Working on the "Perfect Game"...

Yo Road Hazzard,
I found a little "glitch" that you can use to your advantage.
Instead of saving default set-ups, If you go to the "change parts" menu and click on the modification, I.E. you have futz'ed with the tranny and want to set it back to normal just click on the "full-race transmission button in the menu and it will reset. It also works with the suspension, etc. Very useful if you have truly messed up the suspension and don't have the original settings saved or written down.

Now if you have a "magic" setting that works for you save it. But you can get the defaults back very easily, with the above info.
Have a great drive my friend.
I'm sorry to express my opinon at this moment of time,but quote me on this.."Am I the only one that thinks of his task being,NOT humanly possible?I mean,yeah...maybe ONE day you can get all golds on the licenses..but looking for the "Perfect Game"?well...I hate to say..but there actually isn't much as you may want to believe this is the "Perfect Game" needless to is not.Here would be MY definition of "The Perfect Game"..on every race,you watch your tyres and make sure they don't wear out (which is,most of the time,not possible..unless you wanna take the risk of pitting every lap..good luck)..also,after every championship,you won't have to change your oil..or give your car a wash.My next explanation..goin' through,and gettin' ALL of your licenses your FIRST try,without's not HUMANLY possible,and even so...even a god-like being isn't NOBODY,and I mean,NOBODY on the face of this earth can know the precision of the angle to turn the tyres EXACTLY and brake at the EXACT moment,along with hitting the gas at the EXACT moment..every one of the cars you drive with on the license tests have different weight,power,and maybe even different tyres..and the brain cannot hold THAT much knowledge into it..and be able to remember the exact feel of the car that you may be having to drive with.Do you think even the game testers themself beat the licenses their first try with ALL golds and no game shark?!no!of course the quest for the "Perfect Game" really isn't what it's only what you make it to be..and all of what I told you is my own personal opinon..and maybe I'm the only one that looks at the "situation" this way,but if I am..that's long as someone understood me.That is all"

Originally posted by AE86Driver
I'm sorry to express my opinon at this moment of time,but quote me on this.."Am I the only one that thinks of his task being,NOT humanly possible?I mean,yeah...maybe ONE day you can get all golds on the licenses..but looking for the "Perfect Game"?well...I hate to say..but there actually isn't much as you may want to believe this is the "Perfect Game" needless to is not.Here would be MY definition of "The Perfect Game"..on every race,you watch your tyres and make sure they don't wear out (which is,most of the time,not possible..unless you wanna take the risk of pitting every lap..good luck)..also,after every championship,you won't have to change your oil..or give your car a wash.My next explanation..goin' through,and gettin' ALL of your licenses your FIRST try,without's not HUMANLY possible,and even so...even a god-like being isn't NOBODY,and I mean,NOBODY on the face of this earth can know the precision of the angle to turn the tyres EXACTLY and brake at the EXACT moment,along with hitting the gas at the EXACT moment..every one of the cars you drive with on the license tests have different weight,power,and maybe even different tyres..and the brain cannot hold THAT much knowledge into it..and be able to remember the exact feel of the car that you may be having to drive with.Do you think even the game testers themself beat the licenses their first try with ALL golds and no game shark?!no!of course the quest for the "Perfect Game" really isn't what it's only what you make it to be..and all of what I told you is my own personal opinon..and maybe I'm the only one that looks at the "situation" this way,but if I am..that's long as someone understood me.That is all"


The fact of the matter is that perfection is a relative matter. This is why "'Perfect Game'" is in quotes in this thread's title. I am very much aware of this, as you seem to be. What I hoped to imply from the first post was that I was setting out to achieve an "ideal" game, based on *my own perceptions and beliefs*. Many of my perceptions and beliefs are common to others, some are not. I can say with a smile that I am fine with that.

And this is why I stipulated *my* goals for this gamesave, as I think everyone eventually does for themselves while playing/saving this game. I was hoping that putting it down in writing would not only bring more motivation, but more accountability on my own behalf as well. Furthermore, I felt as though many of the trials and tribulations I'd be facing would be common to others, and sharing in eachother's experiences was something I thought would bring great benefit to all.

If it wasn't clear from the first post (and post #76), perhaps a re-iteration is necessary. My goals for my "perfect game" do not include running perfect laps for each race.. nor being able to complete 100% without hitting a single wall or opposing car or going off the track.. nor getting all golds on all licenses on all 1st attempts..

My goals, and my reasoning are as follows (in this priority):

1. Get 100% Completion in the fewest number of Sim Mode days. Only people using a Gameshark can achieve 100% completion before Sim Mode Day 228. I hope to be one of few people on this planet who have a non-sharked gamesave that is 100% by day 229. Any gamesave that goes past day 229 without yet achieving 100% means that either a License Test or Race was repeated, or that a Machine Test or Run & Setting session was used. I wanted a gamesave that did 100% in the fewest days possible, hence...

2. Get all golds for License Tests, and all 1st place finishes for all races/series championships/time trials. This one speaks for itself. Many say "anyone can do it", but there are only few who have. I hope to be one of them.

3. Complete the game, purchasing the fewest amount of cars (and don't sell any). This one is a personal issue, but I highly prioritize it. The reason I include this one is because while playing my first gamesave (back in Spring '02), I had always wondered if not buying a car was unnecessary for 100% completion. Thanks to this site and others, I found it was impossible. So, I made it a goal to only buy 2 cars on my way to 100% completion. No one on this planet (not using a Gameshark) can complete this game without purchasing at least 2 vehicles.

4. Use the minimum # of vehicles to complete 100%. This is another personal goal. I felt that keeping as many of my cars in mint condition is a desirable thing, to make them available for OLR after I complete 100%. I have ideas for trying to complete 100% without using a vehicle for more than one race group, but I haven't put much thought into that one yet. Others have goals to race every car available (one of mine as well), but I won't be getting to that until after day 228 (actually a bit further). I currently plan on using 17 vehicles on my way to 100% completion, and I don't know of anyone who has used fewer.

5. Put the minimum miles on the cars used. This one isn't that high of a priority. I manily instituted it to prevent me from repeating races, which is mostly taken care of by #1.

6. Win as many different prize cars as possible. Eventually, I hope to have every winnable car in my garage, with room to buy every purchasable car as well. Others have already done this. I hope to as well, trying to prevent repeated prize cars (except for perhaps F1s with different paint jobs).

7. Spend as few Cr as possible. This is one that keeps me from abusing GT3's sometimes lenient entry restrictions. While it is the lowest priority, testing bare-minimum winners is the bulk of what I spend my time doing. Many hours have been spent scouring the boards looking for posts that would help me spend as little as possible. To this point, I have completed nearly 60%, having spent only 356530 Cr.

And, of course, the biggest priority... I"M HAVING FUN!!! Attempting to achieve goals I've set for myself is more than enjoyable. It's the exact reason I'm doing this.

So I hear ya loud and clear, AE86! And I appreciate your input. I was hoping a lot of this was carified in the first and subsequent posts, but whatever...

