Worst Track

  • Thread starter Sk8rKiD

Whats the Worst Track???

  • Seattle Circuit

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Rome Circuit

    Votes: 26 8.3%
  • Cote de azur

    Votes: 26 8.3%
  • R 11

    Votes: 65 20.8%
  • Grand Vally

    Votes: 12 3.8%
  • Laguna Seca

    Votes: 14 4.5%
  • Test Course

    Votes: 96 30.7%
  • Tokyo R246

    Votes: 11 3.5%
  • Superspeedway

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Trial Mountain

    Votes: 15 4.8%

  • Total voters
I really hate Laguna Seca. The only turn I don't find irritating is the corkscrew, and that's boring. On the rare occation that I get it right, it's too easy, the rest of the time it's just akward.
Also, I just can't seem to comprehend turn 4 at all. I don't know how to discribe it, I just don't understand it.
i love R11, i'm really good at it. in a vspec2 r34 you can really lean on the brakes and get the arse out and still make good times. midfield and trial mountain are my favorite tracks

i hate seattle, especially in reverse, it was hard enough in gt2 now it's impossible

emohawk, turn 4 on laguna, try going into it full stick, brake stupidly late, just before the rumble strip, go down a gear and power out of it with the better line the braking turn has given you. it's a tricky corner, i always used to make the mistake of braking way too early. keep in mind where the ripple strip is, you should be in the middle of the turn (the apex) in the middle of the strip. that's how i do it anyway :)
I voted for R-11 cause I think it's just rediculous, so many sharp turns...it's just no fun. My second hateful track is Seattle. I like the track, but I just can't get a good line on it. I never have any two laps that are within 1 or 2 seconds of each other :ouch:
Super Jamie
i love R11, i'm really good at it. in a vspec2 r34 you can really lean on the brakes and get the arse out and still make good times. midfield and trial mountain are my favorite tracks

i hate seattle, especially in reverse, it was hard enough in gt2 now it's impossible

emohawk, turn 4 on laguna, try going into it full stick, brake stupidly late, just before the rumble strip, go down a gear and power out of it with the better line the braking turn has given you. it's a tricky corner, i always used to make the mistake of braking way too early. keep in mind where the ripple strip is, you should be in the middle of the turn (the apex) in the middle of the strip. that's how i do it anyway :)
Early? I brake way too late. The way I see it, the rumble strip ends before the apex. When I watched the replay for the time trial it confused the hell out of me. (Why is he braking so early? Why is he apexing there? How is that faster?). It's like a wierd optical illusion that only I can see.
wow, if you follow off the replay, the rumble strip starts before the apex, he doesn't even touch it! that's how the corner LOOKS like you should take it from the drivers seat, but i've never been able to do it that way

i guess if that was me, i would enter the corner at a later point, brake so i turn in and apex across the middle of the ripple strip, and power out so i just understeer onto the opposite rumble strip then onto the next corner which you can take full stick
Cote is bad, ever tryed doin a clean lap, thanks to wrs95 cote is no longer on my fun list
There are two tracks that I usually skip: S11 and Test Course. S11 is not a racetrack, just a bunch of 180 degree turns, and a couple of flat straights. If I rarely make a clean lap, it's slow - if I try to push it a little harder, crash to barrier. Racing on it is even worse - s2pid AI is always bumping me into the walls.

Test Course: I usually fell asleep during TC races.

Seattle: my favourite track! It took a fair amount of time to learn the track, but finally I can drive constant lap times. Complex track, but it has a rhythm. I enjoy it best with the Z6 Vette and the little Ruf, the 3400S.
For some reason, I deeply dislike Rome I & II, even more than Test Course or Super Speedway. For the amount of sheer concentration the track requires, there is very little in the way of pay-off. Even when I am nailing all the braking zones, the track is curiously no fun. Maybe it's because the track is completely flat with no elevation changes and has no single corner that is remotely memorable.

