I just got the Audi TT 1.8T quattro from the Amateur/American Championship... IT TOOK ONLY ONE ATTEMPT! YIPPY! I guess it's only fair considering how many times I had to do the others.

For this series, I didn't take very good stats. I only got the best laps and total race times (I'm still using the F687/S), and I quit each race just after crossing the finish line. The final series standings might be off a bit, but I think it went like this:

1 - F687/S (50 pts)
2 - Corvette C5R (30 pts)
3 - Corvette Z06 (20 pts)
4 - Viper GTS (13 pts)
5 - Camaro Z28 (10 pts)
6 - Camaro SS (7 pts)

The F687/S started this series with 1294.0 mi and 891 hp, and ended with 1331.2 mi and 870 hp.

So the Amateur/European Championship is next, where I'll be going for the Elise 190.

Day 54, here are the #'s:
Cr: 1274700
Complete: 12.9%
Prize Total: 1257500
Wins: 18
Races: 18
Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 11
Total Mileage: 991.4 "miles"
Total Car Value: 5049860
Bonus Cars Acquired: 11
Trophies Acquired: 20

Cars with mileage:
F687/S: 1331.2 mi, 870 hp
Viper GTSR Concept: 93.8 mi, 498 hp

Have a great drive!

:) It's inspiring to see someone go at it!!! I wish you luck in getting the cars you need :)
Ok...I've been watching Road Hazzards game develop, and really have to wonder...What do you do for a living. By the looks of this, you have a considerable amount of free time.

You're writing ability suggests you're no longer in high school, so it leaves me wondering.

If you're independently wealthy, and don't have a job, do you need a GT3 Coach?


Originally posted by Der Alta
Ok...I've been watching Road Hazzards game develop, and really have to wonder...What do you do for a living. By the looks of this, you have a considerable amount of free time.

You're writing ability suggests you're no longer in high school, so it leaves me wondering.

If you're independently wealthy, and don't have a job, do you need a GT3 Coach?



Hey there, DA!

Well, I guess I'll take some time to talk about myself...

I'm a college grad (BS in Applied Math/Spec in Computing), currently without a girlfriend. I live by myself in a little apartment on the West Coast USA. My current job is that of a "Taxable Fixed Income Securities Trader" for a regional investment services firm, and I've been working there for about 15 months now (I was a Java programmer for the previous 4 years after graduating).

Working in the financial markets, and being on the west coast, my work days start at 6am (wake up at 5), and I get home anywhere from 2-3pm (PST). So during the week this gives me a lot of "free time". Most of my friends are usually working by the time I get home, and when they're ready to hang out, it's usually my bedtime...

I typically spend my weekday afternoons/evenings playing GT3 and internet poker, and hang out with friends on weekends.

... and I am much more likely to be considered "independently impoverished" than "independently wealthy".


I hope I haven't disappointed you, DA... ;) But, that's how things are. Care to reciprocate a little about yerself??

As always.. Have a great drive!

Last night, I got the last of the prize cars I'll be needing that come from multi-prize races. The only prize cars that I need to win come from single-prize races (and the Pro/Clio Trophy, which awards 1 of 4 New Beetle Cup Cars).

So I think I'm gonna use the F687/S one last time before I put it away for a long while.. for the Beginner/Race of Turbo Sports. I wonder if I can complete 2 laps before the others can complete 1 @ Test Course...

Day 56
Cr: 1481950
Complete: 16.2%
Prize Total: 1465000
Wins: 33 | Races: 33 | Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 13
Total Mileage: 1016.2 mi
Total Car Value: 5160990
Bonus Cars Acquired: 13
Trophies Acquired: 37

Cars with mileage:
F687/S - 1424.4 mi, 914 hp
Viper GTSR Concept - 93.8 mi, 498 hp

Cars without mileage:
Elise 190
TT 1.8T quattro
Clio Sport Race Car
IMPREZA Rally Car prototype
Nissan Z Concept
Mazda RX-8
Mazda MX-5 Miata LS

Total time spent since 8/24/02: 62 hrs, 54 mins

OK, time to get this thing goin again.. Have a great drive, everyone!