And remember that you never have to be sorry about expressing your opinion! :)

Have a great drive!

it's great that you're having a fun time and such..along with the fact of completing your "goals",but the thing is..anybody who has the time that can take on your challenge,sure as hell has enough time to do all that math for it to eh?I'm not doubting you..well,in some cases,but lemme think about it this way..if I told everybody I was gonna do somethin',I might think about a way I can have a "backup" of what I was plannin' on doin',so just in case I couldn't achieve that goal,then I would tell the people what they want to hear instead..being able to devise a diversion of what truly needs to be seen would be one of the concepts of the almost impossible (in some cases),so in order to perform the procedre correctly (your goal),you serve NO flaws in it what so create a wall to protect yourself just in case something goes feel as if no one will ever know what TRULY happened...only whether you actually complete the goal,only you and those around you will know the truth,instead of just what you post on here,eh?that is all I have to say about this situation...

Originally posted by AE86Driver
it's great that you're having a fun time and such..along with the fact of completing your "goals",but the thing is..anybody who has the time that can take on your challenge,sure as hell has enough time to do all that math for it to eh?
Yes, I took a lot of time to plan out the path I'd be taking. It didn't require much math at all. My work day typically ends at 2pm, and I usually get home before 3. I have a LOT of time on my hands...
I'm not doubting you..well,in some cases,but lemme think about it this way..if I told everybody I was gonna do somethin',I might think about a way I can have a "backup" of what I was plannin' on doin',so just in case I couldn't achieve that goal,then I would tell the people what they want to hear instead..
In fact, if you go back to post #49, This is exactly what I *DIDN'T* do. Upon discovering a flaw with that gamesave, I decided to start all over again (after nearly 170 Sim Mode Days). Fortunately, I *DO* have a backup, a saved game on day 49, at 9.1% completion, where all that was done was the all golds for license tests... If I ever mess up again (again, with respect to my own goals), I will say so as I did upon discovering I didn't have to use the Xsara.
being able to devise a diversion of what truly needs to be seen would be one of the concepts of the almost impossible (in some cases),so in order to perform the procedre correctly (your goal),you serve NO flaws in it what so ever..
OK, you lost me here... But here's how I look at it... I've set goals for myself. I am working to achieve those goals. Achieving my goals makes me happy. Being happy is, in my opinion, a good thing...
you create a wall to protect yourself just in case something goes feel as if no one will ever know what TRULY happened...only whether you actually complete the goal,only you and those around you will know the truth,instead of just what you post on here,eh?that is all I have to say about this situation...
When I finally get all winnable cars in my garage, I plan on buying a Gameshark. At that point, I will make my gamesave available to others. I also plan on posting full replays for "notable" races and license tests. Besides, is it really that hard to believe I've done the things I've said I've done? I think not... Making my gamve available to others and posting replays might not give what you consider adequate proof of this game's "legitimacy", but I'll know what I did, and how I did it...

And those walls aren't there just to "protect myself".. they are there to help guide my path as well. I cannot get around these walls to achieve the goals I have set for myself, nor can I use them to hide from any "imperfections". I am playing this game, with complete disclosure, for the benefit of myself and others (which may or may not include yourself).

Regardless, thanks again for your input. Have a great drive!

Since my last post, I've rattled off just over 15% over 67 Sim Mode Days, including finishing the Sim Mode/Professional races, and getting 75%! Here's a little wrap up of the races...

Days 100-102: I decided to purchase a "Brilliant Silver Metallic" CLK55. My argument (with the support of others) was that while I might have been able to spend around 14K less on the SLK, having the garage diversity was a bigger factor. I purchased a Sport Muffler & Air Cleaner, performed a Stage 1 Lightening, and a pre-race Oil Change... 372 hp, 1460 kg (ended up gaining 1 break-in hp after around 40 miles). For the Amateur/Legend of Silver Arrow, the 3 Laps @ Trial Mountain was the only race that had more than a 1 second margin of victory, and I only won by 1.296". The CLK55 started with 0.0 mi and 372 hp, and ended with 24.6 mi and 372 hp. I was awarded 60000 Cr and the CLK Touring Car (D2 AMG Mercedes).

Days 103-105: Professional/Race of Red Emblem. I jumped in the SKYLINE GT-R Vspec II(R32,J) from the Beginner/GT World Championship, and made the following upgrades/purchases: Oil Change; Semi-Racing Muffler; Racing Chip; Triple-Plate Clutch; Racing Flywheel; Stage 1 Turbo Kit; Racing Intercooler; Sports Tires; Stage 1 Lightening... 25400 Cr spent to end with 438 hp and 1395 kg. I knew beforehand that Tokyo R246 would be the toughest, And this is where most of my time was spent testing. I ended up scraping out very sloppy wins, mostly abusing GT3's lack of car/driver damage... I didn't call myself RoadHazzard without reason. :) Anyway, the SKYLINE started with 0.0 mi and 438 hp, and ended with 93.7 mi and 438 hp. I was awarded 75000 (less than for the Amateur series), and the blue #12 CALSONIC SKYLINE JGTC(J).

Days 106-108: I got back into the Viper GTSR Concept, and gave it an Oil Change for the Professional/FR Challenge races. Like many of the other races with more lenient entry restrictions, I wasn't looking for any competition.. and I didn't get much, if any at all. The toughest of the pack seemed to be, in no particular order, the Tuscan Speed 6, the Griffith 500, and the Corvette Z06. I really skewed my average lap times by smacking the pit entries on the first 2 races... oops! The Viper started with 1080.6 mi and 512 hp, and ended with 1159.2 mi and 512 hp. I was awarded 45000 Cr and the NISMO GT-R LM Road Car (R33,J).

Days 109-111: Back into the IMPREZA Rally Car prototype for the Professional/Boxer Spirit. I didn't have too much trouble with these races, and I forgot to change the settings for the tarmac until the 2nd race... no biggie. Here are the settings changes I made:Ride ht: f 80; r 85 | Auto sett: 28 | ASM 7 | TCS 2 | VCD 20% Front. The IMPREZA started with 29.2 mi and 523 hp, and ended with 105.8 mi and 523 hp. I was awarded 45000 Cr and the powder blue RUF RGT.

Days 112-114: Still in the IMPREZA RCp, I raced the Professional/4WD Challenge. I really started getting into this car by then, even though I didn't get any heat from the field. The IMPREZA started with 105.8 mi and 523 hp, and ended with 184.3 mi and 523 hp. I was awarded 90000 Cr and the red LANCER Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype.

Days 115-117: I got into the F687/S and gave it an oil change for the Professional/MR Challenge.. not much of a "Challenge", but I wasn't looking for any in this race. The GT40, followed by the Zonda C12S looked to be the ones to beat. The F687/S started with 4166.4 mi and 914 hp, and ended with 4246.0 mi and 914 hp. I was awarded 60000 Cr and a "Yellow" ZZII(J).

