poolioi dont particularly hate it but the test course bores the hell outta me. having said that though i have had some close, memorable races on there with loads of slipstreaming and overtaking
ImprezaAddictthis isnt a very old thread and i just saw it so sorry if its wrong to do it
but i voted for Grand Valley, it sucks and its way too curvy for me
In PD's defense, Laguna Seca does now look somewhat like the actual track and not something PD made on some dumpster through graffiti.supert10They even messed up some of the classic ones like deep forest and
Laguna Seca by makeing them so perfect and slick looking. Ahh well thats life...
frenzalI really dislike Deep Forest II with a passion...its always been my bugbear on MR Beginner and Professional.It took me ages to get a handle on beating it. And SS R11 in the Pro Vitz series...still havent beaten that bastard. Fortunately, i got enough points up by that one to win the series.
And i'm not too fond of Rome Reverse...the first two left handers always give me troubles, and most of the other corners and sweepers just give me the irrits.
Parnelli BoneI'm just thankful Rome SHORT is gone, reversed AND normal. It's not that i hate the track so much as i hated the way the GT2 cars would pile into you/each other in turn 3. Bleah.
Too bad they oiled the track surface before the race, and the lighting makes it totally impossible to see any of the turn-in points or the apexes, and the AI cars always get a huge top speed boost on this track.Parnelli BoneRoute 11 rules. All the hairpins are great places for your car to out corner others, and if you can't do that, you've got a couple straight sections to hopefully kill them with power and/or a good draft. Alot of times, the AI screws up the corners...i've noticed they tend to use too much gas too early, then they hit a wall. If you time your turns correctly, you can therefore get a better jump out of those corners.
frenzalI haven't played GT2...was Rome Short anything like Rome in GT3? Are 1 and 2 worth playing now that i've nearly through GT3? Or is 3 just a rerun of 1 and 2. I probably should have a squizz around, see what feedback is out there on the first 2.
DukeToo bad they oiled the track surface before the race, and the lighting makes it totally impossible to see any of the turn-in points or the apexes, and the AI cars always get a huge top speed boost on this track.
Other than that, it would maybe be OK in the reverse direction.
Parnelli BoneRome short is the same track as the Rome in GT3 except it's cut in half. Instead of making that left turn past the colleseum, just imagine making a sharp (VERY sharp) right turn that puts you on the backstretch. It takes lots of skill to make this turn but even more to do it in a manner that avoids collisions.
Yeah, the first 2 games are worth getting if you don't mind the fact that the graphix are crude. Not sure what you can find in Australia, but you can get either one at any used gaming store nowadays for less than $10 in North America. YOu can still find GT2 brand-new for about $14. Even if you don't like 1 & 2, they're both cheap enough.
GT1 offers the most challenging gameplay (in my opnion), actual qualifying runs, and turbos with actual turbo-lag. It's cool to play gT1 just to see where it all came from, but it has too many Japanese cars (and not enough American and European) so i eventually got bored with it. But every now and then i go back.
GT2 has tons of cars, still has the used car lot, and the gameplay isn't as tough unless you make it tough. Money is the easiest to come by in this game. I've created a website that makes GT2 challenging, by the way, for anyone else who finds it too easy.
If you buy GT2, DON'T get it online. Early versions of the game are extremely buggy (game freezes, black screens, etc) so if i were you i'd just go to my nearby department store if they have an electronics section, and see if they have it new.
I love the car selection in GT2 but the quality, physics, and beauty of GT3 are great as well. GT1 is my least favorite. Haven't bought 4 yet.
SagarisGTBThe fact that SSR11 is even on that poll is offending, SSR11 is godly good.
frenzalThanks for the info. Yeah, it still annoys me about the top heavy percentage of Japanese cars in GT3. So, if GT1 was worse, then i doubt if i'll go there. I'll probably just go straight to GT4. Still on 80%, just working on re-doing different championships and enduro's to pick up different cars i want in GT3.
Regarding the post on Apricot Hill...until i had become a better driver, all the courses with the sand 'off track' areas really gave me the irrits. I didn't have the walls to bounce off and keep me on trackLaguna Seca was another one i just didn't like, any of the really technical tracks. Now i love the challenge of getting the corkscrew right...i get through it ok about 7 times out of 10 now, really only nailed it perfectly about 2 times ever, it was nearly as good as sex those times.
And that last left hander, similar percentages, similar feelings.
Parnelli BoneGT1's American cars: Camaro Z28 (with no Mustang to compete against), Corvette Grand Sport, Corvette C5, Viper GTS, Viper RT/10, and 2 or 3 prize cars like the Dodge Copperhead ("Concept Car").
GT1's Euros: TVR Griffith, Cerbera, and Cerbera LM. A couple Astons.
I think that's it...could be wrong, but i'm almost positive that's all the non-Japanese cars.
Apricot HIll is one of those tracks that looks easier than it is. In GT2, i've done thousands of laps on that course, but (perhaps) just 200 in the reverse direction. i agree...turns 7 and 8 (after the loooong 180 degree right-hander) are really tough because they're blind. That hilly section at Complex String is good practice for this area because you have to approach the top of the hill aiming for something you cna't see yet. Therefore, it's a very intuitive trak.
I have to disagree about the sex comment! Sex is always better! (unless it's really bad skanky sex).
Parnelli BoneApricot HIll is one of those tracks that looks easier than it is. In GT2, i've done thousands of laps on that course, but (perhaps) just 200 in the reverse direction. i agree...turns 7 and 8 (after the loooong 180 degree right-hander) are really tough because they're blind. That hilly section at Complex String is good practice for this area because you have to approach the top of the hill aiming for something you cna't see yet. Therefore, it's a very intuitive trak.
Gr@n_Tur1sm0I voted Trial Mountain as my worst. I really do hate it, backwards and forwards. I can never seem to get a clean line through the tunnel corner.
I also hate parts of Grand Valley. I really hate the the corner leading onto the bridge, and the one through the tunnel. I always seem to understeer everytime!