Ahhh...Yes. As much as it may seem that I am always on during the day, it's because I'm at work and no computer at home.

My week days start about as early as you, save the fact I get out of bed to serve breakfast to 8 parrots, and a wife. I'm in the office 7-7:30. I'm lucky in that My wife usually works until 10pm, and I get to play GT3 from birdy bedtime (7-8pm) until she arrives home.

I'll echo the independently impoverished, with a minor tweak. I'm broke because my wife spends it all. Throw in the Fact that Architects make far less than everybody thinks, and you'll know why I drive a 6 year old VW with 130,000 miles on it.

I'm running about on the easy coast around The greater Boston area. Love the summer (Hate the winter).

Cool to hear, DA! It's always great to hear more about others who enjoy this game.

... But holy smokes!! 8 Parrots??? How much do you spend a month on crackers??? :)

... and I guess your wife's budgetary practices would make you "semi-dependently impoverished"... either way, your excuse is better than mine.. I don't have an excuse!

How's the Architecture industry "stacking up"? Sorry, I can't resist a bad pun...

Anyway, I'm about to start racing for the day.. the Pro/FF Challenge using the VITZ. This race/car combo is the nemesis of my previous attempt... I had totally underrated the "Oinkmobile" (crazy story of how I got it (this game) in the next post)!!!

OK, catch ya later, DA! Have a great drive!

On days 56, 57, and 58, I used the F687/S for the Beginner/Race of Turbo Sports. I was awarded a Silver Metallic MIRA TR-XX AVANZATO R(J), and got 4500 total for winning the 3 races. The F687/S ended 1447.7 mi and 914 hp.

On days 59, 60, and 61, I used the Viper GTSR Concept for the Professional/Race of NA Sports. Still unmodified, I won without much incident and the only thing worth mentioning was that I didn't feel the need to pit for the 10 laps @ Seattle Circuit (the Viper comes with Medium racing tires). I got the Zonda C12S, and 60000 for winning the 3 races. The Viper GTSR Concept ended with 172.7 mi and 498 hp.

On day 62, 63, and 64, I used the IMPREZA Rally Car Prototype for the Rally/Rally of Alps II. On my previous attempt at the "perfect" game, I gave the IMPREZA the Stage 3 turbo kit and an oil change, and won by less than 2 seconds vs the CELICA Rally Car. I tried again, but with the IMPREZA as-given, and knew I had to spend some money here. I decided to give it the Stage 3 turbo kit, but went without the oil change.

During the 7 lap race, I would stretch a lead as wide as 4+ seconds, but would bang into walls here and there and have the CELICA close in. In fact, on lap 6 I spun out, lost the lead, and fell behind by nearly 6 seconds. It wasn't until late on the 7th lap that I regained the lead. I think that with practice, I might have been able to get by with a Stage 2 turbo kit, but I wasn't sure I'd be needing more power later. I figured, what the hell, spending the fewest Cr is the lowest of my priorities. I was awarded the LANCER Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype and 35000 for the 3 wins. The IMPREZA ended with 29.2 mi and 532 hp.

For days 65, 66, and 67, I decided to work on getting the VITZ RS 1.5(J) from the Beginner/FF Challenge. For my first "perfect" game, I used the Xsara Rally Car to get the VITZ. But, since discovering that the use of the Xsara is not needed, I had to take a different path. So the only ways to get a VITZ is to win one from the Amateur/ALTEZZA Race, or from the Beginner/FF Challenge. Using the ALTEZZA to get a VITZ would mean giving up the chance to get the Tom's X540 Chaser (an unpurchasable car), so I had to use an FF car that was already scheduled to race. The only other one I could think of at the time was the MIRA TR-XX AVANZATO R(J). So, I did some testing and BARELY beat out the Lupo Cup Car by adding a Turbo Kit/Stage 1, a Racing Intercooler, and an oil change.. 7250 spent.