This was the last of my Sim Mode/Professional races, and I was awarded the orange/black Castrol/Polyphony F686/M. I noticed that the title for this award was for "Simulation Mode Professional complete", with no mention of all-golds...

Days 118-120: Into the VITZ RS 1.5(J) for the Amateur/FF Challenge. With a pre-race Oil Change, I was able to beat the 3 races by a combined margin of victory of 4.3 seconds. I think this is where the theories of the "Cheating AI" set in, but more on that in other threads... The VITZ started with 239.8 mi and 294 hp, and ended with 275.5 mi and 294 hp. I was awarded 15000 Cr and a "Super Red V" CELICA TRD Sports M(J).

Days 121-123: Back into the Viper GTSR Concept for the Amateur/Race of NA Sports. 15 minutes later, I get 45000 Cr and a "Highlight Silver Metallic" Mazda RX-8. The Viper started with 1159.2 mi and 512 hp, and ended with 1181.8 mi and 512 hp.

Days 124-127: Still in the Viper, I ran the Amateur/Stars & Stripes. Nothing spectacular worth metioning for these races, as I wasn't looking for a tough race. The Viper started with 1181.8 mi and 512 hp, and ended with 1211.5 mi and 510 hp. I was awarded 30000 Cr and the yellow/blue #95 Spoon S2000 Race Car(J).

Days 128-130: CAN'T GET ENUF VIPER!!! Onto the Amateur/FR Challenge, where I managed to easily handle the field. The Viper started with 1211.5 mi and 510 hp, and ended with 1250.7 mi and 495 hp. I was awarded 15000 Cr and the "White" SPRINTER TRUENO GT-APEX S.S. version(J).

Days 131-133: More Viper, for the Beginner/FR Challenge. Again, not looking for a challenge.. just looking to bust it quick. The Viper started with 1250.7 mi and 495 hp, and ended with 1266.3 mi and 488 hp. I was awarded 15000 Cr and a "Vogue Silver Metallic" CR-X Del-Sol SiR(J).

Days 134-137: Again in the Viper for the Beginner/Stars & Stripes. The Viper Started with 1266.3 mi and 488 hp, and ended with 1286.2 mi and 488 hp. I was awarded 14000 Cr and a "Monterey Maroon Metallic" Camaro SS.

Days 138-140: The last of the races for my beloved Viper GTSR Concept... Beginner/FR Challenge. Squeezed another 4500 Cr out without getting an oil change, as well as the "Lime Green Two-Tone" SILVIA K's (S13 1800cc,J)... I still plan on getting this thing into 6th gear someday... lol

Days 141-143: After retiring the Viper, I got into the LANCER Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype, and headed straight for the Amateur/Evolution Metting. I made the following settings changes: Ride Height: f 75, r 75; Spring Rate: f 5.5, r 4.5; Auto Setting: 28; ASM: 7; TCS: 3; VCD: 35% Front. I wasn't sure whether it was more evidence of "Cheating AI", or simply that my opponents had more power and caught a windbreak, and/or my gear ratios were off (in hindsight, I'd go with the default ratios having only 301 hp)... but the 2nd place runner would close some huge gaps between checkpoints, especially at SSR11 (between T3 and Finish). Either way, these guys kept my senses tuned, as they never pulled more than 2.5 seconds away it seemed. Total margin of victory for the 3 races was 2.506", for which I have all replays. Anyway, the Evo7 RCP started with 0.0 mi and 301 hp, and ended with 40.8 mi and 301 hp. I was awarded 30000 Cr and the red #1 LANCER Evolution VI Rally Car.

Days 144-146: I sayed in the Evo7 RCP for the Beginner/Evolution Meeting. This time, I raced all 3 with the default Auto Setting Gear Ratio (26). Didn't really notice much performance-wise, but I felt better. :) The Evo7 RCP started with 40.8 mi and 301 hp, and ended with 54.5 mi and 301 hp. I was awarded 15000 Cr and a "Dandelion Yellow" LANCER Evolution IV GSR(J)... Note the prize money "mistake" for 3rd and 4th...

Days 147-149: Back into the SKYLINE GT-R Vspec II(R32,J) for the Amateur/80's Sports Car Cup. The SPRINTER TRUENO GT-APEX S.S. version(J) is one tough SOB, taking turns much more smoothly than my musclebound SKYLINE. The right suspension would've maybe let me use less power, but I didn't want to spend any more if I didn't need to. The SKYLINE started with 93.7 mi and 438 hp, and ended with 118.0 mi and 438 hp. I was awarded 24000 Cr and a "Gun Gray Metallic" NISMO SKYLINE GT-R S-tune (R32,J).

Days 150-152: Still in the SKYLINE for the Beginner/80's Sports Car Cup. The TRUENO S.S. is much wimpier in this series, and none of the races were much of a problem. Takaumi's still Da Man to beat! The SKYLINE started with 118.0 mi and 438 hp, and ended with 133.8 mi and 435 hp. I was awarded 7500 Cr and a "Shadow Silver Mica" Mazda RX-7 INFINI III(FC,J).

Days 153-155: Last race for the SKYLINE, in the Amateur/Race of Red Emblem. No problems here, as I sweep up 90000 Cr (more than the Professional series) and a "Lightning Yellow" NISMO 400R. The SKYLINE started with 133.8 mi and 435 hp, and ended with 156.4 mi and 428 hp.

Days 156-158: Into the CLK55 for the Beginner/Legend of Silver Arrow. Not much problem here. The CLK55 started with 24.6 mi and 372 hp, and ended with 47.4 mi and 373 hp. I was awarded 30000 Cr and a "Vivianite Green Metallic" SLK 230 Kompressor.

Days 159-161: Hopped into the MIRA TR-XX AVANZATO R(J) for the Beginner/Lightweight Sports Car Cup. Got some good tight races for two out of the three races, but they weren't much bother for Super Speedway. The MIRA started with 14.5 mi and 106 hp, and ended with 30.0 mi and 106 hp. I was awarded 7500 Cr and an "Amaranth" Mini Cooper 1.3i.

Days 162-164: Into the Elise 190 for the Beginner/Spider & Roadster. I was considering the use of the Mazda MX-5 Miata LS, but I figured to get the job done quicker. The Elise 190 started with 207.0 mi and 252 hp, and ended with 230.6 mi and 252 hp. I was awarded 7500 Cr and a "Sunburst Yellow" Mazda MX-5 Miata LS.

Day 165: Last race for the VITZ, in the Beginner/Vitz Race. The Euro Vitz' don't seem to keep up as tightly as the Pros, but they never strayed too far from the lead. The VITZ started with 275.5 mi and 294 hp, and ended with 300.9 mi and 294 hp. I was awarded 35000 Cr and a "Orange Metallic" VITZ RS 1.5(J).

Day 166: Finishing up the Beginner/Audi TT Race with the TT. No real challenge here, especially compared to the Amateur League. The TT started with 36.3 mi and 289 hp, and ended with 64.2 mi and 289 hp. I was awarded 35000 Cr and a "Yellow" TT 1.8T quattro.

