::::: World Super GT Championship - [Thread 2 Closed] :::::

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What is your favorite Professional Racing Series?

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We should have some practice meetings everyday if that's possible. I'm sick of searching for rooms in the open lobby that are running Super GT races.

Does anyone from this group race online from 16-19 GMT?
I am in. I would like GT500 if still available, if not I could buy a 300. I take it I cannot use my stealth GT500? Also, since the race was moved to next Wednesday, when are qualifying times due?
Feel free to leave your specifics, signup is always open.

First Race was last week and no, the Stealth cars have a bit of an advantage so they are banned.

Quali time deadline is Sunday 11:59PST (GMT-8)

Theres ussually a practice lobby up everyday, but ive been busy since its almost christmas. Ill have one up today though.

Edit: @ jato4x4 - which PSN are you using?
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Sorry about that. I use: GTP_Jato4x4
I'm in a B spec enduro right now, so I will post later what car I will use. Are there any spots open for 500 still? Also I use Turbo S wheel and Clubsport's
ah... sorry, i must've missed you.

Can you post your specifics again if you don't mind?

Sorry missed that.

PSN: Dragonistic
Location: UK
Class: GT500 Epson NSX
Equipment: Sixaxis (possibly swapping to G25 later in the season)
Some weird things happening today in practice...

14 car grid, and about 12 cars stood still after green flag was dropped, then they rolled on after about 30 seconds...

It was ok with 10-12 cars previous couple of races... Im guessing i cant carry a full 16 car grid with the connection not going bogus, which is going to be a really big issue.

Is it dependent on the host (In the open lobby, not lounge)? Regional issue? Grid was very diverse.

Should i try and connect my PS3 through an Ethernet Cable?
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Or you could turn the race quality down your lounge settings (find it off the main GT life menu), it may help, and you can turn voice chat down to even though not many are using it.

On another note, Johnkiller if you read this some of your overtaking was very aggressive and put me in danger a couple of times. For example I'd come into the hairpin I'd find a Z pushing me out wide coming from nowhere. It wasn't really bad by any means but it was risky and if I wasn't using chase view at the time I would have turned down on top of you probably causing a big stoppage.

For everyone, just because you can see them doesn't mean they can see you fortunately in this instance I could. To clarify I'm not complaining about your driving, just worth warning that was I in cockpit or bumper or something you would not be seen diving on the inside like that as it's difficult to look sideways mid turn in game.

Also to whoever it was who was complaining that it was power which would make you (or me in a couple of those races) win, that's just silly as I was running less power then the GTRs and probably Z to, it's merely that the NSX has good balance for a tight circuit.
I see... i should lower to Nat 3? My recommended settings are set to high. I guess its the ones that are joining the race not me?

Well, some of the drivers from practice were pretty aggressive. I stayed patient from one of the 10 lap sprints where I went from 12th to 2nd. Really hard to pass in that track specially if the damage is on full... which i think is great, very realistic.
I think you could try just lowering race quality to normal, alot of people didn't get to start though I don't know what it is, it seems like that because of just how many it was it was something going on the hosts end. I mean I got to start before some others in your own country and my net isn't that good here at all.

In other news, I went straight from the session (was which a good session by the way guys 👍) into practicing for Qualifying and feeling a bit better now hoping I may qualify somewhere in the mid field.

Others things worth mentioning, lapped traffic get WELL out the way, even if it means letting off on a straight. On the final race I drove with someone not starting properly with the black screen problem, we caught up to a guy in the lead group who did not yield at all. Check the side of your screen, see who is behind you position wise and if it's not them coming to pass you, get out the way asap.
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Yah, i remember that. 12 of the cars stood still, and you and me were able to start right away. But i stayed put nonetheless until everyone was able to start :) by then you were already half a lap ahead lol

Good session though. Tomorrow, ill try and lower the settings and see if we can run smoothly with a 14-16 car grid.