But I had forgot one of my opponents was the New Beetle 2.0, and didn't check the New Beetle Cup Car's drivetrain. The Cup Car would've won a lot more easily, and while I'll be using the MIRA anyway, I think I could've saved money (2500) by not buying the intercooler. Regardless, I won 4500 and the Oinkmobile (pink VITZ) for the 3 races. The MIRA ended with 14.5 miles and 106 hp.

Day 68 was the Professional/Clio Trophy. I used the Clio Sport Race Car as-given, and won easily over the non-race Clios (although I couldn't lap anyone). I was awarded 135000 and the black #23 New Beetle Cup Car.

For days 69, 70, and 71, I used the VITZ RS 1.5(J) for the Professional/FF Challenge. I juiced this baby to the hilt and spent 119450 on it: Full Custom Suspension; Sports Brakes; Brake Balance Controller; Racing Air Cleaner & Muffler; Port Polish; Full-engine Balancing; Racing Chip; Triple Plate Clutch; Racing Flywheel; Full-Racing Suspension; Stage 2 Turbo Kit; Super-Slick Racing Tires; and Stage 3 Lightweight... no oil change. :)

I ran against the Spoon Civic Type-R(J) for 2 of the 3 races, and won too easily. I'm thinking I may have been able to save some money, but I also remember from the first game needing to max it out for the VITZ races. Anyway, I got 30000 and the Spoon Civic Type-R(J) for the 3 wins.

So here I am.. With the prize cars I've won, I'll only be needing to buy the Tuscan Speed 6, and a Mercedes (the SLK 230 Kompressor) to complete 100%. Next up, I'll be going for as many unpurchasable cars as possible. I plan on running through the remaining 7 endurance races, starting with the longest of them all.. The Tokyo Route 246 Endurance. I'll be trying for the RX-7 LM Race Car...

Day 72, here are my #'s:
Cr: 1589750
Complete: 20.2%
Prize Total: 1744500
Wins: 53 | Races: 53 | Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 19
Total Mileage: 1407.4 miles
Total Car Value: 6064100
Bonus Cars Acquired: 19
Trophies Acquired: 58

Cars With Mileage:
F687/S: 1447.7 mi, 914 hp
Viper GTSR Concept: 172.7 mi, 498 hp
Clio Sport Race Car: 136.6 mi, 293 hp
VITZ RS 1.5(J): 67.4 mi, 280 hp
IMPREZA Rally Car prototype: 29.2 mi, 523 hp
MIRA TR-XX AVANZATO R(J): 14.5 mi, 106 hp

Cars Without Mileage:
Spoon Civic Type-R(J)
New Beetle Cup Car
LANCER Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype
Zonda C12S
Elise 190
TT 1.8T quattro
Nissan Z Concept
Mazda RX-8
Mazda MX-5 Miata LS

Approx 68 hrs, 30 mins spent since 8/24/02.

Have a great drive everyone!


Man you truly are a hardcore GT player. Maybe I will try to do something like this one day when I've completed the Simulation Mode. Don't count on it though. The only advice I can give is to test out some of the more low-end cars so you can avoid situations like the one about the Vitz actually being fast enough for the Pro League FF Cup. Other than that, good luck, and keep at it!
Thanks for the advice, Fury. The only other car I'm using that I'm not 100% sure I need to use is the F687/S. Doing so would mean I would've had to beat the Formula GT series with either the Viper GTSR Concept, ALTEZZA LM Race Car, or SKYLINE GT-R Vspec(R32,J). I tested these MANY times, and they just don't stand up to that F1 field...


For day 72, I got back into the F687/S, and went straight to the Endurance/Tokyo Route 246 (still had green/gray oil). I wanted to get the longest of the endurances over with, and it (ahem) only took me 3 times to get the car I wanted.. the RX-7 LM Race Car. I pitted after laps 7, 14, 21, 28, 34, 40, 46, 52, 58, 64, 70, 76, 82, 88, 94. Of the 3 attempts, the final ranked 2nd in total race time ( vs best and 2nd in best lap time (1.14.487 vs best 1.13.620). The F687/S ended the race with 1768.6 mi and 870 hp (oil light went on during lap 23).