Day 167: Got in the New Beetle Cup car for the Beginner/Beetle Cup. I added a pre-race Oil Change, and took the suckers on! I made the following changes: Ride Height = f 95, r 95; ASM=6; TCS=2. All of the races were pretty tight, but Test Course was the tightest. I set the Camber Angle to 0.0 for the front and rear, and managed a win by 0.250”. I started worst to first, and stayed behind the green NBCc (who started 5th) until the last turn. Total race time was 5.14.430 with a best lap of 2.28.906. This race was such a hair-raiser, I saved the replay, did my usual record keeping, and started the next race without resetting the Camber Angle. Oh well... The NBCc started with 0.0 mi and 212 hp, and ended with 35.9 mi and 212 hp. I was awarded 35000 Cr and a silver New Beetle RSI.

Which brings me to where I am now. After getting out of the Beetle Cup, I was awarded the 787B for “75% achieved”. I’ve got 27 race groups left to go (9 Rally League race groups) and I’ll be at 100%!

Anyway, it’s Day 168, and here are the #’s…
Cr 8780710
Complete: 75.5%
Prize Total: 9242000
Wins: 219 | Races: 219 | Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 71 (15 cars used, 2 cars purchased, 0 cars sold)
Total Mileage: 6091.9 miles (7094.3 Garage Total)
Total Car Value: 40319680
Bonus Cars Acquired: 69
Trophies Acquired: 338
(-479040 spent)

Cars with mileage:
F687/S – 4246.0 mi, 914 hp
Viper GTSR Concept – 1301.7 mi, 488 hp
VITZ RS 1.5(J) – 300.9 mi, 294 hp
Elise 190 – 230.6 mi, 252 hp
IMPREZA Rally Car prototype – 184.3 mi, 523 hp
Tuscan Speed 6 – 162.7 mi, 367 hp
SKYLINE GT-R Vspec II(R32,J) – 155.4 mi, 428 hp
Clio Sport Race Car – 136.6 mi, 293 hp
Mazda MX-5 Miata LS – 95.4 mi, 160 hp
TT 1.8T quattro – 62.4 mi, 289 hp
LANCER Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype – 54.5 mi, 301 hp
Zonda C12S – 50.5 mi, 603 hp
CLK55 – 47.4 mi, 373 hp
New Beetle Cup car – 35.9 mi, 212 hp
MIRA TR-XX AVANZATO R(J) – 30.0 mi, 106 hp

So I’ve only got 2 more cars I’m gonna be using: the ALTEZZA LM Race Car, and the Spoon Civic Type-R(J). I’ll be using the F687/S and IMPREZA RCp for the remainder of the races.

It’s getting to the point where it takes me longer to write down all the race information (opponents, starting positions, times, etc..) than it takes to race it! The end is in sight!

Have a great drive everyone!

With only Beginner and Amateur League races remaining, days and percentage points have been flying by. I've racked up another ~15% and nearly 60 Sim Mode days, with 7 more race groups to complete. By the end of next week, I think I'll be able to get 100% without problem. All races are open-entry, and I'll be making my final tour in the F687/S.

Here's a summary of what's happened since the last post...

Day 168: Got into the Spoon Civic Type-R(J) for the Amateur/Type-R Meeting. I spent around 3 hours testing here and there, and found I could win with the following upgrades: Oil Change (-250) [214-225 hp]; Racing Chip (-1250) [225-234 hp]. Initially, I had upgraded the Clutch and Flywheel, but with practice found them unnecessary (already comes equipped with a Twin-Plate Clutch and Semi-Racing Flywheel). The first race of the series (Tokyo R246) had me trailing by 2 seconds for pretty much the whole race. On the final lap, I employed some tactics from the RoadHazzard book of time-saving, and beat out the NSX by 1.564". All other races weren't as much of a problem, and I didn't have to resort to such measures again. I did, however, find myself using the L2 button quite often for this car. The Civic started with 0.0 mi and 234 hp, and ended with 76.2 mi and 234 hp. I was awarded 70000 Cr and a "Midnight Pearl" Spoon S2000(J) (gave me the MUGEN 3 times before finally giving me the Spoon). I'll be coming back to this one for the MUGEN after 100%...

Day 169: Stayed in the Spoon Civic Type-R(J) for the Beginner/Type-R Meeting. This one was won handily, and I was awarded 35000 Cr and a "Satin Silver" Acura RSX Type-S. The Civic started with 76.2 mi and 234 hp, and ended with 106.0 mi and 234 hp.

Day 170: Jumped into the last of my fresh cars that I'll be putting miles on to reach 100%... the ALTEZZA LM Race Car for the Amateur/ALTEZZA Race. I was awarded 80000 Cr and a "Wine Red Mica" Tom's X540 CHASER(J). The ALTEZZA started wtih 0.0 mi and 597 hp, and ended with 66.0 mi and 597 hp.

Day 171: Still in the ALTEZZA for the Beginner/ALTEZZA Race. Nothing notable here other than the "New" CELICA SS-II(J) is worth less than the "Old" CELICA SS-II(ST202,J). Both being purchasable, I opted for the "Old" version, and will be coming back for the "New" one after 100%. I was awarded 15000 Cr and the "Super White II" CELICA SS-II(ST202,J). The ALTEZZA started with 66.0 mi and 597 hp, and ended with 91.9 mi and 597 hp.

At this point, this left me with only 2 more cars to use, vehicles I had already driven... the IMPREZA Rally Car prototype, and the F687/S. I just needed to clean up the Rally Section (only did Swiss Alps II), and the remaining Amateur & Beginner races.

Days 172-174: Into the IMPREZA Rally Car prototype for the Amateur/Boxer Spirit. Having nearly 185 miles, I decided to get the oil change beforehand. The cupcake field couldn't hold anyway, and after 15 minutes, I was awarded 30000 Cr and a "Cashmere Yellow" LEGACY B4 BLITZEN(J). The IMPREZA started with 184.3 mi and 523 hp, and ended with 204.7 mi and 549 hp.

Days 175-177: Took the IMPREZA RCp to the Amateur/4WD Challenge. While I swept this series, these 5 Lap races were made tougher by having the tire wear indicators in play. The Medium tires tended to burn hot towards the ends of the races, especially at tracks like Apricot Hill and Grand Valley. I was awarded 15000 Cr and a "Champagne Gold" LANCER Evolution VII GSR(J). The IMPREZA RCp started with 204.7 mi and 549 hp, and ended with 239.1 mi and 549 hp.

Days 178-180: Onto the Beginner/4WD Challenge with the IMPREZA, where the S4 and New Beetle RSi duked it out for 2nd. I was awarded 6000 Cr and a "Gold Metallic" ALTO WORKS SUZUKI SPORTS LIMITED(J). The IMPREZA started with 239.1 mi and 549 hp, and ended with 253.6 mi and 549 hp.