Merry Holidays :)
So if you have NAT 3, then everyone with NAT 3 and above can join? The game tells me I have NAT 3 so if you can do that its great. I've given up at this point struggling ot think about this NAT problem.
Yup. I guess that's why a few people were getting kicked during Week 1. My default connection was set to high (NAT 2).
But does it affect the race quality in a detrimental manner if the host's connection is NAT 3 and not 2. Because I have NAT 3 and whenever i try to host, no one seems able to join. Or is it also a wireless/wired issue?

Have an F1 circuit map.

I've been looking at this trying to decide where I should make overtake attempts, and where I'm likely to end somebody's race by making an ill-advised overtake. So far, I'm thinking:

Good overtaking spots:
-Coming into corner 1, or after corner 1 if you get a faster exit.
-Coming into Mirabeau.
-Around the outside at La Rascasse, if you're very careful.

Bad places:
-Corner 6.
-The chicane.
-The whole bus stop area, corners 13/14/15/16.
-Corner 19, obviously.

I've been running around in practise most of the morning, and it's just so bad in so many places if you get it wrong. I hate the new sticky walls they've got. Opinions?
Here's mine..

The Good:
- Turn 1: a bit risky because of how fast the wall comes back to you Exiting.
- Wide sweeping turn at Beau Rivage 2: i use frequently mainly coming fast from the outside, that way, ill have the position coming out and into the next corner :)
- Lastly, in the tunnel and out coming into the chicane: a battle of out breaking each other :) Definitely the most exciting part of the track.

The Bad... well I agree with all from your list.

BTW, less than 10 people have submitted laps, i may extend the deadline and push the race start until january if possible. If not, well just run 1 divisional race. 2 heats of 20 laps each.

I guess people are too busy buying presents :)

But does it affect the race quality in a detrimental manner if the host's connection is NAT 3 and not 2. Because I have NAT 3 and whenever i try to host, no one seems able to join. Or is it also a wireless/wired issue?

Not sure. We'll see tomorrow in practice.
I've got a lap to send you. Am debating whether I've hit my wall or whether there's another half second to be found there. Correction: I know there's another half second to be found there because I've found faster ways around Beau Rivage, the bus stop and Rascasse, I'm just not sure I can be bothered sitting down and running around the course for the amount of time it would take to string them into a good lap.

And I want to try the Lexus GT300 and see how it differs to the Garaiya.

Is anyone else finding the difference between GT300 and GT500 to be really, really low around Monaco?

Edit: My problem with passing coming into the chicane is you've got two choices. Outbrake on the outside, and if you cock it up you either go into the wall, or you go flying through the chicane and take people out. Outbrake on the inside, and if you cock it up you go flying through and take everyone out and probably block the circuit and back the whole pack up. Not that it can't be done, more that the penalties for a mistake doing it are higher than I'm willing to pay.

Personally, if I'm in front there I just go defensive, stay left and break early. The other guy then takes all the risk, he's got to push hard around the outside or I can just cut him off. If he stuffs it, I've got an even chance of getting through the corner without being hit. If he overcooks it but somehow manages to get through the corner by cutting the chicane he'll have to give the place back anyway. If the other person defends correctly it's a nightmare of a place to pull off a pass.
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Psn : STaLLiOnO_-
Class : GT300
Location : New Jersey
Wheel : N/A

Add me so, i can practice with u all...

Thanks and see u all on the track
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i will send u the replay now but i have met a prob
i cant find the attachment thing when i chose to sent a private msg?
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Or you could turn the race quality down your lounge settings (find it off the main GT life menu), it may help, and you can turn voice chat down to even though not many are using it.

On another note, Johnkiller if you read this some of your overtaking was very aggressive and put me in danger a couple of times. For example I'd come into the hairpin I'd find a Z pushing me out wide coming from nowhere. It wasn't really bad by any means but it was risky and if I wasn't using chase view at the time I would have turned down on top of you probably causing a big stoppage.

For everyone, just because you can see them doesn't mean they can see you fortunately in this instance I could. To clarify I'm not complaining about your driving, just worth warning that was I in cockpit or bumper or something you would not be seen diving on the inside like that as it's difficult to look sideways mid turn in game.