I happen to love R11. But that's probably because all that autocrossing has taught me to love low speed turns and lots of them. :)

You missed out the worst one - Deep Forest Raceway. That track is hurrendous, I can never finish a good lap round there. Test Course is boring, best tracks by far are Cote, Complex String (Shame there arent any races on it).
Edit: A List of the tracks I can think of in My Fave Order, 1 = Best, 17 = Worst

1. Cote D'Azur
2. Complex String
3. Laguna Seca
4. SS Route 5
5. SS Route 11
6. Tahiti Maze
7. Trial Mountain
8. Tokyo 246
9. Grand Valley
10. Apricot Hill
11. Rome
12. Seattle
13. Midfield
14. Tahiti Circuit
15. Super Speedway
16. Test Course
17. Deep Forest Raceway

I might of missed some out, but you get the idea :)
Wow. I love Deep Forest! In the front direction nothing beats getting a great turn-in on the last turn and carrying it flat-out all the way through the following straight! And on the reverse, the bobsled ride out of the first tunnel and down through the Bus Stop and into the second tunnel is a blast, too.

///M, I would like the layout of SS R11 if the track wasn't so damned greasy. And I honestly have night-blindness troubles there - I literally can't see most of the apexes, which means I'm always in one wall or the other. I have to feel my way through most of the tighter corners, and I get pounded into the wall and left for dead.
I had to say test track. Talk about a thumb destroyer. I think even with a DFP, my feet would get tired from playing.

Call me psychotic, but I love R11 and especially the Cote D'Azur, because no matter what the horsepower, torque or handling performance of a car, it's always fair. I could see a mini hold of an Escudo on that track, just due to the sheer amount of corners and hard braking required to get anywhere.

Tokyo R 246 is a great course as well, because it has the perfect combination of corners and straights to make a fun half speedway half technical course. It takes real work, thought, and tons of test runs to get the transmission settings just right.

I'd have to say every course but the test course is fun to drive. That's what makes GT3 a great game.
Test Course is my all-time most hated (yes, hated) track. It's just so unbearably boring. I usually skip it if it's in a series race, and hope for enough points later on. Hard on the heels of Test Course is Rome, and Rome II. I never have been able to get more than one decent lap out of 10 on Rome/II.
SSR11 - II is tricky, but I still don't mind racing on it. And, contrary to many people here, I like Seattle. It's kind of tough in an F1 car, though.

Edit - Just an afterthought. I wonder if the Nascar guys all like Test Course??
However, I've been having trouble at Trial Mountain against the JGTC cars. I can run better than they can, but they are seriously blocking me on the corners. The real problem is, they frequently go wide and hit the rock walls. MEanwhile, I'm trying to pass to the inside , and they slam into me - which stabilizes them and spins me.

if you want to make the race even more realistic, and possibly less aggrovating, think of real amateur racing (saturday sprint meets, etc) where you're not allowed to pass anywhere but straights

the reason for this is the people on the track are just normal people like you and me and tend to get tunnel vision when they're going their hardest off the street in their own car, not professional race drivers who can be a bit calmer and be aware of cars around them, and have a raceteam budget to repair damage. amateur corner passing would only lead to accidents, so it's just plain not allowed

so perhaps on trial mountain, try keeping a close tail around the twistys with rocks and slipstream up the straights and shoot past? just an idea :)
I'm surprised so many people don't like Seattle, I love it especially the run down the hill, the fast rights then the sharp left then the back straight, man I love that circuit . I've racked up many miles on seattle in both gt 2 & 3, hopefully it will be as enjoyable in GT4. Not so keen on Seattle II.

