Would Gran Turismo 5 have been more complete with American developers?

  • Thread starter NeoXenzaka

Should PD change it's direction and developers ever so slightly?

  • Yes

    Votes: 74 45.7%
  • No

    Votes: 88 54.3%

  • Total voters
If you don't appreciate what GT5 is, then go play your american games.
What's up with the damage pictures? is that how they get your attention?
No one should care about damage unless it is 100% realistic. You crash you are out of the race.
Damage is for kids IMO.
i cant understand why people keep moaning about GT5. If they dont like it dont play it! no one is forcing you yo play the game!

if you want to play a game just so that you can crash the cars then go and play Grid!!
honestly i mean how biased can a poll get?!
Are you crazy?

Can you imagine the handling and the "cool dudes" telling you how "awsome " you are every 30 seconds.

Horrific, it'd be like Dirt 2 after a crate of redbull!:yuck:

I laughed so hard it hurt. :)

But seriously, I have done sw development and managed development teams. The end result is always a combination of the original idea, the budget, the deadlines, the development team, the ability of the team leaders, feedback from focus groups and whatever crazy promises the sales team makes to prospective customers.

So bringing in american developers would probably not have made a bit of difference. Bringing in american management and sales team would have probably produced a totally different game. There is also the chance that it would have created a rift and the whole thing would have been a disaster....
I agree that there should maybe be a few more tracks, and make the older ones better definition.

And I agree there are far too many pointless cars in the game - I would rather there be less cars, but more varied ie. GT cars, LMP cars and Touring cars.

I seriously cant see how in a racing game, there arent more aero parts for the cars, but there are 2 Premium Suzuki Swifts!

I dont agree about damage, a little denting and scratches from rubbing while racing is fine, but im not at all fussed about hugely complex damage, because for a start - I simply dont drive into walls at 150mph very often ... I usually brake.

I do like the idea that the OP put forward about mechanical wear and tear, so you could absolutely rag all your cars, but then you would be constantly repairing them ... compared to someone who say changes up the gears earlier when in the lead etc. to preserve the engine.

Oh, and I voted no :P
So bringing in american developers would probably not have made a bit of difference. Bringing in american management and sales team would have probably produced a totally different game. There is also the chance that it would have created a rift and the whole thing would have been a disaster....
There's a need for definition, "developers" can mean people fitting the job role or it can mean full studios with management and the rest. You should know that sometimes large portions of large software projects can often be handled entirely by outside agencies. This is often the case with engines, networking, web, art, motion capture, and other specialties.

I think by default it would be assumed in OP that "developers" are not freelance American codemonkeys moonlighting for PD.
It would have been different, that's for sure. You can't know for sure what you may have gotten until it's know EXACTLY what was the thinking that went into the current game. We have some insights out of the mouth of Kaz and the biggest one I think is this:

He wanted a "GRAND" Turismo. Bigger is usually not better. Too many ideas and NONE of them brought to it's fullest potential. What the game needs is a director that really knows how to create a....which is another problem? What exactly is GT5? Is it a Driving Simulator? A Car Museum with outstanding Driving Physics? Or is it a racing game? It promotes itself as "The Real Driving Simulator." Well it does that awesome. Are we expecting too much? I for one would like a True Racing Simulator with great Physics, Damage and Competitive racing from the AI. I get two of those from Grid, which actually IS a game about racing.

It is what it is. What we truly need is additional licenses from Sony for other companies to compete with PD to bring us top-notch Driving/Racing Simulators for the Playstation.
I love GT5 as it is. It could be better, but then it would be different.

'Different' scares me because the sum of it's new parts might not create the total game we have now.

OP seems, imo, to border on the trollish. Why choose American developers as a proposition? An American company or one that solely uses American staff?

An American company gave us Forza. I love Forza too but its flaws are also numerous.
Would Gran Turismo 5 have been more complete with American developers?

Not specifically "American developers", but definitely "competent developers". I must admit that I don't regard Polyphony as highly as I have in the past. GT5 is still a good product, but it isn't a great product, and that's a real disappointment. There's other studios that do more in less time, and PD should be ashamed of that.
If Americans are so good doing racing games why is it that they had to give Nascar 2011 to an UK Developer????
Now if you had ask if the game would have turned out better with some euro/american contribuition I would probably agree... but why only americans? what games did they recently do for the PS3? Shift? no UK - F1? no UK - Dirt? no UK - WRC? no Italy Ah I know Midnight Club - No thank you.
And the way you tried to manipulate the poll and still got your a&/% kicked :lol: :lol: :lol:

EDIT: you got Forza for the Xbox so why dont you just stick to it (it seems to be a very good game)
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In order to determine what the best future solution for developing future GT games is, we'd need to know exactly what happened that screwed GT5 up so much.