Onto the rally section with the IMPREZA RCp... I reloaded the default settings, and started pluggin. I need to mention that I recorded finishing times for all opponents for every Rally League race except the Wet Tracks. Doing so added miles to my stats, as I would beat some of them by more than 10 seconds. (one race had the guy spin out and fall behind by 45 seconds!). Not too significant, but it may have added anywhere from 3-7 miles total (as a liberal estimate).

Days 181-183: Went against the 206 Rally Car at Rally/Rally Challenge. I always start with the hardest race first, to make finishing it seem easier. I also like the adding pressure of having fewer opportunities to improve best lap times. Anyway, I was awarded 35000 Cr and the CELICA Rally Car. The IMPREZA started with 253.6 mi and 549 hp, and ended with 276.6 mi and 549 hp.

Days 184-186: Tahiti Maze vs. the LANCER Evolution VII Rally Car. I almost had to redo the whole race group as I nearly lost the 2-lapper. I spun out on the 2nd lap, and had to turn it on to eek out a 2 second win. Luckily enough, they didn't assess a bad-driving penalty and I was awarded 35000 Cr and the Escort Rally Car. The IMPREZA started with 276.6 mi and 549 hp, and ended with 297.9 mi and 549 hp.

Days 187-189: Went against the little brother, the IMPREZA Rally Car. After the 7-lapper, I wanted to change the Gear Ratios up a notch or two, as the first long straight had me tipping the rev limit. I neglected to do so, as I'd be only doing it for a short time. I was awarded 35000 Cr and the Focus Rally Car. The IMPREZA started with 297.9 mi and 549 hp, and ended with 331.7 mi and 537 hp.

Days 190-192: More Rally action at Rally/Rally of Alps. Went against my twin brother, who actually gave me fits of trouble. Not sure if the other IRCp had the stage 3 or not, but it drove like it (and/or I didn't drive like I had one :)). By the end, I had another 35000 Cr and the 206 Rally Car. The IMPREZA started with 331.7 mi and 537 hp, and ended with 361.6 mi and 520 hp.

Days 193-195: Goin the other way at Rally/Rally Challenge II. The Escort Rally Car kept things interesting for most of the 5-lapper, but wasn't much trouble otherwise. After the first race I ran (the 5-lapper), the IMPREZA had 372.9 mi and 514 hp (the oil light went on during the last lap). I gave the IRCp an Oil Change before starting the 3-lapper, and put it back to 540 hp (that was the reading in the garage). But immediately after the race, it had already lost 1 hp! I've never seen it drop off that fast before, but maybe driving the rally races has something to do with it, or maybe it might have been my mileage at that point. I might be revisiting this later. Regardless, I was awarded 35000 Cr and the COROLLA Rally Car. The IMPREZA started with 361.6 mi and 520 hp, and ended with 384.7 mi and 538 hp.

Days 196-198: Up against the LANCER Evolution VI Rally Car at Tahiti Maze II. For the 5-lapper, the LANCER must've spun out and/or got stuck during lap 4. Coming into the last set of zig-zags (the downhill set), we were relatively tight. By the next checkpoint, I'm up by 45+ seconds. I don't know what happened, but I've seen it before where the same LANCER E6 RC got stuck on this track, and stayed there for the whole duration. Besides that, the LANCER kept pressure on me throughout the other 2 races, as I never got the hang of going this way on this track. Afterwards, I was awarded 35000 Cr and the IMPREZA Rally Car, while the IMPREZA RCp started with 384.7 mi and 538 hp, and ended with 406.3 mi and 538 hp. Interesting to see the hp level off after losing 2 right after an oil change.. maybe the 400 mile mark has something to do with it.. weird.

Days 199-201: Having already done Swiss Alps II to get the LANCER Evo7 RCP, I was ready to run the last of the races for my IMPREZA... Rally/Smokey Mountain Rally II. Against the COROLLA Rally Car, Things were never too much of a problem. The 7-lapper had me winning by less than 3 seconds, even after (finally) switching the Gear Ratio's Auto Setting from 26 to 28. I added another 35000 Cr to the account, and the LANCER Evolution VI Rally Car for the effort. The IMPREZA started with 406.3 mi and 538 hp, and is now retired at 439.5 mi and 538 hp. It has served admirably...

And now, the final hurrah for the F687/S, the Flagship of my garage (the one with miles, anyway :)). Not expecting any competition from the Amateur nor Beginner opponents, the remainder of the game will be spent trying to improve best lap times with this car (default settings). I want to take this time to mention that while best lap times were not a priority for my "perfect" game, it is the fundamental purpose for me when I jump in a car and start to drive.

It is exactly what keeps me interested when running 100 lap enduros MULTIPLE times without saving. It keeps my senses honed and my knee bouncing. It keeps me leaning forward and from side to side, even while holding a multi-lap lead. My ghost is always on...

And after that brain fart, on with the summary...

Days 202-204: Got in the F687/S for the Amateur/Race of Turbo Sports. I couldn't really tell who was the toughest here, but the IMPREZA SEDAN WRX STi placed 2nd in 2 of the 3 races. Without any trouble, I was surprised to be awarded as much as 45000 Cr for this race group, along with the "Scotia White" Mine's Lancer Evolution VI(J) (120000 Cr Garage Value). The F687/S started with 4246.0 mi and 914 hp, and ended with 4281.8 mi and 914 hp.

Days 205-207: Onto the Amateur/MR Challenge, where the ZZII(J) was the one to beat. I was awarded 15000 Cr and a purple-tinted blue NSX Type S Zero(J). The F687/S started with 4281.8 mi and 914 hp, and ended with 4324.0 mi and 891 hp.

Days 208-210: Cleaning up the Beginner/Clubman Cup... The MR-S S EDITION(J) finished 2nd in all 3 races, usually followed by the Miatas (the Miata 1.8 RS(J) and Miata(J)). I was awarded a whopping 3000 Cr and a "Sparkle Green Metallic" Mazda MX-5 Miata(J). The F687/S started with 4324.0 mi and 891 hp, and ended with 4338.1 mi and 881 hp.

Days 211-213: For the Beginner/MR Challenge, the Speedster was the one to beat, followed by the MR2 G-Limited(J) and MR-S S EDITION(J). I was not given any other opponent. I was awarded 6000 Cr and a "Blue Mica" MR-S S EDITION(J). The F687/S started with 4338.1 mi and 881 hp, and ended with 4352.5 mi and 871 hp.

Days 214-216: I decided to use the F687/S for the Rally Wet Tracks. On my previous gamesave, I used the IMPREZA RCp, and found that the Stage 3 Turbo Kit was a necessity to beat out the LANCER Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype, as well as the other IMPREZA RCp. I didn't have that problem this time around :). The oil light went on almost off the bat during lap 1 of the 5-lapper, but I decided to wait to buy an Oil Change just before starting the 2-lapper. The F687/S started with 4352.5 mi and 871 hp, and ended with 4375.9 mi and 914 hp. I was awarded 35000 Cr and the Xsara Rally Car.