Also to whoever it was who was complaining that it was power which would make you (or me in a couple of those races) win, that's just silly as I was running less power then the GTRs and probably Z to, it's merely that the NSX has good balance for a tight circuit.

Fair point. As this was practice, I was trying some overtaking spots to see how it would work out for the real race (see also my comments on Imari's post). I was also trying some different set-ups, some which made the car somewhat unpredictable.

I done a fair bit of testing of the different cars (GTR/Z/NSX) to find their strengths/weaknesses. One of the easiest to determin is the top speed. Surprisingly, the the NSX has the highest top speed (down the Le Mans straight) even if it has the lowest power (same aero/gearing setting). The Z has the best acceleration (great torque), and the the GTR has the best handling/drivability or is at least easiest to tune to great cornering.

So far, I haven't been able to determin "a best car", but I'm looking forward to try different cars at different races.

Have an F1 circuit map.

I've been looking at this trying to decide where I should make overtake attempts, and where I'm likely to end somebody's race by making an ill-advised overtake. So far, I'm thinking:

Good overtaking spots:
-Coming into corner 1, or after corner 1 if you get a faster exit.
-Coming into Mirabeau.
-Around the outside at La Rascasse, if you're very careful.

Bad places:
-Corner 6.
-The chicane.
-The whole bus stop area, corners 13/14/15/16.
-Corner 19, obviously.

I've been running around in practise most of the morning, and it's just so bad in so many places if you get it wrong. I hate the new sticky walls they've got. Opinions?

Great post Imari.

Bottom line -- there is just no place to make a safe pass unless the driver in front make a significant mistake. The best place is probably into Mirabeau as the previous corner (Casino) can be taken at different lines, and there is space at the Mirabeau.

I don't think corner 1 is a good place to overtake as its (for Monaco) a relatively fast corner and its very tight with all the fences. Even a small touch there will cause serious car damage.

"Around the outside at La Rascasse" might be a possibility. Speeds are low and at least there are some space.

I have mixed feelings about corner 6. At least speeds are low so a small touch will not cause car damage, but its tight.

I think most of the damage will be into the corner 10 (chicane). High speed entry and some people will overcook late breaking ended up with crashes in the chicane. Second real danger place is corner 1, because its an opportunity, but a touch will cause serious car damage.

Personally I don't like Monaco. Glorious history and challenging to drive, but if drivers behave, there is just no chance to safely overtake. Overtaking GT300 will be a nightmare, and I'm sure there will be more frustration as well.
Corner 1 has the same problem as the chicane, it looks like it's two lanes wide but it really isn't. If you're going to overtake there, it has to be before or after the corner, NOT during.

If you can outbrake down the outside (which you should be, as the other person should be defending the inside line if they're smart) and get fully ahead then you can turn across the other driver and cut them off. If you fail to get fully in front and try this and mess the two of you up, I'd call it the fault of the attacking driver for failing to get the move done right. If you've buggered it up, back off and let the other driver through on the inside and try again later in the lap.

Or you can simply outdrive someone up the hill. The corner is VERY sensitive to the correct angle and speed through it, and you can get significant speed differentials up the hill if you get it just right or your opponent cocks it up.

Those are the two methods I'd be using to try and overtake in that area of the track. Neither should pose much danger to anyone should anything go wrong.

On a similar note, there are also limited safe places to let GT500s through. If you're stuck behind a GT300 coming up to the chicane or the bus stop, you might just have to wait behind them until afterwards when they can let you pass safely.
Imo the only semi-"safe" place to pass is down into the Chicane, you have to get a really good exit from Portier to be able to make that though, and be totally alongside. Any late lunges will just end in tears. Potentially might be able to make something work into Tabac too, if you get a better exit from the Chicane.

GT500 drivers will definitely have to be patient with passing the GT300s too - the two classes are as quick as one another through the corners, seems the 500s only get an advantage through the tunnel, exit of the chicane, the main straight, and up the hill. So if I were you, play it safe and wait to make a pass at one of the quicker areas of the circuit where you have the benefit of the extra horsepower, don't rush it.
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