Would Gran Turismo 5 have been more complete with American developers?

  • Thread starter NeoXenzaka

Should PD change it's direction and developers ever so slightly?

  • Yes

    Votes: 74 45.7%
  • No

    Votes: 88 54.3%

  • Total voters
I think Codemasters would be the best developer for a Gran Turismo game.
I still can't decide if GT5 or GRID are better games. I keep switching between them, but GRID seems to be a lot more fun.
PD just needs to have more people working in this game , this 150 staff at PD it´s really the problem right now in my opinion . Turn10 have alot more working on their games , something like 300 people .
-> In addition to the post I made earlier PD should subsidize itself on vehicle/track research based on countries that are significant to the automotive culture:

- North America
- Central & South America
- Australian/Oceania
- ASEAN & Mid-East
- Japan/Korea
- East Europe (Italy, Germany, Austria, etc.)
- West Europe (UK, France, Spain, etc.)

^ Each of these countries represent each of their own specialized vehicles and tracks that should give emphasis to PD.

-> PD should stop being arrogant and get some help from a company that deserves to be in part with the PD team. And that doesn't stop with game development, but also in Vehicle and Race Track research. In the long run, there will be no 'biased' game.
They set the bar too high with gt5 prologue IMO, GTHD would have been a better direction (less overall detail but all cars to the same level) and it still feels like there are allot of missing career aspects but the lingering seasonals are helping this greatly, although I still greatly enjoy the game and its still my favourite.
-> PD should go back to the basics of GT1 & GT2 menu options IMHO.

-> All these glitzy menu features/animations (that started in GT3) are just a waste of development time. Photomode is ok, thou (for those Photo fans).
-> In addition to the post I made earlier PD should subsidize itself on vehicle/track research based on countries that are significant to the automotive culture:

- North America
- Central & South America
- Australian/Oceania
- ASEAN & Mid-East
- Japan/Korea
- East Europe (Italy, Germany, Austria, etc.)
- West Europe (UK, France, Spain, etc.)


Errrm.. I am pretty sure that most Italians, Germans and Austrians would object to being Eastern Europeans :)

By your definition, where would i.e. Poland belong to? Asia? :sly:
^ I was implying the density of these cars/tracks represent by region, not in geographic in nature. ;)
I think Codemasters would be the best developer for a Gran Turismo game.
I still can't decide if GT5 or GRID are better games. I keep switching between them, but GRID seems to be a lot more fun.
I really liked Grid and Dirt, but Codemasters ruined the Dirt series by making it more Amarican (focussing on the US market). If oldskool rally isn't good enough for them, what would they do with the "clean and boring" tracks in GT5? All the slow(er) events will be taken out...
Grid was also awesome, but very arcade. The cars drove ok, though not realistic.
Damagemodels in Grid/Dirt? Ok, a lot of damage, but also not very realistic.

Let PD make GT
Let Codemasters make Grid/Dirt
This way the competition between those two continues and the keep making better and better products :)
*Maybe they should make one game together, just to see what comes out...*
This thread has been reported for various reasons. Some, valid (the numerous comments seemingly made with no intentions other than winding other members up), some not so much (members not agreeing with the OP).

I've edited the poll to be simply Yes or No, without the very biased side-notes. A reasonable discussion about this can take place... actually, in fact, it's come up before, and I personally don't see much of a difference with this thread. Perhaps they should just be merged.

Hurling insults, or broad stereotypes, will not end well for the discussion.

I see.
You guys talk about these games as if they were public properties. These are private corporations with private money, producing private IP...doing what they want in order to make money. Whats the point of all this discussion? None of it means anything.

So many ideas of how to make games unbiased and yada yada yada...you can't please everyone all the time. Get over it.
You guys talk about these games as if they were public properties. These are private corporations with private money, producing private IP...doing what they want in order to make money. Whats the point of all this discussion? None of it means anything.

So many ideas of how to make games unbiased and yada yada yada...you can't please everyone all the time. Get over it.

Sorry but isn't that one of the reasons of a forum. For people to discuss the pro's and con's?
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Because Americans make things better by definition? Think this has hardly anything to do with nationality, another Japanese team would've made different decisions too.
Spot on. Too many Americans live so insularly that questions/topics like this can be made with complete sincerity. A reflection of American Exceptionalism. Utter nonsense.
lol. It has nothing to do with nationality. GT5 is great game but they made some wrong decisions in dev and also tried too many things. Now they probably know what to do and how to improve it with their next game.
You guys talk about these games as if they were public properties. These are private corporations with private money, producing private IP...doing what they want in order to make money. Whats the point of all this discussion? None of it means anything.

So many ideas of how to make games unbiased and yada yada yada...you can't please everyone all the time. Get over it.
Might as well shut down the entire forum then, by this logic.