Days 217-219: Again at the Wet track, I went against the IMPREZA Rally Car prototype for the "Super Special" II. After about 15 minutes, I finished the last of the Rally League races, and was awarded 35000 Cr, another IMPREZA Rally Car protoype, and the ESCUDO Pike's Peak Version (for "Simulation Mode Rally complete"). The F687/S started with 4375.9 mi and 914 hp, and ended with 4404.2 mi and 914 hp.

Days 220 & 221: Well, I originally wanted to go out with a BIG BANG. The quadruple F1 prize for completing 100% by racing the Professional/Formula GT series as the last race. But the potential of having to re-race the final (78 @ Cote d'Azur) to specifically get the F090/S (something I had to do 6 times on day 50) was something I wanted to get out of the way. So I decided that I'd race the shortest race as my final race... the Beginner/Sunday Cup: 3 Laps @ Super Speedway. Using the F687/S would take me less than 2 minutes per attempt, as I need to ensure I don't get a repeat F688/S (I already have the #3 and #5, I need the #4). My thumbs appreciate my consideration. So anyway, I did the Sunday Cup races at Mid-Field and Trial Mountain, but ont Super Speedway. I was awarded 2000 Cr, and the Beginner/Sunday Cup/Super Speedway remains as the only race left in that league.

So it's Day 222, and I'm right on schedule. The following races/series remain to complete 100% (in no particular order): Beginner/Sunday Cup: 3 Laps @ Super Speedway; Amateur/Japanese Championship; Amateur/GT World Championship; Amateur/German Touring Car Championship; Amateur/Gran Turismo All-Stars; Amateur/All Japan GT Championship; and Amateur/Dream Car Championship. Stay tuned, and listen for the drum roll!!! :)

Have a great drive, everyone!

... da numbahz...

Day 222
Cr 9415460
Complete: 89.6%
Prize Total: 9879000
Wins: 289 | Races: 289 | Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 92 (2 cars purchased, 0 cars sold)
Total Mileage: 6826.4 miles (7711.5 total Garage Miles)
Total Car Value: 44833510
Bonus Cars Acquired: 90
Trophies Acquired: 412
(-481540 spent)

Cars with Mileage:
F687/S - 4409.1 mi, hp
Viper GTSR Concept - 1301.7 mi, 488 hp
IMPREZA Rally Car prototype - 439.5 mi, 538 hp
VITZ RS 1.5(J) - 300.9 mi, 294 hp
Elise 190 - 230.6 mi, 252 hp
Tuscan Speed 6 - 162.7 mi, 367 hp
SKYLINE GT-R Vspec II(R32,J) - 156.4 mi, 428 hp
Clio Sport Race Car - 136.6 mi, 293 hp
Spoon Civic Type-R(J) - 106.0 mi, 234 hp
Mazda MX-5 Miata LS - 95.4 mi, 160 hp
ALTEZZA LM Race Car - 91.9 mi, 597 hp
TT 1.8T quattro - 62.4 mi, 289 hp
LANCER Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype - 54.5 mi, 301 hp
Zonda C12S - 50.5 mi, 603 hp
CLK55 - 47.4 mi, 373 hp
New Beetle Cup car - 35.9 mi, 212 hp
MIRA TR-XX AVANZATO R(J) - 30.0 mi, 106 hp
:thumbsup: Wow, so that trek has almost been completed :) I'll say it again, you are a true GT3 Player/fan. :D You should send the e-mail to sony ;)
Originally posted by halfracedrift
all i can say is, wow
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
Wow, so that trek has almost been completed I'll say it again, you are a true GT3 Player/fan. You should send the e-mail to sony
LOL. Thanks, guys! I often find myself saying similar when I think about all the time and thumbpain into this gamesave. I used to say "I can't believe I'm doing this..." Now I'm getting close to saying "I can't believe I *DID* it!" Hopefully, that day will come by this weekend...

Well, I don't know how "true" of a GT3 Player/Fan I am, but what I *DO* know is that I **FREAKING LOVE THIS GAME!!!** Since getting my PS2 in late January '02, I've had a total of 2 games in my apartment: EAS Rugby, and GT3. I think I spent a total of 20 minutes dorking around with the Rugby game.. DEFINITELY NOT dissin Rugby...

While I like Rugby (spent 6 weeks in NZ), and might've even liked the game A LOT, GT3 was way too freaking cool for me to not spend a lot of time with it. I've mentioned this before, but I didn't play either game much, until a friend of mine showed me the Time Trial @ Complex String. I made it a mission to get gold (1st place = 4.52.716), and for the next 2 months, all I did was race that charcoal gray RUF RGT around that godforsaken track... always with "Mad Skillz" in the background.

Then, in April, I finally beat it out by around .050 seconds or something, and found myself at that post-coital state of elation. I still go back once in a while, and have managed to whittle it down to 4.44.671... still more than 6 seconds off of these guys (but not bad for an AT/DS2 setup)..

And thanks for the suggestion on writing to Sony, DtV! I never thought of that before. Actually, by your great suggestion, I plan on writing to Polyphony Digital, as they're the ones who made this game (with much thanks to Sony's Entertainment div). Maybe I can squeeze a free T-shirt out of them.. or better yet, a free preview copy of GT4!! If they reject me, I can always send them pictures of my thumbs and blackmail them with a lawsuit! LOL!!! :)
Originally posted by MXTHREE
OMG, how fast can this dude type???? His posts are bigger than Anna Nicole Smith's fat arse!
LOL! Actually, my proficiency at typing, if I have any at all, is attributable to one of my 8th grade "electives" (I actually had nothing to do with "electing" to take that class). I hated it when I first sat in, but after a while I started finding the "game" in it, and walked away with an A.

I never figured to be typing so much in my life, but I am GLAD AS HELL that I took that class. Having spent 3 years as a programmer, with moderate supporting coursework, it sure came in handy (pun fully intended)! To this point, I'm anywhere from 40-60 words per minute, depending on what's being written, whether it's pre-written text, and also how sober I am. ;) (dom;t drin kan dtupe)

And regarding my post size.. It's not the size, it's the content!

Actually, I try to keep the posts short yet informative, as I've been omitting race times for the blowouts, and keeping summaries in a nicely formatted fashion. But, most of the time, I find myself babbling. Being really long summaries, my last couple of posts have been typed offline before posting...

And what's wrong with a big butt? :)

Anyway, Have a great drive, everyone!

