World Sports Cars PC game

  • Thread starter ckpitdv
It will be an awesome game, but the PC/console markets are so separated, it won't dominate GT3 at all.
Yes, it will rival it, and I doubt much will surpass it in the PC market.  I'll probably buy it.  :)
 :eek:     :eek:      :eek:        :eek:       :eek:   :eek:

THe only cool games for ocmputer r like the Baldur Gate games, the SIm games and Tetris.  I think racing on a computer owuld be sorta gay.  THat game mgiht be awesome and all, but ntohign could rival it.  Besides it owuldnt matter anyway, Console and computer r two different thigns.  IT's like comparing dental floos and a tooth brush.
Sorry to burst the bubbles but a computer with a Nvidia GeForce 2 GTS and a 7200 RPM Hard Drive 256 MB of RAM kills the PS2.  the ps2 runs off a tv and tv is 320x200x?? I run 1024x768 at 32 bit color on my games with my GF2 GTS 64 MB
I was looking at issue #8 of PSM2, a British PS2 mag, and on page 35, on the Confirmed for late 2001 list it says World Sports Car published by a company called Empire. Yess!! This game will be great online!! But will it beat GT3?
yeag i know wsc is comin for ps2 but i think computers have more a chance because more ppl own computers and comps are more customizable i.e. graphics cards. If the would make gt4 more sim and less arcade it wuld rox!
kay... heres my 5 cents.. or 3 scents... er.. heh

ok.. im a hardcore gamer. I have nothing better to do with my life and my summer other than game (and hang out with friends) but... I know my computers and my PS2. Heres what I think

1. WSC will be a great game, but look at Deus Ex. It was going to be the game of the year, but no one bought it.

2. What if the host of a game on 56k?