For day 73, I gave the F687/S an oil change and headed for the Endurance/Special Stage Route 11 race. This one also took me 3 attempts before I got the ARTA NSX. The final attempt ranked 3rd in total race time ( vs best and 1st in best lap time (1.30.968). I pitted after laps 9, 18, 26, 34, 42; the fewest pits of the 3 attempts. This made for a very sloppy race, as the F687/S becomes very hard to manage after the tires go dark orange (on the 7th lap). If I had to do it again, I'd pit after 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 43... The F687/S ended the race with 1908.4 mi and 903 hp.

I need to mention that the "C-WEST RAZO SILVIA" was *NOT* an available prize car for this race. The 2 other prize cars I got (on the previous attempts were the MR-S Autobacs Apex, and the **Camaro Race Car** (there was a silhouette of an F1 that I did not win). I posted about this on another thread.

Anyway, it's day 74 and here are the #'s..
Cr: 2489500
Complete: 20.6%
Prize Total: 2644500
Wins: 55 | Races: 55 | Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 21
Total Mileage: 2144.5 miles
Total Car Value: 8064100
Bonus Cars Acquired: 21
Trophies Acquired: 60
(-173000 spent)

Cars with mileage:
F687/S: 1908.4 mi, 903 hp
Viper GTSR Concept: 172.7 mi, 498 hp
Clio Sport Race Car: 136.6 mi, 293 hp
VITZ RS 1.5(J): 67.4 mi, 280 hp
IMPREZA Rally Car prototype: 29.2 mi, 523 hp
MIRA TR-XX AVANZATO R(J): 14.5 mi, 106 hp
= approx. 80 hrs drive time since 8/24/02.

Well, time to get some thumb rest and watch Blade II!

Have a great drive everyone!

Well, seeing all the posts on the TTs got me wondering if I still had "da stuff".. I must've gotten better over the last 600 sim mode days, as it took about an hour to get the Esperante. The toughest was Tahiti Maze, which took me 12 attempts over 20 minutes. I actually did this one last night, and got 2 gold times in 5 attempts. But I wasn't sure if doing the TTs was what I wanted to do, so I didn't save anything. This time, after like my 5th attempt, I accidentally put up a ghost (I never race with one). This made it a bit more difficult, but there were some early points during the ghost's sub-par run that allowed for it to be a non-factor.

My times were as follows:
TT1 - Mid-Field Raceway (Motor Sport Elise): 1.23.088 (6th attempt); 1 attempt to get 1st
TT2 - Trial Mountain (Mazda MX-5 Miata LS): 1.46.516 (4th attempt); 2 attempts to get 1st
TT3 - Tokyo Route 246 (S2000 Type V(J)): 1.59.986 (4th attempt); 1 attempt to get 1st
TT4 - Deep Forest Raceway (SKYLINE GT-R V-spec(R34,J)): 1.23.888 (7th attempt); 4 attempts to get 1st
TT5 - Laguna Seca Raceway (Viper GTSR Concept): 1.22.023 (5th attempt); 4 attempts to get 1st
TT6 - Apricot Hill Raceway (Castrol Tom’s SUPRA JGTC(J)): 1.16.031 (2nd attempt); 2 attempts to get 1st
TT7 - Grand Valley Speedway (Castrol MUGEN NSX JGTC(J)): 1.58.880; 1 attempt to get 1st
TT8 - Swiss Alps (IMPREZA Rally Car prototype): 1.22.845; 6 attempts to get 1st
TT9 - Tahiti Maze (LANCER Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype): 1.58.849; 12 attempts to get 1st
TT10 - Complex String (RUF RGT): 4.50.821; 5 attempts to get 1st

I think that's all I'm going to do for the Arcade Mode, until I have one last race to go...

Still day 74, here are the #'s:
Cr: 2489500
Complete: 22.5%
Prize Total: 2644500
Wins: 55 | Races: 55 | Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 22
Total Mileage: 2144.5 miles
Total Car Value: 10064100
Bonus Cars Acquired: 22
Trophies Acquired: 60
(-173000 spent)

Have a great drive!