It is true that games design by American developers generally have different priorities than games designed by European developers or Japanese developers (so, strictly speaking, the repeated anthem of this thread regarding "country of origin is irrelevant" is not really true). But because we don't know why GT5 ended up being the way it is, we can't really lay the blame on the design sensibilities traditionally held by Japanese developers and thus argue that it would be better for developers from different countries to make future installments.

That being said, the arguments in this thread about how "Forza is the American GT, so obviously the OP is wrong" are complete nonsense.
PD is the greatest, period. But it would be better if the work force increase, so we could get some models and tracks developments in shorter time.

Americans are only concerned with profit, 6 month cycle.. ea style... crap! Even Codies are taking this way...
GT in the hands of Americans would be different, but not necessarily better. That would likely be left up to the opinion of individual gamers.
I like the game itself, but there were some seriously odd choices involving cars, tracks and races. I think the problem is that they are trying to sell the game to an international audience from a strictly Japanese perspective. They need some Western influence to help them out with these things. Compare GT5's track list with Shift 2's track list and you'll see what I mean.

That is not to say there haven't been excellent track and car choices. The inclusion of Toscana tarmac and the Jaguar XJ13 are very inspired, for example. There just isn't enough of this stuff. PD needs some fresh pairs of eyes in the development team that are not afraid to question Kaz's preconceptions, and Kaz needs to be more open to what others have to say during planning and development. The more different perspectives there are, the more easily problems are spotted before its too late to change.

GT5 Prologue's cars were made relatively quickly compared to GT5 I think, I would have been happy with 300 or so models of Prologue's quality.
PD is the greatest, period. But it would be better if the work force increase, so we could get some models and tracks developments in shorter time.

Americans are only concerned with profit, 6 month cycle.. ea style... crap! Even Codies are taking this way...
This thread is already enough of a powder keg without people lighting matches and throwing them.
For what it's worth, there are some massive differences in the average business practices between american companies, european companies, japanese companies and austrlia companies. The problem is that implying one to be better is very, very biased, and based solely on your background.

All methods CAN (but not always do) bring in money. All CAN (but not always do) make spectacular games.

GT5 brought in a lot of money, and is generally considered one of the most prominent racers.

Could things be improved? Sure. More appeal in other countries would be great, though as in all things the home country always wins out. For example, look at both game's interpretation of V8 Supercars. No tracks from the series in either game and neither of them has a V8 Supercar with a fully working interior (or has that finally been patched out?). Neither sound right, and the differences between each of the cars is...nothing.

Should PD change in order to adapt to the current gen consoles? Yes, a team that small working on a project that large is unreasonable for a producer. A team that small working on a project that will undoubtedly pull hundreds of millions in profit, with all development paid for by a previous release is bloody disgraceful for a manager.

There's no excuse to not hire another hundred of the best animators and artists. Absolutely none, and to pretend otherwise is as foolish and arrogant as asserting the Playstation Network's former security as unbreakable.
This thread has been reported for various reasons. Some, valid (the numerous comments seemingly made with no intentions other than winding other members up), some not so much (members not agreeing with the OP).

I've edited the poll to be simply Yes or No, without the very biased side-notes. A reasonable discussion about this can take place... actually, in fact, it's come up before, and I personally don't see much of a difference with this thread. Perhaps they should just be merged.

Hurling insults, or broad stereotypes, will not end well for the discussion.
There's a need for definition, "developers" can mean people fitting the job role or it can mean full studios with management and the rest. You should know that sometimes large portions of large software projects can often be handled entirely by outside agencies. This is often the case with engines, networking, web, art, motion capture, and other specialties.

I think by default it would be assumed in OP that "developers" are not freelance American codemonkeys moonlighting for PD.

You know what they say: "When you assume..." :sly:

But let's say we go by your definition. Budget, deadlines, Sales promises, focus groups and external factors still play a role just as important as the developers. You can't say different developers would have made a game without ANY of the perceived flaws. Why? Because you don't know WHY those flaws are there. For all you know PD run out of money, or Kaz was being a diva and scrapped the code 10 times, or there was a "stop work" action by the security staff and nobody could get in to work for months, or they got hacked by industrial spies and spent a lot of time working out what to do next (change the game or keep going and hope someone else doesn't beat us to the market with the exact same game). Or it could be that they did TWO physics engines each with pros and cons and one day Kaz played "this piggie went to market" to decide which one to use.

Putting it all on the developer's shoulders is simplistic.