Worst Track

  • Thread starter Sk8rKiD

Whats the Worst Track???

  • Seattle Circuit

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Rome Circuit

    Votes: 26 8.3%
  • Cote de azur

    Votes: 26 8.3%
  • R 11

    Votes: 65 20.8%
  • Grand Vally

    Votes: 12 3.8%
  • Laguna Seca

    Votes: 14 4.5%
  • Test Course

    Votes: 96 30.7%
  • Tokyo R246

    Votes: 11 3.5%
  • Superspeedway

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Trial Mountain

    Votes: 15 4.8%

  • Total voters
I love them all, the boring test course, the stimulating Cote, the only thing I dont really appreciate is the sunshine on the complex string. Like I dont have enough to do pushing my Vitz rs around that thing without being blinded by the sun...
Originally posted by risingson77

Yeah, I think I preferred the original R11 as well.

That being said, I hate the TEST COURSE with all of my little black heart. I, like vat_man, no longer fear death or losing a race...just end it, somehow, anyhow! :mad: I'll take a frustratingly challenging track (such as R11) any day over the Test Course. A hard track gives you something to figure out. Test Course just makes my hands cramp up.

I don't mind it as much when I cut the game sound and put on some music. :smilewink

I also preferred the original R11 - I think the changes in elevation made it much more interesting, especially when you dropped down under the overpasses, through that ultrafast bus-stop style chicane.

I preferred the old test track from GT1 and 2 - at least if you had the wrong set up there the cars were very scary in the banking - I had some massive crashes after getting involved with lapped cars there. There was always that 'fear' element that's missing from the GT3 test course.
Cote de azur

impossible turns, anyone?
how does the same car i have (without mods) go 120mph around a corner when i can't do 40?!
Running through SSR11's sharp&mid-speed S-Curves(or compromise corners)Is one of the most fun&exillerating experiences for me in Gran Turismo 3:cool: 😈 . That's why I like it so much :D .
i think 246 is overrated.

y do so many have a problem with cote?

i also am not the fan of laguna others are
Originally posted by j2s
Cote de azur

impossible turns, anyone?
how does the same car i have (without mods) go 120mph around a corner when i can't do 40?!

Practice, practice, practice. I was amazed at how much speed I picked up after finding the proper line at Cote d'Azur. Most of the turns like to be taken wide and apexed late.


As for the original Test Course, yeah, it was a hell of a lot shorter. I had a 930 BHP GTO that would burn it down in well under a minute...I loved that car. Great for the big HP race series.
the test course sucks. i dont care about tracks with many turns or tight corners and stuff, at least you can stay awake.
I think that all the tracks are fun in their own kind of way, except Test course as people said previously...

But the track I like the least is Laguna Seca. Most of the other tracks (like SSR11) have walls that, if you get rammed into, will keep you on the track. But if the AI bumps you in a corner on Laguna, well you better get your bucket and your shovel because your are up for some sand castle building. :P

When I drive alone or I am in the lead, Laguna is quite fun and challenging to drive, but because I try to race the tracks with the same cars as the AI, most of the races are very tight and I always get bumped and tossed away on laguna. I don't like to "touch" other cars, but when they send me in the sand and it takes me lots of time to get out, I just forget about the race and start to go backwards to get my revenge on the one who cost me the race....

A nice collision between two cars going 100mph+ one against the other is also nice to watch on the replay...too bad there is no car damage...
Hello. Etchouta, and welcome to GTP! Nice to see someone else who makes long, detailed posts around... Enjoy your stay!

I agree about Laguna and traffic. However, I've been having trouble at Trial Mountain against the JGTC cars. I can run better than they can, but they are seriously blocking me on the corners. The real problem is, they frequently go wide and hit the rock walls. MEanwhile, I'm trying to pass to the inside , and they slam into me - which stabilizes them and spins me.

I'm kind of whishing there was more kitty litter around Trial Mountain so i could get past these bastids...
Cote de azur, seattle, and the test track are the tracks i hate. When i enter a series and see i have to race on them, i just want to turn the PS2 off.
Hello. Etchouta, and welcome to GTP! Nice to see someone else who makes long, detailed posts around... Enjoy your stay!

Thanks for the welcome word. I will enjoy my stay. In fact, I've been enjoying the forum for a while but just decided to register and post yesterday (lazy me) :sleep:

However, I've been having trouble at Trial Mountain against the JGTC cars. I can run better than they can, but they are seriously blocking me on the corners. The real problem is, they frequently go wide and hit the rock walls. MEanwhile, I'm trying to pass to the inside , and they slam into me - which stabilizes them and spins me.

I have to agree with you there. I've been having this kind of trouble as well. Especially because I don't have the same racing line as them in the tight corners (But it's lijke that on almost all the tracks). I always cut on the inside lane to pass them and then we collide....

So I guess that the tracks itself not what really makes us hate that particular track, but the way the other drivers behave towards us in particular situations...So we can like a track in time attack and hate that track with traffic...

But it's only my :2cents:...
i haven't had the displeasure of doing a long race on the test course yet, but i can imagine that one would be the worst.

of the ones i have raced however, i really hate seattle. i dunno why. its so sharp, ugly, and urban. doesn't feel like an race course at all, there's not really any turn on that track i like.

i also have a dislike for apricot. i guess i haven't driven it enough yet, but whenever i drive on apricot i treat it like a rally course =)
worst course for me I think is special Stage R11 or what ever it's called... sharp corners and dark.... a pain in a car that wont turn. Did the enduro race around there in a F1 car i think.
I find that Super Speedway is my worst track, because unlike the Test Track, its short and quick, meaning more laps. Even though 6 laps round SS is the same (or nearly) as a couple of laps round the Test Course, Your only seeing the scenery and track of the TC twice while on SS your going round and round...

I love SS11 and Monte Carlo, simply because I find them most challenging, one of my best experiences on SS11 is the beginner Turbo cup in the '80's RX-7, it took hours for me to finally beat the 3000GT, I kep coming 2nd every time and each small supply of money I recieved made that little more close behind the lead car. Anyway, enough of my GT adventures.
As for Monte Carlo, it is one of the most difficult tracks on the game, but that's what I find most exciting about it, I could take my 400R and do tons and tons of laps round it, finding quicker and quicker ways of tackling the course.

Another 2 of my fave course are Deep Forest II and Tokyo, I find Deep Forest to be an amazing track to watch a replay on, especially when your driving in quite a hard race. As for Tokyo, I love the speed of it, It has its hard corners and quick corners, as well as its giant main straight.

Other than Super Speedway, I have alot of difficulty's getting Trial Mountian's I and II, I seem to hit the craggy walls every time on the corners just before the back straight.

i dont really have a worse track, but the ones i dont really like racing are the test course and super speedway, as they are for the most part just a test of top speed and horsepower. i dont see too much of a skillful challenge in those courses. the road and race tracks i think are fun though. they require a decent amount of skill and course knowledge to really get the most out of them. lol i gotta admit that im not too fond of grand valley myself, but im working on it slowly but surely.
Can't say much about the Test Course, but in one of the more recent TORC series (run by Tosk) the first race was the Arcade Altezza at the SuperSpeedway...that was an extremely close race, and it was interesting watching the replays and seeing what turn-in and braking/lift techniques the top drivers used to knock of that extra .01 second per lap.
I never liked the Rome course, too boring. I would say Test Track, but it serves its purpose well :P
i gotta say...Special Stage Route Sucks ass (pardon my language)...i hate the track...i hav never had a clean lap even when keeping below 70 mph...that track pisses me off
i rarely get knocked off the course in laguna...i usually knock myself off the road

but runners up for most hated track is Test Course...i've honestly fallen asleep on several occasions on the track...HONESTLY

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