As for least favourite track it would have to be Rome (both directions) I just don't like it. I do a clean fast (for me anyway) lap and I don't feel like i've really accomplished anything. Perhaps its too narrow. I really hate how they have the curb on the outside of the track just before the main straight.
I dont dislike any tracks. Hard to pick a favourite as well.
The reason test track becomes boring is because you have a car that is way to fast leaving you with not much to think about.
Try the Test track with a car with equal or lesser power to the AI and the effort required to keep the draft and winning the race no longer make it boring. Ive had a couple of very close races at test track doing this and never got drosy.
With SS RII reverse and Seattle try using softer tires than you normally would as the lower level of grip at these tracks makes the softer tires last longer than on most tracks.
i dont like the rome courses. Everything else is great. And i dont even consider the test track a race track... its for testing. And High speed 2 player battles are pretty fun . I cant believe some of u Hate SSRT 11 because it has "too many hairpins?" Bah

I guess it all boils down to what you look for in GT3. I like courses that are easy to make mistakes on because it's more fun to race on. Same thing with flowing courses like apricot hill. I dunno... I dont like blind corners too much, which Rome and 1 or 2 other courses have a lot of.
Cote De Azur... I did that one for the first time last night in the European Championship in Amatuer.... It hurt me so bad to see those crappy cars killing my 1,100hp viper :( well I came in 2nd but the 1st place car killed me.... mainly because on the first lap I got stuck at two places... one being the red thing on the side of the road, I tried to go up over it but found it was like a brickwall and I got stuck and had to reverse..

I kept catching up to the car ahead, only to be killed around the tight turns...

but atleast the track has the best scenery IMO... :P

Test track is annoying but it's not hard atleast...so it's less stressfull...
Test track is fun in 2 player battle. High speed drafting battle!!! :dopey: but singleplayer races on that track suck. I haveint tried it in gt4 yet, but in GT3 i Actually fell asleep once because i'd just done and endurance race and it was 2 in the morning... :crazy: .

Online indurance races are gonna be sick when gt4 goes online, luckily i have a Brother who can do half the laps of those races for me sometimes if if i get bored. Just like in real life jgtc. :)

why the heck arent u guys busy playing gt4? if you dont already own it, is much better than gt3. And if you own a Driving force pro, dont even bother using 900 mode in gt3 because its nothing like 900 mode in gt4. your better off using 200 mode.
I'm gonna get gt4 on my birthday in May...

but I thought it wasn't going to be online? when it came out the creater was on The Screen Savers and they talked about not wanting it online...but there was a unofficial way of playing through your computer and tricking it to think you were on a LAN to play online...
Deep Forest Reverse took me quite a while to get the hang of. One of the more satisfying tracks IMO. The worst would be the Test track if it's even considered a track. If not, I'd have to go with Super Speedway.
Hands down it has to be Test track that I hate the most. Special Stage 11 I just don't like for some reason.. A bit too long and seems "laboured".. I don't really know how to describe it.. I used to dislike Grand valley but after 2 or 3 endurances there I kind of like it..

My easy winner for 'Worst Track' in GT3 is Special Stage Route 11. :yuck:

For some reason i'm faster on this track forwards than i am when it's run backwards. It's all about sight points and me not seeing them so well! :guilty:
I definateley prefered the original Route 11 in GT1 for some crazy reason, i don't know why.

I'm glad a couple of replies in this thread spoke up for poor old miss-understood Test Course, in GT1 and GT2 i kept hoping, one day, for a longer test course and in GT3 we got it. 👍
It's all about slipstreaming for the best fun on Test Course in my view. :)

Oh and by the way, my vote for the all time BEST track in all of GT'doom goes to:
'the ever gorgeous', 'the one and only', Grand Valley. 👍
Such curves, such scenery, forward or backwards, she never failes to impress me!

And yes the AI tries all the time to bump me into the sand traps on Laguna and Apricot. So now i pre-empt the AI's bump with a dab of brake, the AI misses, then i put the AI into the sand trap on the next time around! :sly:
A lot of my time for GT-3 came late at night and it was hard to stay
awake even in a close race (drafting etc) on the test track.
Usually it took me about an hour to memorize a track except the
complex string. My brothers and nephews used to race with me
using the I link. They wanted to use the complex string so that I
wouldn't have the advantage. It did them no good, I had it down cold.
It was fun to race on. The I link was nice, much better than the AI cars.
I enjoy all the tracks from GT-1 through GT-3 with the exception of the