Spot on. Too many Americans live so insularly that questions/topics like this can be made with complete sincerity. A reflection of American Exceptionalism. Utter nonsense.
Again: Matches. Powder keg.

Regardless of whatever biases the OP contained, entering into the topic strictly to talk about them (ironically doing so in broad, stereotypical terms) rather than the main point contained in the OP isn't going to accomplish anything but derailing the topic into a flame war.
I think PD did a lot of things great like attention to small detail, but I also think they got lost in perspective and tried to branch out in too many directions. Kaz would be a great lead developer but as I understand it he handles pretty much everything at PD, while that allows him to micromanage his vision the way he may want to, it doesn't create an environment with realistic milestones and scheduling. PD is like the collective essence of corporate procrastination.
...derailing the topic into a flame war.[/color][/b][/font]
Not my intention, but I hear what you are saying. The original post rubbed me the wrong way for the reasons I stated, but I guess moving on to other threads is the wiser path. Message received....
I think what the pd developers really needed are people who go around forums and ask them about what they want. That way instead of just adding the auto company with 2 cars they can go down to the specifics and add certain cars from the company.

They could also do this to decide what to get for DLC.
I found it a little strange they couldn't even properly represent the JDM market. One example, no premium AE86 is a big oversight in my opinion, i had a huge facepalm when i booted up GT5 for the first time and noticed this.

I think a little creative control needs to be taken away from Kaz, while GT5 is amazing in a lot of aspects (and not so in others) i can't help feeling with all the new ambitious features Kaz has been hinting at for a new GT he will be spreading the franchise thin
What would be incredible, but will probably never happen is something like Need for Speed or Burnout but with GT5 physics.:drool::dopey: Imagine those cop races.
Well, had it been done by American developers. We would have had to pay for 5 dlc packs to get what we currently have now. Also, would've been fun for about 3 days.
Well, had it been done by American developers. We would have had to pay for 5 dlc packs to get what we currently have now. Also, would've been fun for about 3 days.
Yes. Because if there is one thing GT5 has been constantly praised for, it is longevity.

Not my intention, but I hear what you are saying. The original post rubbed me the wrong way for the reasons I stated, but I guess moving on to other threads is the wiser path. Message received....
My apologies if my post came off as accusatory. I've just seen far too many topics on this site with similar ideas go on wide, hate-filled tangents fueled by xenophobia and misplaced nationalism because someone made an offhand remark that someone else took far too personally.
Are you crazy?

Can you imagine the handling and the "cool dudes" telling you how "awsome " you are every 30 seconds.

Horrific, it'd be like Dirt 2 after a crate of redbull!:yuck:

This is funny, because the game with UK Devs (Dirt 2) has American narratives and the game with U.S Devs (Forza 3) has a Posh U.K Narrative.

Go Figure lol
Yes. Because if there is one thing GT5 has been constantly praised for, it is longevity.

Well there ARE some games in the competing market, by American developers, with even more longevity than GT5. I won't say any names but the differences in number of events and type of events is quite blatant. I would have to say the only factor that keeps me involved with GT5, having completed all the events barring some of the enduros so far, is looking for new cars. The actual racing aspect is barely kept alive by the seasonals as the majority of actual events are much too limited and short.
I'm not going to read 5 pages worth of comments, so maybe I'm being redundant. To me, the biggest issue was Kaz and the fact that he was given full support and a seemingly unlimited budget without a deadline by Sony. If this is developed outside of the Sony realm, this game would have been done in 2-3 years tops and would likely be better.
-> ...
I found it a little strange they couldn't even properly represent the JDM market. One example, no premium AE86 is a big oversight in my opinion, i had a huge facepalm when i booted up GT5 for the first time and noticed this.
^ You can add the AE86 Coupe, the kouki-spec and that monotone color option. ;)
Spot on. Too many Americans live so insularly that questions/topics like this can be made with complete sincerity. A reflection of American Exceptionalism. Utter nonsense.
Don't be coy, most anyone can describe differences between Japanese culture [and products] and American culture [and products].

The software industry is dominated by the American and Japanese markets, so they're often compared when discussing software and video games, so much so that the "RPG" genre has branched into WRPG (western) and JRPG (Japanese).

Japan used to be on top in the 90's, at least as far as games,; but in the last 10 years America has really stepped up the game when it comes to software engineering. You're entitled to your opinions, but Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon and thousands of independent developers prove my point. The game market uses the same talent pool. I can't be sure, but I bet our game software exports are more than Japan's even with Nintendo, and it's probably a landslide if you include the UK and just call it "Western developers."
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Well there ARE some games in the competing market, by American developers, with even more longevity than GT5. I won't say any names but the differences in number of events and type of events is quite blatant. I would have to say the only factor that keeps me involved with GT5, having completed all the events barring some of the enduros so far, is looking for new cars. The actual racing aspect is barely kept alive by the seasonals as the majority of actual events are much too limited and short.

I think it was sarcasm :sly: