Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
Can't seem to find the post you're quoting. Which car is legaCHINE (:sly:) talking about? RUF RGT?

Honda NSX. I think the type R from the Premiums? I dunno which one. I have a GT no stripe and LFA that I'm tuning to combat RGT spammers, too. Can't they just let me get fair wins with my F40?:scared:
I've got a Gallardo LP-570 replica and a 599 GTO replica ready for 550pp.

Gonna start tuning cars for 500pp cheapasaurs. I've got an NSX atleast.

Hot off the press:

Was in a decent varied PP lobby. Won two rally runs on Chamonix and Eiger.

Here goes:

Mistake 1: Switch to Monaco at 900pp. You can see where this is going already.

Mistake 2: Have everyone pull out FGTs, like giving a Caveman a spaceship, people couldn't control this car and were sliding all over the place due to it's massive torque. I managed a second place thanks to our next character.

A cheaptacular A**hat who pulled out a detuned X1, the X1 is so ridiculous it can lap FGTs effortlessly at 900pp. That would've warranted a kick from the tactical GT5 boot of shame so hard he wouldn't be able to sit for one year. The host apparently didn't care :mad:

After that we go to 635 pp, people pull out GT500 race cars mostly as there is a detuned 787B (Not as fast as you would imagine as I caught him easily) and some other guy pulled a cheaptacular car which I didn't even see. It turns into a murder fest as a dude in a Vertigo starts slamming into everyone, it's also lagulous, I finally decide it was enough and left.

Moral of this story: The PP system is broken and it ruins everyone's fun in the end. Good rooms are also ruined by A**hats.
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God, only a read a few posts in this thread and I'm not sure if I'm more infuriated at the massive amount of idiocy online or happy to see that people are fantastic in this forum !! I'm glad to know that there are really decent drivers/persons in this game.

While I cannot think of anything out of the ordinary or that hasn't been reported a billion times in this thread already, I'm just going to share my latest encounter with mediocrity.

So I was in this 450bhp drift room the other day, and while there was a bunch of tools complaining non-stop about the low hp restriction and the fact that they could not use their favorite drift tires (racing ****** softs, of course) it was still okay enough so I stayed. Then comes this guy, a really average at best jdm fanboy in an fc. Common enough right? He writes on the board; Damn, I haven't seen a good drifter here yet, it's very sad.. After insulting the whole room a couple more times, I decided to go spectator and watch him for a bit.

Needless to say, in the two laps I've watched him, he basically exploded 15 times. So I tell him he's nothing special and he shouldn't be saying such things. Of course, he challenges me. Now I'm no pro at drifting, but I definetely hold my own. So I let him lead, he couldn't do more than 4 corners without going off track. He then insults me some more and then, just before pulling out of the room, he tells me that one of my car ( the amemiya asparadrink FD ) his blatantly hacked, because of the idle engine sounds. Facepalm? More like facedesk. Sorry for the novel :P
I'm currently in an HSC/NSX infested room :ouch:

I'm 4th in the line for room host. When I do get the room I'll obviously ban MR cars. I had to pull my own NSX to be able to stand a chance, they're bad drivers though so they can't keep up even in their overpowered Hondas.

They have slipstream on strong :rolleyes:

We went to Daytona Road Course and HSC genius number 2 rear ended me on the second chicane, the one on the backstraight :rolleyes:
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I was in a room with people (I think their kids and had mics). We just mucked around it was all good :). Until we started racing. I dominated the race then they started to penalize me by saying I have to pit every lap for the next race. Next Race was ok. I was still dominating but the conversation got a bit brutal and kept on getting worse until one rage quit. I soon followed due to the conversation.
This is why I haven't been racing online for a while. I've been sticking to just racing against AI and giving myself some random challenges with my cars.
I was in a room with people (I think their kids and had mics). We just mucked around it was all good :). Until we started racing. I dominated the race then they started to penalize me by saying I have to pit every lap for the next race. Next Race was ok. I was still dominating but the conversation got a bit brutal and kept on getting worse until one rage quit. I soon followed due to the conversation.
Well this is a new low for the online community in GT5 :rolleyes:

Damn bundle buyers :grumpy:
I hate how every now and then whenever I'm in a top gear free run room someone starts a random race then 1 person always has to bring out their X1 and cut corners, really annoys me.
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I was in a room with people (I think their kids and had mics). We just mucked around it was all good :). Until we started racing. I dominated the race then they started to penalize me by saying I have to pit every lap for the next race. Next Race was ok. I was still dominating but the conversation got a bit brutal and kept on getting worse until one rage quit. I soon followed due to the conversation.

Wait, you dominated them even if you had to go to pit every lap? Were they really that slow, bad losers? Even B-Spec Bob is faster than them.
They were not only slow but were also trying to take each other out due to the fighting, while I was pulling ahead during the second race (the race where I had to pit every lap).

The first race was clean and I was winning by a bit of a margin and that's where it all began.
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And this here is why I do clean shuffle races with boost on weak. I had a race and the entire pack of 12 cars was completely bunched up all the time on Sarthe. Only reason I won is because the Stratos has OP acceleration in its class.
This just in :lol:

I was in a 530pp room with MR cars (NSXs) banned. I'm trying to take out my frustration so I decide to terrorize everyone in the room.

Host has a cheaptacular E46 CSL, first run is when I pull a C7, everyone out accelerates me, round 2 I pull a tuned R8 4.2, again the acceleration problem and the BMW A**hat problem.

For the last race I write:

Time to fight Cheap with expensive Cheap. I subsequently pull out my detuned LFA (530pp). I outmatch them completely despite only losing 7 pp, even with an E46 in the crowd ;)

So instead of racing I decide to show off, I still dominate until I penalize myself on purpose and a dude in a Z34 passes me (I was actually helping this guy :sly:)

Host and his E46 comes speeding down and divebombs me out of a corner, I decide to end him, so I catch up and divebomb him out of the way :P

He rage quits and kicks me, not before I say :P bye.
Well you rage quit the second race. Someone divebombed me but it backfired as he hit a wall, straight on :lol:.
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Well you rage quit the second race. Jimmy divebombed me but it backfired as he hit a wall, straight on :lol:.
I quit because the R8 had abysmal acceleration.

I think you shouldn't talk about PSN usernames Resh (AUP).
The host was cheating his 530PP rule anyway XD!

I was detuning my Evora for the race and I realise I could run it at 535PP.
My TT was worse but at least I stayed until the end.

Never fought the host would act like that.
The R8 was better in handling, but it's acceleration was abit lacking, probably due to my Gearbox settings.

Oh Resh, of course you can't use an Evora, MR cars were banned.

I should've used the quote from your signature when I pulled my LFA out :P

It is?!


You're not Dan then, you must be called Rufus?
I swear the Evora is FR.

So you noticed the quote :lol:.

Of course it's an MR! /)_-

It's a modern Lotus!!! Last gen Elan be damned.
I should never stare at the spring reactions on my 350Z ever again on the nurburgring. I seriously somehow managed to get dizzy from it.

Oh yeah, and someone decided to drive the opposite way on the track. T_T