:smilewink Maybe they would give you a chance to help design some of the race series :D
Finally did it, guys! I'll give a much more detailed summary within the next couple of days, but here are the 100% #'s (I'll be continuing this game after I figure some things out...):

Day 229
Cr 10,828,460
Complete: 100.0%
Prize Total: 11,292,500
Wins: 337 | Races: 337 | Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 103 (2 cars purchased, 0 cars sold)
Total Mileage: 6974.7 miles (8317.8 total Garage miles)
Total Car Value: 57,049,520
Bonus Cars Acquired: 101
Trophies Acquired: 466
(-482,040 Cr spent)

17 Cars with mileage:
F687/S [(black #15)] - 5015.4 mi, 910 hp
Viper GTSR Concept ["Red / Silver Stripes"] - 1301.7 mi, 488 hp
IMPREZA Rally Car prototype ["WR Blue Mica"] - 439.5 mi, 538 hp
VITZ RS 1.5(J) ["Pink"] - 300.9 mi, 294 hp
Elise 190 ["Champagne Gold Metallic"] - 230.6 mi, 252 hp
Tuscan Speed 6 ["Silver Stardust Metallic"] - 162.7 mi, 367 hp
SKYLINE GT-R Vspec II(R32,J) ["Silica Breath Metallic"] - 156.4 mi, 428 hp
Clio Sport Race Car [(black #33)] - 136.6 mi, 293 hp
Spoon Civic Type-R(J) ["Championship White"] - 106.0 mi, 234 hp
Mazda MX-5 Miata LS ["Mariner Blue"] - 95.4 mi, 160 hp
ALTEZZA LM Race Car [(gray/silver, black rims #24)] - 91.9 mi, 597 hp
TT 1.8T quattro ["Blue"] - 62.4 mi, 289 hp
LANCER Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype [(red)] - 54.5 mi, 301 hp
Zonda C12S [(silver)] - 50.5 mi, 603 hp
CLK55 ["Brilliant Silver Metallic"] - 47.4 mi, 373 hp
New Beetle Cup car [(black #23)] - 35.9 mi, 212 hp
MIRA TR-XX AVANZATO R(J) ["Silver Metallic"] - 30.0 mi, 106 hp

Untouched cars:
F094/S [(navy blue/white)] - 790 hp
F688/S [(red #4)] - 789 hp
LANCER Evolution V GSR(J) ["Nayez Blue Pearl"] - 306 hp
SPRINTER TRUENO GT-APEX (AE86 Type I,J) ["Red"] - 127 hp
Viper GTS-R Team Oreca [(red/white stripes/yellow lights #91)] - 588 hp
GT-ONE Road Car(TS020) [(red)] - 600 hp
RAYBRIG NSX JGTC(J) [(purple #100)] - 473 hp
DENSO SARD SUPRA GT JGTC(J) [(red/white #39)] - 464 hp
IMPREZA LM Race Car [(white #77)] - 572hp
Astra Touring Car (Opel Team Phoenix) [(white/yellow #7)] - 454 hp
Mazda RX-7 Type RZ(J) ["Sunburst Yellow"] - 290 hp
ESCUDO Pike's Peak Version [(red)] - 973 hp
IMPREZA Rally Car prototype ["WR Blue Mica"] - 301 hp
Xsara Rally Car [(red #17)] - 294 hp
MR-S S EDITION(J) ["Blue Mica"] - 138 hp
Mazda MX-5 Miata(J) ["Sparke Green Metallic"] - 130 hp
NSX Type S Zero(J) [(blue/purple)] - 285 hp
Mine's Lancer Evolution VI(J) ["Scotia White"] - 394 hp
LANCER Evolution VI Rally Car [(red #1)] - 301 hp
IMPREZA Rally Car ["555 Sonic Blue Mica" (#5)] - 299 hp
COROLLA Rally Car [(white #9)] - 300 hp
206 Rally Car [(white/blue #14)] - 300 hp
Focus Rally Car [(white)] - 299 hp
Escort Rally Car [(white/blue)] - 299 hp
CELICA Rally Car [(white #1)] - 299 hp
LANCER Evolution VII GSR(J) ["Champagne Gold"] - 315 hp
LEGACY B4 BLITZEN(J) ["Cashmere Yellow"] - 276 hp
CELICA SS-II(ST202,J) ["Super White II"] - 181 hp
Tom's X540 CHASER(J) ["Wine Red Mica"] - 315 hp
Acura RSX Type-S ["Satin Silver"] - 200 hp
Spoon S2000(J) ["Monte Carlo Blue Pearl"] - 271 hp
787B [(orange/green #55)] - 690 hp
New Beetle RSi [(silver)] - 225 hp
TT 1.8T quattro ["Yellow"] - 221 hp
VITZ RS 1.5(J) ["Orange Metallic"] - 109 hp
Mazda MX-5 Miata LS ["Sunburst Yellow"] - 160 hp
Mini Cooper 1.3i ["Amaranth"] - 61 hp
SLK 230 Kompressor ["Vivianite Green Metallic"] - 192 hp
NISMO 400R(J) ["Lightning Yellow"] - 395hp
Mazda RX-7 INFINI III(FC,J) ["Shadow Silver Mica"] - 209 hp
NISMO SKYLINE GT-R S-tune (R32,J) ["Gun Gray Metallic"] - 403 hp
LANCER Evolution IV GSR(J) ["Dandelion Yellow"] - 271 hp
LANCER Evolution VI Rally Car [(red #1)] - 301 hp
SILVIA K's (S13 1800cc,J) ["Lime Green Two-Tone"] - 172 hp
Camaro SS ["Monterey Maroon Metallic"] - 326 hp
CR-X Del-Sol SiR(J) ["Vogue Silver Metallic"] - 165 hp
SPRINTER TRUENO GT-APEX S.S. version(J) ["White"] - 207 hp
Spoon S2000 Race Car(J) [(yellow/blue #95)] - 271 hp
Mazda RX-8 ["Highlight Silver Metallic"] - 281 hp
CELICA TRD Sports M(J) ["Super Red V"] - 197 hp
F686/M [(orange/black)] - 926 hp
ZZII(J) ["Yellow"] - 543 hp
LANCER Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype [(red)] - 301 hp
RUF RGT [(powder blue)] - 379 hp
NISMO GT-R LM Road Car (R33,J) [(silver)] - 301 hp
CALSONIC SKYLINE JGTC(J) [(blue #12)] - 461 hp
CLK Touring Car (D2 AMG Mercedes) [(silver #1)] - 443 hp
Cobra ["Red"] - 485 hp
Elise 190 ["Nostalgic Red Metallic"] - 187 hp
S4 ["Mocha Brown Pearl Effect"] - 261 hp
Vanquish ["Sotherland Red"] - 449 hp
RUF CTR2 [(light yellow)] - 514 hp
Corvette C5R [(yellow/white #64)] - 610 hp
XJ220 Race Car [(white #41)] - 542 hp
FTO LM Race Car [(red #47)] - 567 hp
SuperAutoBacs APEX MR-S (J) [(red #31)] - 299 hp
R390 GT1 LM Race Car [(blue #32)] - 641 hp
787B [(orange/green #55)] - 690 hp
Speed 12 ["Chameleon Blue"] - 798 hp
Zonda Race Car [(black #24)] - 651 hp
Castrol Tom's SUPRA JGTC(J) [(white #36)] - 464 hp
GT-ONE Race Car(TS020) [(red #1)] - 651 hp
F094/H [orange/black)] - 790 hp
F688/S [(white #5)] - 789 hp
R390 GT1 Road Car [(blue)] - 352 hp
XJ220 Road Car ["Titanium Metallic"] - 516 hp
F688/S [(purple #3)] - 789 hp
S2000 LM Race Car [(black/blue #30)] - 586 hp
Esperante GTR-1 [(silver #4)] - 588hp
ARTA NSX JGTC(J) [(red #8)] - 473 hp
RX-7 LM Race Car [(blue #7)] - 572 hp
F090/S [(white/red #25)] - 690 hp
Vanquish ["British Racing Green"] - 449 hp
Nissan Z Concept ["Sonic Orange"] - 273 hp
Mazda RX-8 ["Camellia Red"] - 281 hp

I'll post a more detailed summary soon.. gotta get some rest now... Huge thanks to all who helped along the way...

