Would someone be so kind as to explain how handbrakes work to me, please?

Clinton Ducks

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
I’m of course talking about USB handbrake peripherals lol

I have a Logitech G27, with the shifter- but it seems Logitech didn’t make a handbrake to go with it. I spy a few online, which have USB leads coming out of them. So I want to know how all this works, really. I’m currently on PS3, PS4 and PC and the various sim/simcade games on these platforms. Particularly on the PlayStations, do you just plug these handbrakes into a spare usb port, and the Playstation automatically ‘knows’ what to do with it, button mapping wise? Do these handbrakes ‘communicate’ with the Logitech to avoid conflicts?

Sorry to be a pest! Cheers
You can't use a usb handbrake on console, they have to be plugged in to the wheelbase for it to work. I don't know if it's possible with DriveHub however, maybe someone can answer that for you.
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Oh that’s interesting to know, thanks. Some of these handbrakes I’ve seen on Amazon and Ebay do claim console/G27 compatibility!

I actually do have a Drivehub on the way, coming from the US to me in the UK so won’t be for another week at least. I guess I can find out for myself when it arrives, apparently Cronus do have pretty good sales support
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