Have a great drive, everyone!

Big hand of approval appears throw the screen and taps you on the back . "Well done!"
I also think a 6th star at your 'Thread' star rating is in order.
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

:D You definitely have to let PD see thaws amazing stats.

Just have to ask, now that our quest is complete what are next. 😈
I'll step up into the line for all those giving you a pat on the back. What's next, "all the winnable cars in the shortest distance?"

Or maybe some On-line Racing?

Pat on the back and a cold drink tipped in your direction.

We've all been pulling for you, and I myself am amazed to see the end of the project! I think my game has advanced about 4% while you've been doing this.

Congratulations on setting yourself a tough goal, on seeing it through, and on making long informational posts!

My hat is off and my hand is out for a hearty shake. Well done, to say the absolute least.
Originally posted by Power Slay`d
Big hand of approval appears throw the screen and taps you on the back . "Well done!"
I also think a 6th star at your 'Thread' star rating is in order.
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

:D You definitely have to let PD see thaws amazing stats.

Just have to ask, now that our quest is complete what are next. 😈
LOL.. I think Jordan and the GTP crew might have something to say about programming for a new 6 star rating :)... But I sure as hell appreciate it, as do my thumbs! I plan on contacting PD regarding what I've done, as well as mentioning a couple of inconsistencies with their final build (prize money and few misspellings)... And I was serious about the "Free T-Shirt" thing.. Hopefully, they will be too. :)
Originally posted by eatbitter
Congratulations, RoadHazzard! Well done, indeed!
Originally posted by Der Alta
I'll step up into the line for all those giving you a pat on the back. What's next, "all the winnable cars in the shortest distance?"

Or maybe some On-line Racing?

Pat on the back and a cold drink tipped in your direction.
Thanks a million, DA and eatbitter! But you two don't have to stand in line.. YOU'RE RIGHT THERE WITH ME! If it wasn't for you guys and the hard work you put into your compendium and prize list, I don't know where I'd be... Probably still trying to muscle my way to victory without the VCD for the TT 1.8T quattro... LOL...

As far as what's next, I plan on spending the next 26 or so Sim Mode Days on getting the rest of the prize cars (purchasable or not). After this, I'll have the potential for the "All-Car" garage, where all I'll have to do is buy what can't be won. At this point, and possibly before, I'll be looking into OLR and how that whole thingy works. Not having a GameShark, I don't know if I'll be able to have my times verified...

And as a side note, I just remembered that the Viper GTSR Concept is ineligible for the Formula GT race (the Team Oreca IS eligible, however). So I'm really only worried about the possibility of the ALTEZZA LM Race Car being able to win that one (I had assumed it wasn't), and/or the Esperante GTR-1 (just started testing this one last night)... For now, I think the only races they might be able to win are Super Speedway and Test Course. Other than that, it seemed (initially) that the F1s were just too much to compensate with pit strategy. I'll let ya know if I find different.

Originally posted by Gil
Hats off to you, Dude.
Originally posted by Cobraboy
Well Done!!
Dude, you own.
Originally posted by neon_duke
We've all been pulling for you, and I myself am amazed to see the end of the project! I think my game has advanced about 4% while you've been doing this.

Congratulations on setting yourself a tough goal, on seeing it through, and on making long informational posts!

My hat is off and my hand is out for a hearty shake. Well done, to say the absolute least.
Thanks, pals! There were times during this journey where I would ask myself "What the hell are you doing? Why are you doing this? Just win any of those stupid cars and move on..."

But I would remember the commitment I made, and each time I asked myself those things, I'd return more motivated than before. I'd also remember that there were so many for whom doing this would serve benefit. Everyone who had ever wanted, everyone who wants, and everyone who will want to complete this game in this (or a similar) way, will now be able to have it confirmed...


With as crazy as life is these days, there aren't many people who can dedicate themselves to such a time-consuming endeavor (I averaged just over 2 hrs/day for 82 days). I wanted to bring to reality what had only been conceptualized (I'm very open to believing that someone else has done so already, despite my efforts to find that person/those people). And now, with the help of others like yourself, WE DID IT!!! :)

Thanks again for all of the support you guys gave! You're all as much a part of this as I am!

Have a great drive!

Well, it took me a while to get this ball rolling, but I'm currently working with Jordan to have this game "verified", as well as potentially making this gamesave available (via Sharkport, which I still don't own) to others.

So, before I ship off my beloved memory card, I was wondering what kinds of things you, the GTPlanet community, wanted validated.

As it stands, the following are "stats" that I think can be verified:
- 100% completion in 228 sim mode days (i.e. 100% complete before starting day 229) -- this verifies that no races were repeated, and that no max speed/run & settings sessions were used
- all golds/1st place finishes for time trials/license tests/races
- the trophy count -- to verify that Easy, Normal, and Hard Arcade Mode Single Races were completed and won, as well as all Sim Mode races/series.
- 17 cars with mileage -- to verify the # of vehicles used, as well as the miles put on them
- Total Prize Money -- to verify the non-repetition of races, as well as to verify that no car was sold.
- "Final" Cr Balance -- to verify the amount of Cr spent on my way to 100% complete
- other cars in garage -- to verify that I actually won what I said I won

There are also a number of replays I have saved. While the replay can't show the modifications made to the vehicle used, It does have a HP reading (albeit, slightly off).

So if there's anything you guys/gals can think of that CAN be verified on one's memory card, give a shout out and we'll try to work to have it done.

OK, Have a great drive everyone!

BEFORE you ship off your memory card, Hit Wally world (Wal-Mart) and drop 25 bucks on another card. Copy your perfect game onto it as a back-up.
i know you've all ready done this. But, I was having a panic attack for you. "Panic by proxy" if you will.:D
Originally posted by Gil
BEFORE you ship off your memory card, Hit Wally world (Wal-Mart) and drop 25 bucks on another card. Copy your perfect game onto it as a back-up.
i know you've all ready done this. But, I was having a panic attack for you. "Panic by proxy" if you will.:D
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
:lol: Yes, make about three back up saves just in case! ;)
LOL, guys, thanks for the advice... Yeah, I'll definitely be backing up this game before I send it off. I have only one other back-up, still on day 49 where only the Sim Mode/License Tests were completed...

OK, hopefully I'll be able to get everything squared away so I can send the card off by the middle of next week.

Have a great drive, everyone!
